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For further information, please consider purchasing the Assassin’s Creed games, which are being developed by Ubisoft. There may be some similarities here to the ideas and names found in Ubisoft’s “Assassin’s Creed” franchise.  This blog is based on the ideas and concepts behind the game series. We would like to thank the developers at Ubisoft for this brilliant game series.

1,711 replies on “Contact”

I wanted to thank everyone at Abstergo for doing such good progress recently regarding the projects involving our dearest volunteers who were so devoted in what they did best as their efforts won’t go unnoticed by the majority in the future.

We’re very pleased

Hey there music connoisseurs, this is your trusted dealer of soundtracks – “MerklerkManitee”! I’m here to raise awareness about the incredible world of artificial schizophrenia. Please be part of to our nonstop YouTube audio channel, your top-choice destination for a never-ending dose of artificial schizophrenia experiences. Explore further at !

Greetings brother or sister I have been amazed by the order of the Templar’s and assassin’s brotherhood as I played almost all existing games of assassin’s creed I saw good assassin’s and the bad assassin’s. I also saw the good Templar’s and the bad I know that assassin’s were once known as the hidden ones and the Templar’s were once known as the order of the ancients and cult of cosmos but after the order of the ancients were distorted by evar and the hidden ones help but also the king who was the leader of the order and have created the Templar’s order somehow or some one else and you may already know the rest of the it Ubisoft and the people who made the games have open my eyes to some questions I want to ask to god and if you want to answer some questions as well I would be interested in your story the world has forgotten so much about the truth and the only one that knows is god and all of you I want to see if I have some contaction to someone important in the history and if abstergo can give me some power and training from all of the great fighters and a DNA from one of the isu I could use the pieces of eden I would become an ultimate weapon for the Templar’s and I would become an isu but that is up to you all sand a meeting location in oak ridge TN if you want to talk I’ll be waiting for the contact information have a great day.✝️😇


Do you have a quick moment to talk about some observations I’ve made on There’s a few slight strategy redirects where I think a tremendouse difference could be made.

Would you be open to having my consultants briefly get in touch? They can show examples of their work, in addition to composing a detailed report to illustrate their points.

I’d just need to know the best time this week to reach out, as well as the best line to connect.

Please let me know your thoughts,

Tyler Mcintyre

I would love to see it and I have some ideas as well in oak ridge TN sand a location but it has to be in oak ridge TN say the password of the Templar’s order and I will say in the light of the cross for the order we are one with his faithful children.

Hello. It is. I went into one, and it almost crashed my mind. It’s less clear than the game, but you have all these weird memories flowing through your head afterward, so you need to maintain a clear and sane mind before going in.

this is true, should an unclear mind enter the Animus, that mind will be trapped in the Animus intertwining memories of past and present, maddening the subject. this can be seen in subject 13’s file, which is supposed to be classified, but the assassins managed to bring it to the public eye.
may the farther of understanding guide you.

Hy.I wana ask if I can volunteer myself to find about my ancestors and myself maybe.I belive in past lives thats why i got married whit a filipina but I feel inside me coz is not the one and still Im searching for her. I have that feeling shes somewhere in Peru and something is Actracting me there. Also Many peoples told me I have a bright White aura.I really wish to find about my ancestors past coz like this I can find also about myself. Who knows may be something big.Also many elders told me that Im special and there is my special one waiting for me and I will know and fell when il will find her but I dont know where to exactly,is just That feeling that is in Peru and I belong there from past lives. Please help me find myself,who I am and from where Im coming coz il do everything to find that even if is the last thing I will do. Happy New Year also And please reply.

I absolutely enjoyed the progress Abstergo has made lately. I preciously sent an email stating my past attempts of hacking Abstergo for many years. I would like to personally confront the good hard working people I may have caused distractions for.I owe them a personal apology.

Abstergo you are a disgrace to the entire world. in my view point the assassins are the who are going to destroy you. i will never join your team,you evil hell spawn. when someone finds out about you and try’s to spread the word,you pretty much kill them just to protect your secrets. your company is nothing than a bunch of murderous tyrants who want to control the world and force their selfish views on to innocent people. you think that you are doing good work for the greater good of mankind but you are dead wrong and deserve to burn in the flames of inferno for all eternity

It upsets us that you would think so badly of us. We are nothing of what you imagine us to be. We have helped so many people and still do. You are always welcome to come and see Abstergo for yourself without the need to join. We have always been open to the public and we still are. It is sometimes best to believe what your eyes can show you than what your ears can tell you.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

we work in the dark, to serve the light….we are assassins …..Abstergo is a templar company having masons and more templars around the world to support your company

Hello Jax,

Templars and free-masons do not go together (back in the time of Templar’s the church would refuse to acknowledge any member that has joined the free masonry; meaning that the real Templars cannot be of both. The new reformed free masonry has Templar at the top status as a want of keeping the ideologies alive and remembrance for those who were denied). These factions are no more in our times today.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

You contradict yourself…

“The Assassins are a cruel and terrible coven, they speak only the language of death!”

The Assassins are the ultimate killing machines but Abstergo Agents are many! The Assassins represent chaos, Abstergo represent order. Every Assassin must be dead in order to bring order to the chaos. Without Abstergo’s intervention humanity is doomed, Abstergo is the salvation of humanity!

May the father of understanding guide us all!

Abstergo Agent

We at Abstergo believe that the light of knowledge can be shared with the assassins to remove their ignorance on their way of life. Many assassins were able to see the error in their ways and repented by either joining Abstergo and/or living an assassin free life. It is not to late for the rest; there need not be killing or bloodshed.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

I love AC4 but I hate the Abstergo service so much. I lost 400 points due to disconnection in games alone in about a day. I hate you guys and I hope Abstergo burns in Hell..

We apologize that you have received a bad experience and we understand your anger. Ubisoft Support may be able to help you more than we can (please see the FAQs for more details).

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Hi, I was wondering if you could put me in touch with the person in charge of advertising for your business. I would like to send over an email with my proposal for economical flyer marketing delivered throughout Ontario via the postoffice.

Thank you


Hi, i sent you guys a text through the mail thingy, my friend told me about you guys nd she told me more facts about you,Either way, I’m curious about a job interview at abstergo, when I was younger I got hold of an assasin order (a Facebook page) that was false and was grumpy, either way im curious about more info about you guys

I have received your message. It was rather interesting to say the least. I’ll have my assistant contact you soon.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Unfortunately my division’s internal communication system is down. We will not be able to contact you. But all you need to know is on our FAQs page.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

ok im done with this game. What is the focus? Assassins? What kind of an assassin would rather punch their follower in the face instead of kill them. Ive noticed that sometimes you can take everyone on at once but its bs because i always get some stupid contesting crap. Also whats up with these stupid smoke bombs and this other tool. I can still see everyone clearly. Why arent they dead you ask, idk my x buttom seems to be broken. I also have been killed through the wall and sometimes i kill civilians because i thought that targeting would automatically lock on to who i thought it was for some reason idk. In other words ill probably play this game one more time. I Only have fun in this stupid game when im being chased by their whole team and i just run circles around them but then i just get hit with a dart because they know they cant catch me. and thats a fact

Try playing with a friend or streaming (or even both), that may help to make things more interesting and/or fun. We apologies that you are going through an unpleasant experience.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Now ive been relating most of my recent coments on relations with the people i meet in life. Now i tell you one thing, life is the perfect game and im in tune to many voices. Im done with xbox, its a bored game to me now.

I stood on top of a building with another assassin and i thought i had an understanding with this person but i guess not. This cunning individual hopped off the building then without another thought climbed back on and killed me. what a creative setup, i think i dont even want to try for the top anymore.

I dont like this 2game anymore, im losing points Because of my team. Why dont you see all my contestings or how long i last or if i steal the artifact at last minute, people are still tak3ing advantage of respawn. And why cant i kill 6two people i always have to chooe who i kill, when there buddy ju9st kills me then. This is assassins creed right? H4as an assassin ever had two or more targets? You can contact my8 phone at ### #### if your interested in conve9rsation.

This is the page if you wish to contact us by. Please read the FAQs page first before contacting us.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Most people quit their weight loss venture mid way.
In order to purge to excess fat from your body,
you must eat a balanced diet with the right proportion of calories.
It’s all about healthy eating habits (no fast food orr processed food), getting up and moving around to get yur
heart pumping faster, toning muscles and last but not least, loosing weight gradually at
a healthy pace and looking too make long term lifestyle

After I originally commented I appear to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now
on every time a comment is added I get four emails with the exact same comment.
Perhaps there is a means you are able to remove me from that service?


We apologize that you are going through this problem. Your case seems very odd yet we will try to help you with it if we can. I will send a copy of what you posted and this reply to my director and hopefully we will be able to find a solution.

This system of notifications is provided by a separate entity and not us, that is why I do not believe we are able to access these settings. From our side there does not seem to be any options that link to that setting. Nevertheless, I will still forward your problem.

Thank you,

Abstergo | Live Better


(Tigra lies in her bed staring up at the ceiling. A light knock on her door sounds)
“Tigra? Can I come in?”
“CBF! Yeah, it’s okay, come in.”
(CBF steps in, soaking from the rain outside. Tigra sits up.)
“How’s the search going?”
(Tigra looks at him, brushing jet-black hair behind her ear to reveal three jagged scars over her left eye.)
“Same as last time. Sebastos is back, though. That counts as something.”
(CBF stiffens, remembering his little incident with some party supplies.)
(The two silence for a moment.)
“Forget me, how are you doing?”
“Come on, there has to be more than ‘good!'”
(A timid knock sounds at the door. Tigra’s mom pokes her head in.)
“Come on, dinner’s on the table.”
(Tigra’s mom leaves.)
“Well, looks like mom’s getting ready to eat. See you tomarrow!”
. . .
(Tigra jerks around as a man in a black bandanna holds a knife to her throat. Black-bandanna sneers to his partner, whose face is concealed by a hood. A hidden blade slides out from his sleeve with a soft ‘chk’ sound.)
(Tigra jolts awake in a cold sweat.)
“Huh, huh, god…”
(She glances out the window, taking in the street and pitch black sky.)
“I’m a thinker. An irrationalist. I am a scientist who does not believe in silly myths and legends. But something tells me something sinister is brewing in this starry night.”
(Her head drops to her pillow.)
“And I don’t like it.”


Hey Tigra,

I asked an associate of mine to contact you in regards of your submission but the e-mail you provided seems to be invalid for some reason. If you would like, send us another submission with another e-mail for us to contact you through it and receive your work. Please do not post your e-mail in a comment for confidentiality reasons.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Oh… Yeah, i forgot to tell you. thats my school Email, I cant use anything else. that makes it so I can’t get any messages outside the school boundaries. I dont’t have another, so I used that one. Sorry for the inconvenience. You can’t send me anything aside from this on this website. Besides, I. Have rethought my decision on posting that picture. It seems to be too much of a hassle. I can’t use my parent’s, either. I doubt they would appreciate some stranger sending them messages meant me. (no disrespect or offence intended.)

All criticisms and lectures are openly accepted. Feel free to ask any questions concerning the email, although my real name and personal life will always stay under wraps for safety reasons.


(Tigra sits in her research office at Abstergo)
“Miss Kenway,”
(Tigra whirls around in her swivel chair and looks at the woman)
“You have a visitor.”
(She ushers a girl inside the office; Tigra blinks in surprise)l
“Sarah? What are you doing here?”
“We need to talk”
(Tigra follows Sarah into a level 3 security room)
“Remember your dream last night?”
“How can I forget?”
“Well, EDUR1TO is coming for you.)
“How do you know this?”
(Sarah glares at her older sister)
“Did you forget that I’m an assassin?”
(Tigra flinches remembering how she got her scars)
“Ye… Yeah. Why?”
“Get to a safe spot.”


Please post such comments in the “Role-Play” Page and not on this page.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Please do know that security and safety of all of our visitors is one of Abstergo’s top priority.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

As you wish. Usually people who submit their works uploaded them to a public site and send us the URL and we deal with downloading the work and posting it.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

This design is wicked! You most certainly know how to
keep a reader amused. Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to start my own blog (well, almost…HaHa!) Wonderful job.

I really enjoyed what you had to say, and more than that, how you presented it.
Too cool!

Hello Dear Role-Players!

I would like to request of you to continue your Role-Playing on our new dedicated page “Role Play”, you may find it at the navigation bar above or simply through this link here

R4 and myself will be waiting for you over there to continue the stories :)

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

What or whom R4 maybe is a highly classified Abstergo secret that only the highest of the highest have very limited knowledge of. R4 is a highly classified topic at Abstergo.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

So we cannot know if R4 is a person,a group,or a computer,right?

Lawrence|Learn.Expose.Fight(unofficial project supervisor and overseer)[for those that don’t know me]

R4 is a close friend of mine, and is one of the mysteries of Abstergo because R4 wants to be a mystery. There are a very very small selective people that know about the real R4.

As R4 would always say; Help us. Help you. Help the World.

Hopefully R4 too will be returning soon.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

*Checks screen again*
What the hell? Summanus?
*Sensors pick up a familiar figure outside, and Sebastos turns on the outdoor P/A*
Grey! Check in to the top floor, left wing, door seven. It’ll let you in when it sees you. I have coffee!

huh/ sebastos? am i finally ot of there? no… its just another illusion… *stumbles before falling over, weakly attempts to get up*

Grey I hope you are alright. I have dispatched medic teams to retrieve and help you on the way. Do not worry, everything will be fine soon.

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

{A drunken man walks into a penthouse, head down, and hood off. Swaggering slightly, he sips from a bottle of rum, before placing it on a counter next to the bar. Rubbing his temples, he groans slightly, then slams his fist down on the countertop, “Damnit Sephiras!! Why did you, just why did… Wh…” He groans again, head pounding, then passes out and falls over, knocking over a barstool on the way down, and scratching the hardwood with various belts buckles and metal pieces on his suit.}

{Meanwhile in an undisclosed location, a man with white hair sits bloodied and beaten, strapped in a cement chair which is drilled to the floor. He looks up, and when he does, he sees his tormentor.
“Another day, another beating.”}

*Snaps awake, jolting up on the floor, then reaches for his phone, dials Dean’s number, and waits for the ringer.*
“Hey Dean, what have you been doing with Ms.Chyl these past few weeks exactly?”
-“Wait, rewind, so you called me at two thirty-seven in the morning to ask what her training regime is? How does this tie in with anything you’ve been doing?”
“It just does. *Sighs* You see when Sephiras went to meet up with that girl hey put a sticky note on about a month ago, she lured him somewhere, and now he’s missing. Chyl used to be an Erudito agent right?”
-“Her name is Kathryne you know, and yes but how does that have anything to do with anything?!”
“So I’m wondering if she’s told you anything or any strange occurrences have happened. Or if she knows anything about the person gone missing with him, AKA the girl.”
-“I’ll check, but do we have any names or anything? Can’t work on nothing here.”
“Monique. Monique Belle. I doubt it’s her real name, but that’s all I got.”
-“Okay I’ll see what she knows, but don’t expect her to solve your problems. She’s still kinda resentful to the finger accident. Now GET SOME SLEEP!!”
“Thanks Dean.”
*Hangs up the phone, then gets up, walks a few steps and vomits.*
I hate alcohol…
*Moving over to his laptop, he send s a message to Caitlin, who is currently hanging from rafters.

Code level:SephirasSearch
Access code: ***********
Hey Caitlin I have Dean asking Chyl if she knows anything.
We currently have a name, which is Monique Belle. Nothing else, Can you work on that in some spare time? Thx.

{Caitlin swings upright, moving to lie along the wide rafter, chin in hand. Her laptop screen lights up her face as she opens up a custom search program and enters in the names given to her, setting them to run in the background.

Everything is minimised as she opens up video feeds and blueprints for some nondescript facility, taking in what information she needs to figure out her trip.

A paper airplane is thrown down at Sebastos, a small note scribbled on it in a messy hand. “Hey Seb, I’ll be back soon. Don’t go to the Erudito place till I’m back. Laptop will *ding* with results, feel free to look”.

As he looks up, she walks into the shadows near the wall, seemingly disappearing into the solid stone.


An hour or so later finds Sebastos sitting in the same rafters, staring at the laptops screen, slowly reading through the results. As he moves the mouse to expand on a hit, the screen freezes and begins to fill with text. The thunder in the background of the night seems to grow louder as he reads.}



No no, you completely do not understand. What you said in that second sentence, made you sound like you don’t want us to have private lives off the website communicating to eachother. Communicating in other games, websites, or voice programs that have nothing to do with this forum. And I KNOW that’s what you meant. So please, suck us in with no doors to leave with one another when we don’t want to RP. Maybe we want to get to know the person behind the brilliant character they play as. Maybe we want to actually be friends with the person behind the mask. And if they were true to this RP on here, they wouldn’t Double-Feed. Definition of Double-Feed: “Use of information given Out of character, In character, there by breaking the universe wall in which Roleplay, and reality is seperated.” Do you really think someone who is into this RP do that?
Please, I want to hear some answers.

That is not what I meant. You may not be doing this on purpose but you are adding words to what I am saying that I did not say.

The simplest way I can put what I meant is this; it sounded that you wanted to take the story that started here and continue it on Skype (I said nothing about other fan-sites or forums) and that would increase the chances that you may forget about updating the story here which may result in a big mess for fans that may be following it. If you read carefully, I mentioned more than once that it was under the assumption that you guys are role-playing the same story and continuing it on Skype and there was no assumption taken into consideration about it just getting to know one another. Even more, I encouraged your idea of getting to know one another to prove to you that I do not have a problem with that concept regardless to the fact that meeting some of us (me included) is close to impossible either due to location or personal reasons.

I do not know how to simplify it more than that.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

I apologize then, I did not understand at all… I’m sorry for the way I acted on the matter. Hopefully I can be forgiven for that. And I’m sorry for getting mad and over re-acting.

We thank you for your apology, all that we want is our readers and commenters to have fun and enjoy themselves. We understand that there has been miss-communication and we are glad it is all resolved now. We look forward to reading more of your posts :)

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Uh Mountains out of molehills* Otto.
Although he did say Anonymity, and I like very much to keep mine.
Not that I don’t want to share about me, just my personal preference.

((Caitlin says: I cant get on the website due to other problems, but Otto, please let me explain. We want to talk out of character somewhere else so that we can become true friends. We have been on here for two years now, and have made many good connections. That is all we are doing. And truly, feel free to contact me on Skype or privately. We only RP on this site, anything else is our private lives. I am happy you have let us continue this for so long, and I hope to continue into the future. Regards, Head of Research, Caitlin))

((I Decline Le Skype. I have many secrets best left undivulged about these characters and this site, and to be truthful, I see no need to “behind the scenes” on this. Anything needed to be said can be double bracketed. Sorry guys.))

Yeah the distance thing bothers me as well. Maybe one day, we can all plan to visit the same country and get to meet each other face to face :D

We can then have an event or something and call up our fans to the website that are in the area to come and meet us and we’ll have a grand celebration.

It is currently a plan we may be considering but we may be able to work something out in the future.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

I oppose to this website then, if you don’t want to be friends off this forum, then you’re no better than anyone sucked into this, goodbye, I will not be returning until I get explanations to why you wish to target our lives only here. True friends, guess not. Goodbye.

Okay. Bye. I never had any ambitions to meet up with anyone I met on this website just so you know. It’s a Role play website, so I will do just that. Role Playing doesn’t mean you have to meet up with people and really get to know them. In fact people role play to be something they’re not, and that’s the fun in it. Meet up to RP, then go on with your life and come back later. Done and done. At least that’s my opinion.

That actually makes a lot of sense. I’m going to go with that point of view in this conversation. Not that any of us are friends even in RP…

Dean, you are making a mountain out of a mole hill here. You are opposing the website under the conception that you claim that friends cannot be made on this forum and that we suck people into this forum; all of that and even after I mentioned more than once that we are doing this so people can meet other people and have fun and can stay anonymous if they want to. When personal information is shared yes we try to remove it because we do not want to be held responsible if random strangers start to contact that person because their information appeared on our webpage.

I cannot believe that you would even consider to measure “true friendship” though a scenario as given. I was actually disappointed to read that comment to be honest with you; those accusation were faulty and without any back-up and the way you handled it could have been better. Do not get this the wrong way but did you read the entire long comment that I posted earlier?

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

And I…

*with a few quick moves, Dean and Katherine are thrown to the floor, hands bound behind their backs, and completely disarmed*

Am equal to Grey, if not better in some areas. And we trained together.

Now sit. Stay. Calm the hell down. Else I will drag you two to the cells and leave you there. I am sick of this immaturity, and you call yourselves true Agents? I don’t care if you’re Assassin or Templar, but you’re in my base now. So shut up and stop judging the people who could help you.

((*kicks you both in the crotch* I hate you both so freaking much right now. Sebastos, go make a Skype account and friend me l, cirquedualice, so we can all chat))

((I tried pointing that out on Skype, but apparently the door was looked, and even we couldn’t get outside, which is confusing as hell. It would mean none of this took place.))

I urge you guys not to do that. Please try to keep all connections public here on this website so fans can enjoy and join in. Furthermore, when this conversation is here, we have evidence if anything goes bad; we cannot attempt to solve any issues if you use other means.

Most importantly, we are not responsible to what happens to you or to your information on third-party software such as Skype and/or the chat room.

Please note that we may be planning to create perhaps a global gathering but that is for the future to come. I am pretty sure John informed you about all of this earlier.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

((Caitlin says: I cant get on the website due to other problems, but Otto, please let me explain. We want to talk out of character somewhere else so that we can become true friends. We have been on here for two years now, and have made many good connections. That is all we are doing. And truly, feel free to contact me on Skype or privately. We only RP on this site, anything else is our provate lives. I am happy you have let us continue this for so long, and I hope to continue into the future. Regards, Head of Research, Caitlin))

((I’m glad she typed that up before I blew heads off with rage, Otto, the second sentence in your statement is what shot me off.))

I am absolutely fine with meeting up out of character and all of that, we were always doing that but typing it in brackets therefore that is why it seemed to me as not the issue and I did not understand what was going on or planned to happen. I understood it as role playing in an easier way by privatizing or LIVE role playing where not everyone can join.

It has been two years and I want to thank you for actually role playing, making new friends and having fun :D This is our goal and we would like you to continue forever too and would be glad to support in any way. You guys became practically family for us here :) Please do not stop that :) It seems to be a misunderstanding on my part or in general.

Dean, I do not know why you would get angry from what I typed, neither do I know why Caitlin would get angry. Here is my second sentence that I will break-up for you, “Please try to keep all connections public here on this website so fans can enjoy and join in”. Remember that I am still under the impression that you will be role playing over there and by connections I do not mean personal affairs but I mean the connection between you to this website and from this website to the community. The second part of it is the attraction to the community to comment and join in to your role playing in order for everyone to make new friends and have fun.

In case you meant this as my second sentence, “Furthermore, when this conversation is here, we have evidence if anything goes bad; we cannot attempt to solve any issues if you use other means”. You see, I was afraid that if a fight started or a misunderstanding happened (still thinking that you guys would be role playing or something) there would not be any proof or string of comments that will help us to make it clear when we retrace what was said; the reason to this is because of what seemed to be a bit over-heated battle that happened between Seabstos and Kathryne. I assure you I meant nothing by it other than to use it as a tool to break up conflict or misunderstanding that may happen.

I hope this made matters more clear to all parties. Remember, our goal is to have fun, get together with new friends and be happy with some of the great games we love that Ubisoft was able to create and to show our appreciation to Ubisoft by having this fan site where we all could enjoy their games and live our own adventures that were aspired by Ubisoft.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Caitlin, I understand what you may be going through with connection problems. R4 and I are experience some as well and for the security of our accounts we forward our messages to John that posts them instead of us so no worries in that domain.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Hey S, I took care of that ‘spelling’ issue by Dean and fixed up the situation. no worries.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Any ideas of pulling stunts now Kat? Can I call you Kat?
I’ma call you Kat. Or better yet, when are you going to pull your next stunt? Because it’s going to happen sometime.

Dean, Look at me and think about it. Look into my eyes and think, do you see a person who would give mercy after these events? Because some people would, But Me? No. Not really, so the answer is yes. I stay true to my word.

*Pulls off his robe, leaving on Jeans and a Bulls Tee-Shirt*

“Before I presentedly try to kick somebody’s Ass, I’m going to feel aired doing it.”

*Pulls from his Jean pocket a boxing wrap, and he wraps them around his hand.*

“Now I heard there were some Eurodito problems?”

*Shoves him to the wall, showing no sense of fear.*

“You fucking listen to me!!”

*Pulls off Sebastos robe, giving him no weapons*

“I don’t care, what she was scream! Ya’ hear!? I will fucking skin you!!”

*He opens his blade, and cuts the leather straps holding Sebastos’ blade to his arm.*

*Puts the blade point to his wind pipe*

“If you’re gonna kill her when that last chance is up, I better not be there!”

*Holds him up until’ he answers*

*Using his right blade, Sebastos shivs Dean’s right thigh, then as he falters, grabs his head, and brings it down to his knee, and shoves Dean to the ground stepping on his blade arm,*
Two blades Dean.
*Then he steps on his chest*
Cutting off fingers, Wrong.
I get it.
Afterbeating. Deserved.
Holding me up. Bad Idea.
*He kicks Dean in the ribs, then goes to get his robes.*
And don’t touches my clothes.

*opens the door, normally, showing no sign of pain*

II’ll let you two figure this out, and I’ll be with Mr. Holt…

*she sways off, looking back once, then continues to another wing.*

*Tightens the final stitch, cleaning it gently.*

“Fucking shit Sebastos.. this is really….”

*Looks to him, speechless.*

“So you really were going to kill her?”

*Looks back to the stitching and thread.*

“Give it 4 weeks… you’ll be fine… I’ll see if they can insert a metal joint.. and the bone should re-connect.”

*Sighs, he stand and walks past Sebastos, putting his arm around him and pulling him into the hall.*

*Looks down to his own wrist, at his vanbracer and hidden blade.*

“Y’know.. Sebastos… You’re good guy…”

*Flashes his hand as if he’s going to open the Blade.*

“But.. y’know there’s a limit to being a Psychopath.”

*He clenches his fist and puts his arm down.”

“There was no FUCKING reason for that SHIT! She’s scared! She doesn’t know what to do! So what she fucking flipped out!? This is a fucking hard time for her!”

*Her starts to turn red and he raises his voice, but he lowers it, trying to remain calm.*

“That finger doesn’t stay on, I’ll be taking that same knife, and use you as a dart board!”

*Dean is now in Sebastos face, furious and more fired than a normal human being, more than Sebastos.*

*looks at them through the glass door, hearing nothing*

My pinkie…

*she looks down at the perfect stitching*

It doesn’t even look like it was chopped off… I think I can move it… Just a bit…

*she curls the finger slightly, but the nerves are still healing*

How did he do it so… perfectly..?

*Phone buzzes on his arm*
I gotta take this.
*Looks at Dean, then at Kathryne*
We aren’t done Chyl, and this time *Looking back at Dean* keep her under control!
*mutters something nearly incomprehensible about ‘already dealing with’ murmermurmer ‘ito and Seph’*

*looks to Sebastos*

Try living in a cross world between a period of Crusades and Modern times, and you’ll fucking think again to insult me.

*looks down, feeling regret of coming along*

Whispers: Kill me then.. If you don’t want me here so bad..


*stares him in the eyes*


*show grits for teeth, and her eyes strain as her eye brows pressure down*


*her face in flushed red with anger, she breathes hard, and loud*

*Puts phone down, and turns around slowly*
I’m not going to kill you, you little fuck. But lets get oriented with our group initiation.
*Pulls out a throwing knife, and hands a blur, flings it a Kathryne, separating her left pinkie from the rest of her hand. Blood spurts all over the table as she clutches her hand close to her chest and holds in any noise, glaring at him.*
Oops. I missed.
*Looks at dean, then back at Kathryne.*
I’ll kill you next time. I’ve killed worse than you.
*Slams hands down against the table, then in a dangerously low voice, eyes burning with rage he says*
Don’t test me. This is your last fucking chance.
*Beginning to leave the room, he stops and turns*
And remember, that when it comes to murder, I have no morals. Only reasons to do it.



*He reaches into his hood, pulling from it thread and needle*

“The nerves will heal if I do this quick…”

*He quickly sews the thread and wire stitches the finger to her hand, where it was chopped off, positioning it correctly.*

*looks to Sebastos, holding in the screams of pain*

You’ll get yours…. And that’s not a threat…

*Eeks out at Dean sewing her finger*

It’s a promise…

Otto says “Did she pass or fail in this primary test S?” He told me a while ago but I got delayed.


Abstergo | Live Better

Let’s see… Hacking software? Not that useful to us, man, we’re wired into everything. Look, explain how you found us. Why you think this Erudito lady could be useful, and why we shouldn’t just lock her away.

((it’s cirquedualice, apparently))


“Let me clear Kathryne’s case first.. She here, has a chance of making a difference, and I want her given a breath at a new life with Abstergo. And I said she has information for us when we were in the Office. So it could help.”

*Shifts in his seat*

“I just.. followed you.. into the tunnels. No thought about it. I just.. followed you two.”

All we can do for this agent is put her in training, and check over her mind in the animus. It’s invasive, but our doctors are sworn to secrecy, and it’s one of the few ways to know the truth.

You, however. Why were you at that facility? And why us? Why follow two people into a dark tunnel, unless you had some strange death wish. We may trust you in the end, but you will have to work for it.

*Staring angrily the entire time at Kathryne*
What the hell was that out there?! I talked to a guard as I was CHASING her, and he says she bust out of the med wing because she thought she was done. I seriously don’t trust you to be anywhere without supervision. In fact Pull another stunt like that and Dean is going to be the only reason I put up with you.

((one day, I really hope you remember that I’m on the /other side of the world to you/. Also *coughsneezesnuffle*))

*Caitlin jumps down from the rafters, landing in front of the security guards and quickly flashing a pass and smile at them*

Don’t worry boys, we’ll take it from here. This is a high clearance job, sorry.

*motioning towards the group to follow, she walks towards a door in a secluded corner*

Come with me, we’ll go in here and… Discuss this situation.

*she gestures everyone to enter the room, locking the door behind them. Taking a seat at the table she waits for the rest*

Okay, time for you to talk and us to listen. What can you offer, why should we trust. Ye’ve got some mighty explaining to do.

((can I vote Skype? Coz I vote Skype. If anyone else is okay with that. That website kept crashing, sorry Dean but thank you.))

*Pulls the transparent phone from the pocket at his neck.*

“I can offer you this.”

*Puts his information in, password, and puts the piece of glass on the table.*

“The Vigilante’s Hacking Software.”

*Slides the phone to Caitlin.*

“Take a look.”

R4 and Otto told me to tell you to try and keep all conversations here because this is a public thing and guests ca feel encouraged to join and have more fun.

Abstergo | Live Better

[Up in the rafters above the main atrium, Caitlin watches the exchange. Legs swinging she takes out her phone and sends off a few messages. The body of the agent on its bed is wheeled away beneath her, slowly being taken towards the morgue. She wonders whether the girl will stop the act and ‘miraculously’ come back to life.]

((I’d suggest a private FB group, but that would break the anonymity. Umm, is there any website where you can make private chat rooms? That’s mobile compatible? I ain’t too good at this…))

*while in the medical wing, she decides this is enough*

I think.. I’ve been treated with fair enough medicine…

*she speaks to the assistant*

Sign me out of here so I can return to my friends… Now.

*sits up and jerks the needles from her arm, getting up, limping towards then door*

Thank you for your help.

*a doctor stops me from going out the door*

Doctor: “You’re not done here, Agent Chyl.”

*I look to him thinking: “I’m fucked…”*

Doctor: “I know who you are. You’ve been locked away like a Princess in a Tower in the EURODITO Offices.”

*I takes route underneathe him, between him legs and slip out like a snake.*


*she runs, fighting back the pain in her leg*

*Still talking to David, as he notices Kathryne sprint past*
Goddammit Dean!! This is why I kill them! Get your girlfriend under control or I will for you!
*Pulls out a low shock taser and runs after Kathryne*

*runs into Dean, knocking herself and him down*


*she notices the security rushing up, and Sebastos*

Dean! Help me out here!

*Stands quickly, infront of Kathryne who’s still on the ground.*

“Woah, Woah! What’s the problem here!? She was getting medical treatment, and you chase her out!?”

*The guards are now standing 6 feet away*

((Sebastos? Do the honors of two parts?))

R4 and Otto told me to tell you to try and keep all conversations here because this is a public thing and guests can feel encouraged to join and have more fun.

Abstergo | Live Better


*clips the seatbelt, looking to Caitlin, Then Sebastos, and finally Dean.*

Thank you.. all of you.. I wanted to get out of there so many months ago.. They trapped me in.. They threatened to kill me if I tried to escape..

*looks to all three of them*

I’m glad you guys came.. I was about to go crazy in there… I was going to kill myself another week..

*looks at Sebastos*

Have you have felt trapped..? Like.. so trapped that you’d just.. kill yourself to get out?

*The Helicopter touches down on the Helipad, as Sebastos hops off.*
Dean the Medical wing is down on the third floor to the left.
*Orders up a stretcher for Kathryne.*
I need to go see Sephiras.
I’ll be back sometime later.

*Carries Kathryne to the stretcher, setting her down gently*

“You’ll be fine, not a word of where your from, okay?”

*pulls Dean down so she can whisper in his ear*

If I get killed by these guys. Give this letter to my parents, the PO should know who they are when they get the letter.

*hands Dean the letter*

Okay fine. Let’s go out the way we came. I know the way.
*starts toward the staircase*
But the files had better be right, because I’m losing faith that I can trust you every minute I have no evidence you aren’t crazy.
((Uh, sure. Did you have a page in mind?))

*Sebastos gets a message* sorry for the radio silence just was doing some more research. almost ready to take the object to a safehouse. also there is a reason to trust dean. I have access to releasing his sister. if he is willing to work with us I might be able to bust her out.

*Starts confessing*

“Look, the longer I wait to tell you, the more hostile a target I am, so before you hear it from anyone else, I’ll tell you about me.”


“I was born in Manchester, raised by a foster family because my parents were murdered by some.. psycho. I grew up strictly, for the Creed. My parents were Emily and Emilio Paige. two Assassin Mentors who were killed by Vidic’s hitman. Around 13 or 14 years old, when they were killed, my foster sister took me in. She cared for me, loved on me, and took care of me. So, she had some old, 100 year old, guy train me. That went on until’ I was 17…. Then it went downhill. I robbed people… Not just some random person on the streets, no no. I robbed Famities. Like.. Jim Berton.. Shaq.. The governor of California.. Rick Perry, some stupid Magistrate in Charleston.. Famous, Political figures. They ramaged on until’ last year. I built up so much money, then I spent it on Artifacts. Artifacts that I don’t even what are! About a month later, my friends start disappearing. After they used Abstergo products. I got furious, emotional, and raged. I found my Father’s robes, blade, and letters to symbolize him as an Assassin. 5 months later, I followed you into these tunnels. And 20 minutes later, I tell you this.”

No. But it is comforting in a way to know that you aren’t a psycho freak, (and mind you I will be checking the files to make sure this is correct) or some messed up Erudito agent.
Trust has to be earned.
Each one o us has earned the trust of one another on this team. Caitlin and Grey go way back, to training days,
Otto and R4 have kept us sheltered and protected for the entirety of our existence as a group, Logan has not only saved our lives before, but has forsaken the creed to join us, Sephiras has converted from Erudito and warned us about an event that could very well have torn this team apart, and I have helped protect and serve our little group in a lot of ways. I even trust Erudito to mess stuff up every now and then! Why? Because he’s dependable to do it!
You have crawled through a tunnel, admired women, and stitched up the enemy. I find no trustworthy acts in that list. Do you?
Give reasons to, and we will trust you. Until then, the answer is and always will be, No.

*Stands by Caitlin as they fit Kathryne into the helicopter*
So why do you want to help Kathryne so much? Just wondering, because I’ve done on-site interrogations and they’re just as helpful, if not quite as long as the regular variety. Also *hefts the unconscious man over his shoulder* we have this guy, who isn’t bleeding out as we speak.

“If Caitlin was a Eurodito Agent, would you leave her to die?”

*Climbs into the helicopter after Kathryne, holding out his hand for Sebastos*

*Takes Dean’s hand and pulls himself up into the chopper.*
Given that I had just met her, Yes. Yes I would.
In fact I probably would have killed her earlier. No offense Caitlin.

“I wouldn’t.. I’d maybe give her a choice. Join or die. I gave Kathryne that choice. She chose to join. She has the same story with her friends..”

*looks up to Sebastos*

Sebastos… help him, it’s getting worse…

*points to the sewn up gash, then takes her hand and brushes her blonde hair into her face, to keep from looking at it.*

*Pulls what seems to be an epi-pen out of a small white bag, then grabs Kathryne’s arm and injects whatever was in it into her bloodstream.*
There you go. That’ll take effect in about two minutes. Your leg will go numb, and the bleeding will cease, but the leg is still injured, so don’t try anything that might require it. It lasts about four hours.
*Looks up at Dean*
You’re welcome.

*sits up*

Thank you Sebastos. And you too Dean For trying.

*lifts the corner of her lip for a smile to both of them.*

It’s already going numb.. The only thing I think of is that I’m allergic to bees… Like that matters… Sebastos, can you help me to the seat..? The floor of this copter is…. cold. I’d prefer a cold leather seat than cold steel..

In all truth, you two are some if the most suspicious people we have met so far. Even [REDACTED] is less suspicious, and they just send us poetry. We need to know more before we can trust you, otherwise our best choice is to leave you here. This group is the best of the best, Templars and Assassins coming together to do amazing things. No preventable risks can be taken.

*She gestures to Sebastos*

He has a point, too. Creepy tunnel crawler who pervs and a random woman who seems to be a member of Erudito. You guys really aren’t in the best place to start demanding things.

*Looks to Caitlin.*

“If you don’t trust me, what do I have to do for you to link a trust? I really don’t serve any harm to you. Nor will I. No matter the situation, I will be loyal to you. The reason I have not killed Kathryne is because she pleaded mercy after I got advantage of her. True Eurodito Agents don’t do such things.”

That’s true. Also, do I really have to mention the whole tunnel thing again? What were you doing down there? Why are you in this building? Where were you trained, who do you follow, etcetera.

*rubbing her forehead, the redhead sighs*

We have no info on you, which for a known, trusted agent is great, but anyone else… Suspicion is a must.

((Sebastos, that lullaby is on my cupboard doors now. Though, I think we really need an out of character chat room or something. Make sure we can actually keep up to date with stuff.))

*Trying to be a smartass*

“You did offer me on this team. And I’m not leaving.”

*Now onto Kathryne.*

“Could you help me now!?”

*aches in pain*

Dean, please, put me down, I can’t stand anymore..

*starts developing kniving pain in her leg causing her leg to pulse abruptly. blood drips from the cloth wrap as the pulsing gets more and more pressurized*

“Are you alright..?”

*Dean sets her down, quickly scrambling for her leg.*

“Oh god.. Sebastos! Caitlin! I need your help, I’m being serious!”

Bring both of them back so we can clear up their stories at HQ. We will offer her all the medical help he needs so don’t worry.

Looking at the files we have about her and you, well, I’ll let you Caitlin and Sebastos see for yourself.

Abstergo is not ruthless.


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

*The woman pauses, leaning her head to one side as though listening*

Huh. Looks like you’re coming with us. There’s a helicopter on the roof. Got the med team already there.

*leaning down, she quickly ties a bandage around the wound, keeping pressure on it. Standing up she grabs Kathryne, sweeping her into a bridal carry and beginning the walk to the roof, careful on the stairs.*

C’mon. Follow. Don’t think about trying anything.

{The level is dark and quite, a fairly open space filled with small, cramped cubicles. Caitlin jumped up, walking along the top of a row of tables down the middle, pushing aside stacks of paper with a sneakered foot. The fluorescent lights hummed and flickered as they turned on, and she sent a quite smile to R4. A locked office at the end caught her attention, and she jumped down, pulling a lock pick from a pocket in her vest. The door swung open under her attention and she walked in, heading to the desk. Files were quickly downloaded to a USB, and files grabbed and slipped under her vest for safekeeping. She heard a commotion down the stairs and headed down, jumping down steps and landings to see what was happening, blade out and wariness on her face.}

Dean, when I say don’t be lethal I mean knock em out and tie em up, not stab them multiple times.

*she kneels on the ground in front of the new person, checking over little details of their form.*

Definitely a fake, this cloak isn’t very good quality, the blade is badly made, even the clothes under this cloak offer no protection. And with that low a pain tolerance, she must’ve just been an office worker here. Looks like they were mostly tracking people, I found a few files on the rest of the team. They were going to set up a trap, but failed. Most of their information was false, anyway. Looks like they were wanting to destroy their own information, probably thought we’d come for them.

*she speaks as if the Erudito agent isn’t even there. Standing up she brushes dust off of her legs, stepping away and tapping her comm unit* Hey, Sebastos, I’ve finished my level, do you want some help?

“Hey! Caitlin! This girlhere, she’s with me now. Like it or not, I’m not casting her off until’ she’s better!”

*Holds onto Kathryne*

*Emerging from a smoky office with an unconscious body over his shoulder, and two dead ones behind him he takes off his mask.*
Yeah I got your info. Sorry about the non living ones but at least I got one. It’s a guy but he was out cold after I hit him in the head with a chair. Nah I’m good. Just the four weirdos as far as I’m concerned.
So is this Kathryne under your protection Dean? Because while you may not be able to kill everything and anything on a moment’s notice, I can and will. In fact I think one of my fatalities was a woman.
I’m coming down to the first floor.

If you haven’t forgotten, we found you creeping in a tunnel five minutes ago, and you came to us, searching questions from us, unless my memory betrays me. So I could seriously care less if a creepy dude I just met left.
I won’t hurt the girl unless she does questionable things in questionable circumstances at questionable times.

*Helps Kathryne up, leaning her on his shoulder.*

“We ne- Oh, I forgot, there’s no ‘We’ between me and you. I’LL get her out of here. I just need coords to the Exit.”

*she leans onto him, then looking to Sebastos, with an innocent look*

I didn’t mean for this to happen. I was only doing my job. A job I ever regret getting into.

{Turning off his comlink, Sebastos turns around and starts moving almost silently among the boxes and office cubicles, the windows around 100 meters in front of him casting everything in twilight. As he seemingly drifts down the aisles, he pulls out a Walther P22, and grips it in his left hand while using his right hidden blade in the other. Then he stops abruptly in an intersection between cubicles, and sees a movement behind the CEO’s office doors. Pulling back his hidden blade, he takes a small breathing apparatus from a bag attached to his belt underneath his robes. Taking a step toward the CEO Office, he stops, sends out a message to his team, and throws a gas grenade at the glass doors}
((Hey whatcha think of that? I call it a “Story Segment” which is well detailed, and is different as it lacks dialogue, and is set more to a novel kind of tone. I find it descriptive, and I like to write ’em. Why don’t you try one =D))

Shouldn’t we get back to why we’re actually here? There have been bomb scares, false evacuations, that poisonous flammable gas in the tunnels. This place is being targeted, and we need to find out why.

*she pulls her hood down, shoving hair out of her face. Twisting a wrist a thin, rapier like blade shoves out from under her sleeve, and shines in the light*

I’m armed and ready. There are four of us, four levels. Logan, you take the first level, even if its just through tech. Dean, you take the second, I’ll take the third and Sebastos, you take the top level. We meet on the roof when done. Grab anything that looks important or useful, free any prisoners, the usual run through. Try to be non-lethal. Anyone got any complaints?

*she nods to the group and walks off through the piles, making her way to the staircase.*

Do not forget about us Caitlin, R4 will be covering you guys throughout the mission through the surrounding electronics and anything to do with security measures.

I will ready your evacuation, safe-house and back up teams.

We will be watching everything and recording it so you can have fun ‘reliving it’ later through our satellites. Let us see what ERUDITO is afraid of that it keeps attacking and covering this place up.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

*Skipping steps, he leaps up the staircase*
So what kinda prisoners we looking at? If this is an Erudito outpost, their prisoners could be just a dangerous to us as to them.

I figure we collect info, then figure out what to do if there are any prisoners. From the looks of the blueprints *she shakes her phone* it looks like there is a prison level. I say tackle that after we finish our respective levels.

((so I may have had messed up fever dreams last night and I hafta tell you guys. Logan posted that someone had made a wiki about us, that then linked to fan fiction and fanart, and we were all joking about it on here and just going on with out lives, but Ubisoft contacted us all and we met in the Montreal branch. The dream cut off just as one of you in a hoodie, jeans, tshirt and assassin necklace came over, dunno which one, and asked if I was me coz of the accent. So awesome and weird. There was this big meeting table with us all, but you were all fuzzy, and wearing hoods, and some bloke had a folder with everything we’d ever posted in it, going over all our old missions. II think they wanted to make a game of us.))

*Whips head around, and makes for the stairs again, but as he turns, a hidden attacker grabs him by the shoulders* Gahg!
*Pulling a dagger from his belt, he jerks his hand backwards, and rips it around, eviscerating his assailant, then throwing them off of his back, then activates his com link*
Can someone get to Dean? There might be more of these bastards on this floor, and I can’t afford to go down two flights of stairs at the moment.

*A body gets thrown up the stairs, it was in a While and Blue Assassin Robe.*

“He’s a faker, you can tell it’s a “Connor” hoodie, merch by Ubisoft.”

*The body had stab wounds all over, and around its wrist was a hidden blade, an E for Eurodito*

“He wanted mercy, so I let him live.”

*The body breathes.*

He’d better have a good reason, because if he doesn’t, I’m killing on sight. Unless he’s under your protection now.
*rotates shoulder, then winces in pain*
Bastard wrenched my shoulder.

*panting, she holds tightly to where Dean had stabbed her on the leg.*

Why don’t you off me and get it over with!? I’m in deep pain…. I can’t take much more of a beating…

*Finishes talking to the Eurodito Agent*

“It’s not a he… It’s a she, her name is Kathryne, she’s 21. She has information for us.”

*now looking to Dean, questioned*

Why did you spare me? Aren’t you against me? It doesn’t make sense. An Abstergo Agent merciful on an Eurodito Agent. It doesn’t fit! Why have you spared me!?

*Kneels down to her, beginning to treat her wound*

“I’m not an Abstergo Agent, I’m a 23 year old guy with maybe 13 years of training honed on by a dried up, 100 year old Mentor. I’m not on the woman-killer stage of Assassin. And even if I was, I wouldn’t kill a woman. It’s inhumane. Especially the kind of woman whom is beautiful. It’s the reason why I didn’t go insane in that dark, asylum level. Even though you attacked me, I wouldn’t’ve killed you, nor will I. Unless you give me more than diare reason.”

*He says, serious tone.*

*she became easy on him, but still frightful. Kathryne broke a faint blush.*

I don’t know why you’d do that, but, I am thankful that you have.

*She stutters, and begins to sweat as Dean fixes on her upperleg where he had stabbed her.*

You know how to do this? Tend a wound, I mean.

((Nice job Alisa, you can’t change my name for shit.))

“I served for a while in the Med Corp for the English army.”

(Disregard that being my name in the comment before this))

*bites her bottom lip and throws her head back as Dean pins a needle in the skins of her wounds and sews it up*

*She holds in a violent scream, still looking at the ceiling, tears falling from her eyes*

*Forcefuly using Aiden’s software, he turns on Sebastos commlink.*

“Hey did you hear any any of that?”

*Finishes talking to the Eurodito Agent*

“It’s not a he… It’s a she, her name is Kathryne, she’s 21. She has information for us.”

*Quickly he threads in four places, making two strings sewn in. He tightens it, closing the whole wound.*

“There, and a kiss for good health.*

*He kisses above the wound, 3 inches from her thigh.*

“Stay off of it.. It might help.”

*about to knee him in the stomach from the kiss, but restrains.*

You really don’t want to do that again, or I’ll gut you up.

thinks: The boy gives me.. goose bumps.. not sure if that’s good or bad… God I better not be the only fucking girl around.

“About myself.. Eh…? My robe says it all… From birth, to the day I die. I was born into the Creed.”

*He pulls his hood on, and a shadow covers his entire face, it now pitch black.*

“The Latvian… I was speaking to my sister, she speaks in a different language because she knows Abstergo monitors her calls, no no, not Abstergo Entertainment. Abstergo Industries. She’s being kept in a holding cell, the same one Desmond Miles was held in. She has information beyond anyone could imagine. And Abstergo is honing her, then she’ll just be off’d after they’re done.”

*Looks at Sebastos, accusingly.*

Hey I don’t work for Abstergo. I freelance. So if my temporary employers have someone in a cell, I have nothing to do with it.
Why is he in there anyway?

Hey now, I didn’t say I trusted the cave creeping weirdo I just met. More like an uneasy alliance. *looks around cramped room* Hey Danny can you get us somewhere more roomy? Or better yet can you do it Dean?

“I thought you’d try to attack me if you heard us talking… And I told you why, they’re trying to find more shit to rule the world.”

*Pulls up the camera feed and gives access to the camera on dean’s sisters cell to Dean’s phone. then through dean’s phone* If sebastos trusts you I trust you. I just gave you access to the security camera on your sister’s cell.

Hey now, I didn’t say I trusted the cave creeping weirdo I just met. More like an uneasy alliance. *looks around cramped room* Hey Danny can you get us somewhere more roomy? Or better yet can you do it Dean?

another redacted



((I seriously need sleep, so gtg myself, it just hit quarter past four am here. I’ll be back in maybe 10 hours, or when eve I remember to reply. Have fun.))

((Nighty night,
Good fight,
Come back to our si-ite
while outside,
it might be white,
down here,
nothing’s bri-ight,
Get some sleep,
so you can creep,
and then leap,
on your enemi-es,
Good-night Caitlin))

(sorry for taking so long… But i graduated high school earlier this month/late last month and have been busy with college apps. also mine is red because red is my favorite color. :))

*All of the comm devices owned by Caitlin and sebastos receive a message.* First sorry for sending this to both of you and through all of your devices but i didn’t want to take any chances on you not getting it. Research on the “Mysterious tech” is proceeding well…. especially since i do have passwords to all of the archives of every nation… just don’t ask how… second is I want to remind you I am not against the assassin’s just erudito… third… Just those two you guys are with while they are assassin’s are not worth blind trust. just… be careful.

((Could you NOT focking ruin it for me!? I just found out about this site, and I’m enjoying this, if you ruin it for me, I won’t focking forgive you.))

((I’m sorry too, I’m just heated because you did that, it was uncalled for.And so was my reaction.))

*Reaches into his hood, pulling from it, his Transparent Glass phone. He Connects to ctOS, going through many inputs, finally finding Abstergo Employees, locations, and such.*

“I’ll have to speak with these people to get information on my friends…”

(my bad… )

*a new message appears* Sorry… mixed up files here. Maybe I should get organized…. but I haven’t met dean or daniel so ignore the third item on my list… To make up four my mistake I looked for a map of the sewers. any info that is on it will hopefully help you guys.

*A download starts on the phones of all four and it is a map of the sewers*

(I actually do have bad organizational habits so I hope this fixes it :))

*Still looking at the open blade.*

“Caitlin… do you by any chance have any information on Floor 2, Sample 17 Project in one of the Abstergo Entertainment Facilities?”

*Solid Tone, looking for a straight answer.*

*Reaches inside his hood, pulling the same transparent phone form earlier.*

“Know what I can do….”

*Puts in his information, then beeping through many applications, and software.*

“It might ruin my place in this.. team, but I was friends with an infamous…. ‘Vigilante’ he gave me all his software before he quieted down.”

*Connects to the ctOS Network.*

“Send me the information.”

*Standing up, she pulls a blade from her boot, swiftly moving and pinning Yorkshire to the ground, sat on his chest with the blade to his throught* Hey, Sebastos, would you check out what was on his wrist, and keep his hands restrained?

*in a polite yet scathing voice* Answer the question. In English. Some of us only speak two languages. I already know what that code means. Air borne poison. Highly flammable. You really think that would take this place out? I dealt with it whilst down there. Don’t doubt my tech skills.

((ahh why are you admiring me wth. Yeah, we’re totally a team now. A really eclectic team. With bad jokes. I may not be back for a few hours, its like 4am here, I’m really sick and need sleep. Bloody arctic windstorms))

“Please.. it’s the only thing I have to remember my father..”

*Dean tries to pull his sleeve up to reveal an old, 19th Century hidden blade.*

((Dun judge me.))

Ok, I’m pretty sure we’re all against Erudito here. Majority of that stuff was only developed by Abstergo Industries, but not used or just destroyed. However, plans were leaked and Erudito got them. I’m sorry for your losses but there’s nothing we can do. You could join our team, we take all kinds, and work towards stopping them doing it again, or you could leave and go freelance, but if you do that we’ll be watching you. Every step you take, every move you make, we’ll be watching you.

*she takes the ring and wire from Sebastos, and begins fiddling with the old blade. A few twists and clicks sound out.*

There. It’s fixed.

((I’m gonna be a prick and break yo hearts. Young, yes. Pretty,dunno. Tend to get ‘cute’ more often. But hahaha I’m chubby, I got some muscle but no way am I lean. Just got a hourglass shape that means my hoodie fits weird.))

*Looks to the blade, gently taking it, sliding it on.*

“I’m with you… and, Thank you, Caitlin.”

*The blade slides in and out and Dean pulls in and retracts it in.*

“Better than before….”

*Clenches his fist, and forcefuly breaks the wire that was binded around him.*

*Yanks the rings from Sebastos, and places it around his ring, he pulls up his sleeve, revealing a Bracer with an Assassin Symbol on it. Engravings of assassin’s names were all over. The engravings of his friend’s names were on the left side.*

“This, was the only tracing of the Assassin’s from 1029 to 1973. And you’ve prevented it from every opening again…”

*A ringer of a phone goes off. Startled, Dean pulls a piece of glass, shaped as if a phone from his hood.*

*He slides through his menu screen, taking up to 30 seconds to put through his password and information. Then answers the call.*

Dean: “Y’ellow?”
Other end: *Too muffled*
Dean: “Jā, jā. Tas viss ir kārtībā.”
Other end: *Muffled*
Dean: “Viņas vārds? Kāpēc viņas vārds?”

*Click. The other end disconnected, and Dean’s phone dimmed. He then put it back into his hood’s back pocket at the neck.*

“That was… unexpected.”

*Looks over to Sebastos, scolding him.*

“Neviens no jūsu biznesu.”

*Looks over to Caitlin, admiring her once again, then to Daniel.*

“You are releaved, Mr. Hunter.”

*Holds in an annoyed shout.*
“Enough with the Latvian! I can barely understand you! Where’s the English button!?”

*Clenches his fist. When he lets the fist go, a loose wire with a ring binded to the end falls from his finger.*

*Feels the intensity grow in Sebastos, still not knowing what of it he asks.*

“Listen, I do NOT know what you asked. Repeat it.. in English.”

Who the hell are you, and why are you here, creeping around an Erudito location, avoiding my questions and speaking in latvian?

“Fine, you want my focking information!? You fiends and your sick, cruel ways! That’s why I’m here! You brainwashed my friends and used them as pawns for information! They drank that Herne+ shite, and they fell into Abstergo’s hands! Then Eurodito comes along and takes them into their information gathers! I’ve had enough of my friends lost already by the two!! I want answers! Now!”

*Looks around the room at all of them, panting, huffing, worn.*

*Looks to Caitlin, now desperate for answers, he blurts everything he’s witnessed.*

“Herne+, Heartus, Bodyband, and.. everything… It took away my friends.. I just want to know if they’re still alive, or even remember ME.”

*Dean stands, now gloomed.*

*She climbs up the wall, jumping backwards and hanging to the edge of the hole before pulling herself in.*

Hey, Sebastos, someone’s watching us. They’ve come up on my scanner *she shakes a small touch screen device*.

((your face is half hidden in shadow coz of the hood, so its not like its that obvious. Totally sick of drawing red and black suits, though. Do you guys seriously not understand that there’s a large rainbow of colours? Gah.))

*Totes not red and black, it’s Dark Blue with White accents.*

“Hoy, name’s Dean. I followed along, wanted to settle in…..”

Hrmm, sure. Doubt you could do any damage with both Sebastos and I here.

((man, I don’t even have robes. I’m all casual and stuff. Just a leather vest.))

*Looks towards Caitlin, admiring her, then to Sebastos.*

You two partners I see… Spend lots of time together in these tunnels.

*His hand twitches, his finger stroking something at his wrist.*

*the boy glances back*
Oh! Mr Yorkshire’s here sir!
*the door opens and a man walks out wearing jeans and a plain black tshirt*
So I see. That will be all Jared. Get back to your studies
*the kid runs off*
So, I assume you are here about Erudito? Or the bombs?

Watched? And followed? How close are they? *looks up at Daniel Hunter* Coffee you say? This had better not be some sort of trap or something, because I have more firepower inside my jacket than on a weapons rack. *Glances at Caitlin* Should we go in?

((Hey I have a backstory to my colours, So stop being picky. If you don’t want to draw red on red with a hint of red, I wear a casual violet dress shirt, not tucked in, with a white tie, white dress shoes, and white dress pants. on the left breastside of the shirt is a stylized winged scarab in crimson.I also have an Abstergo pair of sunglasses and watch. That’s my casual look. Happy?))

*Looks at the man, and stops stroking the object at his wrist.*

“No, I’m here on contracts. I was sent by one of your Directors, seeming she wants someone releaved of their position.”

*His hand clenches into a fist, then slowly he loosens up the grips and lets go.*

((hey, don’t worry, I do like all the robes and stuff, I just found it amusing how abundant the colour scheme was when I put us all on the one page. Sorry of I sounded rude, I mean no offense. It’s hard to convey what o really mean sometimes with words.))

*she folds her arms across her chest and levels an annoyed look at Yorkshire* You’re creepy and I don’t trust you. *smirks*

Yeah, let’s head in. Though have you got anything other than coffee? I can’t stand the stuff. *she walks off, shoulders back and authority radiating off her.*

Also, don’t underestimate. I may have less weapons than Sebastos, but I’m very, very good with them. You won’t see it coming.

*Runs up the wall, knocking the trapdoor open and landing inside.*

“Hmm… nifty place here… lots of… Tech.”

*Looks around, unimpressed.*

Lots of time? It’s the first time i’ve been in these tunnels. Okay what’s going on? Who are you *points to Dean* And who are you? *points to Daniel*

Ah. Well that somewhat clears it up. As for you *points to Daniel* I’m not going in anywhere until I know who you are and why you want me to crawl through the roof.

((It’s fine. As for the colour scheme, we are a team right?))

My Bad Idea meter is going off the charts with this but okay. You’re the boss. *Follows Caitlin up the wall and into the room*

Wow this place is cramped. So what are we going to do from this point? Battle plan? Or wh- wait a sec.
*checks a small screen under his sleeve next to his bracer, then frowns*

That Redacted guy sent me a menacing message. Here check it out:
Creepy. Do those numbers mean anything to you guys? As I said I don’t remember much of the past year or so before the games, so if this is like a protocol number, I got nothing.

Files say you’ve come to an end. There’s a mean to an end here, your little “Abstergo Entertainment” is just a pawn for research. I sat my arse in that Animus for months, ignorantly being a pawn for this organization. I broke from that “Facility” mid-way. Don’t fall for their tricks. I’m calling out to everyone that can hear me! I witnessed many.. many secrets, and I’m here to reveal them.

Dean Yorkshire,

Director of Operations^\|/_1.3286
“Secrets Unveiled Organization Plant”


Pheonix? Ugh, I remember that explosion. Annoying. What’re the Assassins up to this time? *Wanders along the underground tunnel, looking for the end.* oh, hey, there’s a trapdoor in the ceiling here. Up for some wall running, Sebastos?

((Thanks, Otto, R4, Jhonathan. Don’t worry, I’m on winter holidays at the moment. I was already behind with school, PTSD was acting up. Fine now, I’ve passed classes. Oh, Sebastos, I’m working on the picture right now. I just used Disney princesses as your face reference :D))

Sebastos = Disney princesses! Take a guess who won the-joke-of-the-office award! Just teasing Sebastos :)

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

I’m going down into the tunnels. Anyone want to join me? Caitlin, Grey? Or we could have you guys over with Blume Corp. The Coords are sent to your personal devices.
Sebastos out-

*a figure lands behind Sebastos and taps him on the shoulder in the dark tunnel*

So, tunnels. This should be fun.

((I’m up to colouring the picture, it’s got like 12 layers so far. It’ll take me a while longer, I’m way behind with work for University at the moment. Looking pretty so far, however.))

Oh! I have something that’ll help! *Pulls bag off back and pulls out two sets of goggles* Night vision and heat detection. Can also display comm. messages as text down the bottom. *Hands a pair to Sebastos*.

((pfft hehehe. you would like being pretty. gotta redraw some stuff, and figure out this gorram background))

Caitlin, Otto and R4 told me to tell you that you have been creating amazing work so far but make sure that you put your own University and studies ahead of Abstergo, we can always wait but your future cannot.

As for the underground mission, R4 told me to tell you guys that evac teams have been set up as well as 7 teams have been deployed to assist you when needed.

Jhonathen Green

Temporary Assisstant of R4
Abstergo Customer Services Assisstant Officer

Thank you for the goggles. It’s like splinter Cell but real.
Also, Thanks for the cover Jhon. Can I call you Jhon?

((Just so beautiful! All the girls hate me for it!))

I knew you would like it. We all call him Jhon for short here and he is fine with it no worries.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Sebastos, you may not know me but I was the ringleader of the Abstergo Sydney Underground bombing.
If you could help out my small team of assassins and hackers, it would mean a lot.

Okay, so Seph is moved in, Caitlin and Grey are still at the facility (well Grey is at least) and we have a strange lack of things happening.
Do we have any targets, or maybe some POE’s to find? Even Computer work! Anything please!
All I’ve been doing is practicing my aim, techniques and tactics. *sigh* It’s too opportune a time to waste it. We have the upper hand for once and we aren’t doing anything about it. And until we do, I think I’ll dig through Abstergo files.

Before you get all comfortable with that, we have a mission for all of you if your up for it. This one is a big one.

12 of our teams have located trails that lead us to an underground operation ran by ERUDITO. We cannot really tell yet what they are planning and it seems that they are getting aid from another faction.

On the other hand, we may starting sending more teams to BLUME’s ctOS Command Centers to act as emergency back-up if their security fails. You guys can sign up for the Sigma Team in case of grand attacks on BLUME’s facilities as well.

If these two cases are not enough, we also need your aid down at the labs. We have found a piece of mysterious technology that you may really be interested in. It is like no other we have ever dealt with; it will surly given Abstergo an even upper hand in the market.

Or you can ignore all of these assignments and sit behind a desk looking through what would seem more than a billion files worth of old Abstergo data.

Your call,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Otto, I love you.
I’ll give you a pager to get me for the Sigma Team, and otherwise, I’ll be all stealthy like in the tunnels. That good Otto?
Where do I go? And what do I expect? And what weapons should I bring?
Know what? How about you just tell me.

Wait Otto, are you like, Otto the Second or something?
Because the Assassin and Tem-Abstergo (sorry) both state you as dead. So do the files of the uh… nevermind.
ANYWAY why are you not dead?
Otto Schmidt is by all records deceased.

It’s a long and classified story I guess. I myself no longer remember it well. So I just say to myself, it’s an input mistake.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

I knew you were gonna love it. We have already located 8 ERUDITO hideouts and are closing in fast. Other than that, there is an investigation report ordered by BLUME on a possible attack at a grand news corporation in Chicago; WKN TV or something like that.

Concentrate on ERUDITO for now and expect many easy-to-neutralize enemies. Don’t worry about bringing any weapons, you can pass by our weapons locker room and borrow what you want. You know what, pass by down to Lab 2 – 4, we have a prototype weapon that needs testing out on the field. It uses pulse energy therefore it can kill or neutralize your opponents depending on the frequency released. You’d like that I presume.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Otto, how did you know? I’ve always wanted a GIANT DEATH TAZER/LAZER!!!
Time to go all James Bond-y. Prepare to get wrecked.

You forgot that I’m working for the corporation that apparently knows everything about anything.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Awesome you two. After some encounters that BLUME had, they recovered a series of code that was used to attack one of their old facilities. They have shared it with us for analysis but we discovered shocked us. We have classified it at the most classified level and restricted all access to it only by selected few. We currently have developed a way to counter all forms of that code and are currently developing patches to all of our systems and products to prevent any misuse that can be generated by that code.

As Tech teams on this assignment, we need you to expand the broad and width of the code to use it to both our’s and BLUME’s advantage; our advantage more. It seems all that BLUME wants is a copy of the patch being developed and some security teams so it fits the bill nicely.

Good luck,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

I do not believe we are affiliated with [REMOVED BY ABSTERGO DUE TO THIRD PARTY REFRENCE] because [REMOVED BY ABSTERGO DUE TO THIRD PARTY REFRENCE] isn’t an interest of ours.

So how was Blume Corp Otto? I hear that you went to a conference.
Also what’s to stop a Canadian Dedsec from springing up if you put in a ctOS?
And if they do, maybe we could use them?
Ya know, be all “_/|” and they be all “Happy to see ya pal!” and we be all “We need your hackin’ skillz!” and they be all-

Or we could just join up with Dedsec.
Two hackers, two multimedia billionaire corporations, two double faced companies, two freedom fightery organizations.
Just give it all thought.

I don’t think so. Hey Otto what’s the read on our POE count? How many have we obtained, and how many left? Also where is the Private Jet?

So no private jet? *sigh* Well i guess we’ll have to use the REGULAR first class airline jets. (hint hint, spoiled murderers)

I’m pretty sure it’s only fifty at a time, although some have been destroyed and new ones built or something like that, because the Shroud is labeled POE 66.

Well the percentage is based on the amount of PoEs that we have confirmed their existence or at least suspect that they exist.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

*Two weeks later* You know, the fighting is fun and essential, but is there no other way for cleanup? I hate when they start to rot.
*He steps gingerly over a cracked bodysuit.* So Seph, still good for my place? Oh and Otto I’ll be back with funding for building repair.

Don’t worry about it, we send cleaning crews to make sure the bodies are properly treated, cleaned and then buried. We respect all humans regardless if they hate us or not.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

I am an avid fan of the entire AC lineage and love the game play of them all. It seems that the AC is getting closer and closer to our time and as interesting as it is with the Unity I would personally love for there to be a “prequel lineage” as well. I would love to be able to immerse myself into the world of the Vikings. Being Swedish I guess there’s a LOT of bias towards it but I think with the interest that has arisen with that topic with the History Channel show there might be a lot of interest in such game. My opinion of course. Thank you for your attention. Looking forward to the next installments.

Your opinions mean a lot to us. We encourage you to share these opinions with the real super-stars behind these amazing creations, our friends at Ubisoft. We hope that you continue to enjoy the AC franchise and enjoy our may-to-happen association with BLUME Corporation in Watch_Dogs.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

I have Grey. He is surprisingly light. How goes it up there? They’ve been putting up a pretty good defense down here but those guys have some serious firepower.

Relatively okay. Logan keep firing. I’m gonna learn how to base jump.
*Takes a step onto the edge of the roof, then turns his head slightly back at Logan*
Don’t get killed while I’m gone okay?
*Jumps off tip, arms spread wide, and as he leaves, Logan notices black knives appear at the end of his sleeves*

Umm…. Not you then. *Checks to see who it is*
Apparently a nurse. *puts her down in a safe spot*
Wait why is a nurse using your sweater? And maybe for later.. *writes his phone-number on a little note and sticks it to her shoulder*
Let’s go. Sebastos is with the ground forces and Logan is sniping. Carbon-Kevlar armor, big one has TWCB tech minigun. I’m going to call him the Juggernaut. We may be losing. Let’s go.

*an arrow adheres itself to the back of the juggernaut, flashing a bright light before exploding, leaving a small mass of cracks in his armour. The comms crackle before a light laugh is heard*

He. Boom. Headshot. I’ll keep you guys covered from up here, yell if you need more ground fighters.

((I’ve drawn a bunch of us already, Sephiras you look weirdly sauve as a grey lead sketch. R4, I’m sorry but you kinda look like The Penguin, I’m fixing that. Logan looks kinda happy, and I’m redrawing Grey and myself, as I figured out the background/setting for the picture. Also I went through and planned all your clothes and stuff then realised I hadn’t done myself. That wasn’t fun. We’ll be sitting in a warehouse, kinda like in AC2. Im going to do my best to make it look like a promotional poster for Assassins Creed: Contact. First game where you can choose who to play for.))

Okay, we’re pushing them back, but these armoured guys keep coming. I think they have a mobile base or some thing. Can you find out Logan?

R4 a penguin, he sure acts like one around the office (just kidding buddy). What about poor little me?

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

*A tall figure with a shock of white, bloodied hair zooms up to the abstergo building and then stops at around twenty feet* Hey guys! It’s me Sephiras! I umm… kinda got found out. So I need to bunk with one of you guys. Not at Abstergo though! No offence Otto, but I need to lay low and I think the suburbs or an apartment are better for me right now. Forewarning, I am going to need the troupe right about now because E wouldn’t exactly let me go. *He looks behind him* They won’t be long.

*Appearing through the front doors, red cloak trailing in the wind, a man takes the bike and secures it next to the building* You can stay with me for a while. Private summer house in the Dominican. Lots of tech. I’ll pay for the flight. *Stops dead in his tracks* IN! IN THE BUILDING! NOW!

*Gunshots ring through the air as armed and armoured men come bolting down the street, weapons levelled at the doors ahead of them. Barley scraping through the security doors before they close, Sebastos and Sephiras run past dozens of Abstergo guardsmen going in the opposite direction* Logan! Where are you?! Seph and I are going to the roof! Meet us there! *Soon the only sounds are the screams of men and the staccato of gunfire*

Since Ubisoft did not share characteristics of ERUDITO, if used, they will be represented like Alan Rikkin would; a shadowy figure with the logo in the center.

Help us. Help you. Help the World.

(Sorry about changing it for the THIRD time but I have finally come to a decision on it. William Miles would be behind my character since he seems to be the highest ranking assassin and my character still follows the Assassin’s ideals just not Erudito’s Methods.)

((Gotcha. Who would I go with?)) Logan they’ve got carbon-kevlar I think. Fire at the chest plate on one of the armoured ones. It should bounce off if my theory is correct. Seph what do you know about those weapons?

The big guy *Points to a large man in armour and a swat helmet and a strange looking mini gun* Has a gun with Forerunner tech. I’ve seen it before. The rest are just various full autos. Shouldn’t be too hard to pick off from up here.

Definitely not. Logan and you can take them down, and I will go for Grey. If they get to him then we’re screwed. Can we hold this place or do we have to flee? Otto? R4?

Great job there guys, I’m glad the 30 teams we sent, choppers and 2 tanks helped you out. I know I didn’t inform you they were coming but thankfully I was able to send them to help you.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

If you are interested, I could ask Haylin Porter if she is interested on sharing her character info. She is the amazing person creating some of the posts and updates that you are seeing :)

If you would like to include Alan Rikkin you will have to show him as a shadow without revealing specific features due to Abstergo stuff and future releases.


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

They can be like our imerging shadows if you want. Or add more as a background for each character.


R4 – Alan
Otto – Haylin
Grey – ?
You – ?
S – ?


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

This is what he is trying to say.

If we are standing in a U-Shape; we each would have either someone controlling us standing behind us, our employer standing behind us or our partner/friend behind us.

Since R4 is employed as one of the selected few to operate directly under Alan Rikkin, Alan Rikkin would be coming out of his show or just standing behind him.

Since me and Haylin are partners on this website in terms of postings and technology she would be the one behind me.

Then the floor is opened to the rest of you to select someone to be behind you. This way we can have more logos in and representations.

Again it is a suggestion but seems pretty cool to me when he explained it.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Hey Logan I’m back. Grey! You really are alive! Nice job on the cover up guys.
(( 6″ dark Brown hair, buzz cut, stubble on chin, Red long-sleeve cloak, mixed between Connor and Edward but Crimson with black detailing, black leather belt, black tee underneath, black jeans, black combat boots with crimson detailing, hidden blades with gold detailing, held on with leather straps(brown), Hazel eyes(hood has beak) Fingerless black leather gloves. 22 years of age(same as Sephiras) leather necklace(simple string) with a gold assassin insignia on it. Anything I miss?))

I’m glad Grey is healing up good. The info you retrieved is perfect; we’ll have our intel teams debrief you when your better at what you found.

((R4 – a bit short but not too short, formal black shirt with a wine red silk vest above, light brown hair; straight; leaning to the right side of the head, formal dark black pants, formal black shoes, black tie hidden under the vest with a bit showing at the neck; Abstergo logo on the tie, wearing the Abstergo belt as well. No formal jacket. Brown eyes, white smile, holstered colt handgun in the vest, shock blade on the right hand; has the Abstetgo logo on it as well))

((Otto – average hight to tall, full formal black suit with black T-Shirt and black tie; Abstergo logo on the jacket next to the neck and upper chest area; Templar cross at the front chest jacket pocket, black formal shoes, Abstergo belt, holstered colt handgun (with Abstergo logo; gun black colored [R4 too]), watch on the right hand with the Abstergo logo inside the hands’ area, black hair, brown eyes, black glasses (reading not shades), teenager (18/19 years of age)).

((If you have any specific questions I’ll try to help, if anything else pops in mid I’ll try to share it with you)).

((When your done, Otto told me to tell you to tell us that you are done and he will contact you through his Abstergo e-mail to the one you provide in your comments; you can send a copy there and maybe even post it as a new post on our website :) )).

((Have a fun and safe trip)).


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

*A figure leaps from the top of the Abstergo building, racing towards Grey and wrapping him in a hug*

Oh gods Grey, you’re allright. *she pulls back before punching him in the nose* Don’t you dare not tell us what’s happening! You swore to stay around. You need to start remebering what went on at the academy. Before all this mayhem.

((hey, would it be weird to ask for descriptions of all of you so I can draw us? It’d take a bit, but I think it’d be cool to see what we all look like in character. So like, Grey, R4, Sephiras, Logan, Otto and I.))

*recoils after being punched in the face, but than simply smiles* caitlin, im glad to see you too. i simply had to seem dead to get into both erudita and the asssassins primary stronghold and get soe information. and maybe upload a virus into the mainframe. and i guess i should probably try to remember the acadamy… i only hope i can.

((well, alright. grey is an averadge hight male, wearing either a grey hoodie or a black duster, with reddish_brown hair, green eyes, normally hidden under a pair of mirrored sunglases, also wearing jeans and military style boots. most of the time))

I can barely believe it… And why did you upload a virus to the Assassins?

(5’9 about 180 pounds with short red hair down to his neck. wears a black and red vest jacket, black pants with chain mail on the right side with black combat boots. All with a red Assassin robe on top.)

Dan! Awesome to have you back! I’m gonna tell Sebastos.
((6″2′ Olive skin, White hair, similar to Jack Frost in ROTG(only similarity I could find) Black Suit jacket, Red tie and trims, Black jeans, Hazel Eyes. Sharp angular features. Relatively thin. Did you forget Sebastos?))

I’ll help, anyway I can. I always said I would. Come inside, now. *She takes his arm and walks inside, heading straight towards the infirmary*

((thanks guys, im writing this all down in my sketchbook so i wont forget. Oops, totally did, sorry. But its 1am here and im still packing for a camling trip so. Excuses.))

but its- *stumbles and blood is seen seeping into the back of his hoodie* oww… alright. maybe its more than a scratch.

Dude, we went through all the trouble to fake your death not for you to blow your cover up like that. We’ll get you to our medics and debrief you later on.

Glad you could make it back.

Help us. Help you. Help the World.

Considering that the only other people who know about it took it to the grave, E is going to have a pretty hard time finding it. The only way is if I myself was Erudito.

Speak of the Devil. Bye bye E! *Closes off IP Adress to Username:”3RUD1TO”*
Now that he’s gone,(momentarily at least) Yes I am sure that it is E-Proof

Then I’ll be back soon. *He takes the knife and twirls on his heel, walking out of the room, but stops, turns and-* Check out the new girl for me!

*At the top of the Eureka Skydeck, a figure stares across the city, lights flickering across the river. She sighs as she looks at a phones screen, typing before zipping it into a pocket on a bowcase. Flipping the bag up onto her back, she walks to the edge, staring at the sky before letting herself fall, a small group of sparrows flitting around before resettling. A message appears on everyone’s devices.*

=I have my reasons for staying. I’ll be testing this eden-bows powers at the old safe house. After Grey, I need to think. And work. Erudito needs to go down.=

((sorry guys I’ve been really busy with university and Easter stuff in the country. Look up eureka tower, its cool. Specially the sky box))

We are here to help you with ERUDITO. We will have your back the entire way.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

((It’s cool, same with me with Uni and Easter :) Happy Easter btw))

Otto. I don’t want this to be researched. Is there any way that his dagger can go straight into the vault. Anyways who would have put peaceful abilities in a dagger? Actually Sebastos you have been talking about safehouses for our little squad. Are they safe enough that Tmplars, Abtergo, or Assassin’s can’t get in?

Ps. Otto, I only seperated them so that you wouldn’t say to me, for the millionth time, that abstergo isn’t templars. They are. If you don’t know that check the high security files. If you do stop lying.

Depends on which Safehouses you’re talking about. Some are T-Controlled and some are A-controlled. I have a personal one from back in the Bounty hunting days, but I can’t bring you along unless It is under the most dire circumstances. So I can take it now or you can think about it while I check with the NG. Otto which room is she in? I kinda got lost in the hospital wing.

If you want, I can get it a straight passage to one of our inner vaults; virtually impossible to locate or enter.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Caitlin. Now that the Grey Assassin is gone, what keeps you here with the troop? There are technically Five of us,(six with you) but you have only ever stayed because of Dan’s involvement, unless I am wrong. Why do you continue to help us?

Caitlin, you will always have a place with us at Abstergo. We will do our best to help you in any way possible. It is what Grey would have wanted. Do not misunderstand that statement; you always had a place among us Caitlin, you are always welcomed within our walls and us.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

It will be in our hands for research at first and the betterment of the world then; if needed to be. If not needed, it shall be stored away where no person nor animal nor creature would ever be able to reach.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Otto is in the containment bunker. He got called down there because our “guest” is showing abnormal biometric signs. He even thinks that she might not be human. He’ll be back up in a few hours after our engineers and scientists find out what is wrong with her and ‘turn it off’.

Help us. Help you. Help the World.

ERUDITO love to make sure no one betrays them, even if it meant torturing and killing them. She must have been in tremendous pain when they installed this into her. We managed to remove it without hurting her much due to large levels of anesthetic.

Thankfully she seems better now, hopefully she will cooperate with us. Both ways we’ll send her to a safe location in the end since ERUDITO may want her dead now. I can not believe how people chose to aid and join them.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Can you give me the coordinates? I would still like to ask some questions,(unless answers were already provided) if you don’t mind.

I already sent a team to take you to her. They should be here any minuet now.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Sorry about that. Just finished looking through the information on the girl. It seems that ERUDITO now torture their agents with some sort of electromagnetic devices that are created to cause brain damage to their agents remotely. This is such a horrible way to deal with humans. Fortunately, we managed to decode the signals and have upgraded our technologies to create interference when near their agents; we even have the ability to control the signal and track it back to its output location.

I’ll send some scientists to meet you and take you to her.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Okay then. *He turns to face the panoramic view, opens a segment, then turns back to Logan and says “See you on the ground floor!” before performing a reverse leap-of-faith*

Hey I found garden down here. It’s nice and secluded. This is now Grey’s memorial. *he takes out a battered gun, and places it on some stones he has arranged by a small tree.*

I’m going to tell you guys about the POE that I was talking with Grey about. It lies in the hands of a wealthy spanish man named Arturo Santiere. He lives in Barcelona. I’ll find the NG and you go after the POE. It also might be a dagger, but you’ll know it when you see it.

It’s different without Grey isn’t it? There’s something missing. *Walks to the City Centre as Logan flies to Barcelona*
I hope all this is worth it.

Oh sorry Otto I didn’t see the update. I’ll be on my way. Caitlin would you care to join me? *Taps into earpiece and sends orders for flight schedule*

He doesn’t have any relatives, not that we know of. He basically deleted his history from before I met him at the academy. There’s no trace, it’s buried too deep for even me to find.

*she taps her fingers on the table*

I don’t think that the NG is coming.

Then I’ll come to the NG. *walks over to the display case, taking out and putting on the crimson cloak* She has information that could be crucial about Erudito, *Straps a black leather belt filled to the brim with darkened steel throwing knives* as well as knowing a lot about Grey. *Fits two blood red gauntlets onto his forearms, revealing the black blades with gold trim below* She might also be the only one willing to tell us about Grey’s death. *unclips two golden buttons at the back, letting fabric fall and revealing a sash-like cloth hanging down behind him, similar to traditional assassin robes.* Good to be back in the old suit. So are you coming? *spins on his heel and walks out the door, motioning for them to come*

I got all dressed up for nothing! At least I have intimidation purposes. So did Grey like a certain location? Like maybe a tropical setting etc…

At the very least lets avoid sky diving out of old, collapsing, and exploding skyscrapers. My stomach still hasn’t caught up with me.

Okay then. *He turns to face the panoramic view, opens a segment, then turns back to Logan and says “See you on the ground floor!” before performing a reverse leap-of-faith*

She is already in our Delta Facility, would you care for transportation to that facility?

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

*A ceiling grate drops, and a form drops down just outside the doors to the conference room. Caitlin walks in, dumping a worn compound bow onto the table and sitting down with a huff. Her jeans are ripped and stained, blood still lightly seeping from a shoddily wrapped wound on her arm. Miraculously, her hooded jumper seems to be intact, if dusty.*

So. New girl. Think she’ll stay around long? Also please clean your vents, they’re really dusty. It’s not very pleasant.

Couldn’t say, but at least she can see our skill set. “Please don’t kill me!” gives reassurance about what she will do, if at least not attacking us. And sorry about the vents, but people usually don’t crawl through them. Nice entrance though. Is that her tag now? “New Girl”. I like it. It gives a greenhorn touch to her persona.

Is there any way we could contact them? And in the meantime is there anything that Grey would want? A special location or anything?

Give me a second, *Pulls out laptop and looks up the storms are and predicted path* We could get them here if they try to go around the storm and land for refueling twice along the way. Do you want me to send him the information about that or just wait an hour for the storm to pass and them to get here?

Dirty vents? Definitely not at my facility then. We extracted a ton of information and she seems to be willing enough to share it. We will check the validity of the info and conclude upon her will to help Abstergo.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

I’ll take that into account Logan. Thanks. In fact instruct her to meet me in the COO office. I have a couple questions. You and Caitlin are free to join in if you wish.

*Automated voice rings through speakers “Welcome to Abstergo Entertainment’s new facility. We hope that you have a nice stay.” Then a secretary admits Logan to the COO office, where he is greeted to a panoramic view of the sprawling city below, and a long conference table with furnished swivel chairs ringing the outside. By the side is a man in his mid twenties, with short brown hair, cut close to the skull, with a small goatee, similar to the result of not shaving for a while. next to him in a display case is a deep crimson robe that stretches to the ground just brushing the floor.*
Nice place huh? I got it from a friend. This is where I work most of the time, down in Santo Domingo. It’s where I’m from actually, the Dominican, but only paternally.
Do you have Williams?

I set up an external auxiliary team to deal with the remain of this situation, you are welcome to join. We have already extracted quite a bit of information from her; seems she could be on our side after all. Not taking any risks yet but her mentality checks out.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

To all those who hear this, This is former corprol holly williams. Was erudito. This grey assassin guy, he had intel on everyone. I am going to the nearest abstergo. Please dont kill me! I-i have to go! *the camera cuts out as the blond haphazardly shuts off the camera*

I haven’t heard of her before. *Blocks all but Caitlin and Sebastos from being able to hear* The only thing I have on her is that I noticed her last name is the first name of the still living Miles. *Removes block* I will also be at the memorial even if I didn’t know grey that well.

Ack… Sorry ive been gone…. Ran into some… Complications…. Im not going… To make it this time…. Sorry… And to those ive fought beside, its been a pleasure serving with you… *the video feed shows a man in a grey hoodie, orrather, what was a hoodie,bleeding from more bullet holes than should be able to be withstood, the video cuts out with the sound ofa door opening and the rapid approach of footsteps*

Sir! We found some thing! Looks like he was communicating with someone. Before they finished him! *the camera shows a mousy blonde girl in an erudito cloak*

The Grey Assassin will never die because we have preserved his legacy for generations to come. He will live on forever.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Hi, Joshua here,

Just have a few questions.
How are you able to represent the genetic memories of people in such detail. do you use other sources as well to make it more realistic?
Do you have my animus records on file?


If we all die by the night, then can we still try to survive? If they bring him to Camazotz then he will be saved, while others fall. The dogs will whine, the wolves will call, but then the bats worst of all, while bite and tear, at omnes brawl.

Guess what? I’m back! So I already have something, and that’s that “Camazotz” is the ancient Mayan god of death, underworld, and vampires. Hence the bat comment. Also, “omnes” is Latin for “all”, so it translates to “All brawl” . Good luck figuring the rest out. :)

Hello Joshua,

The way we make the genetic memories of people in such details is a trade secret, can not really tell you about it, sorry.

We keep your sessions on record in our archives in order to monitor your activity and reward you through your process of synergy in the many aspects that you will find. These records are also used for medical purposes in order to know how long your sessions are and whether or not you may be experiencing any side-effect due to long exposure.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

The Prophecies I spoke of were in the ruins of The Observatory. They spoke of the First Civ return at the hands of the Sages, and the sage accomplices, who are kind of like a three man cult. They then speak of slavery for deception and defiance and an era of peace through human oppression and First Civ pleasure. Then they speak of a cleansing day, when the First Civs will burn in a solar apocalypse while their slaves will survive. There is also the act of activating the prophecy by means of the blood from the hand of the greatest warrior. He must be of either assassin or Templar faiths, and somehow imbued with a First Civ device. That is all I can give you right now.

That’s funny Logan, because I used a tampered version of Google translate. It took a couple hours to work out the kinks but all in all pretty simple. What are you off to doing right now anyway? Dan is going to the safe houses, Caitlin is resting up, and Sebastos is currently occupied. Just to stay here?

Has it occurred to you that Erud1to might have other games in progress? Or that this is just one of many? I cannot do much from my position other than update you on goings on around here but you will need to find if these things are true. I would also act immdiately and not worry about Sebastos, for I know what he is doing and that will take some time. If you have any questions voice them now.

I have no questions… However, i know of an erudito outpost in the neiborhood. I will ‘investigate’. I will contact when i learn something.

Be sure to let us know if you need some tech and back-up.

Our extraction teams managed to salvaged some of your equipment from the ERUDITO building that was destroyed. They have been safely transported to our facility and are being repaired; the bow seems to be fine as far as we can tell.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

As I have said to everyone else, I may have gone overboard with the explosives. I also would like to ask forgiveness for trying to turn. I overestimated Erudito’s abilities. I am not against you or the assassin’s now but I am still going to follow the creed. I will be working alongside Grey, Sebastos, and Caitlin from now on.


Thank you for your cooperation. I assure you that you can trust me. I do have a question though. How did you decipher the Latin messages?

I am glad that everything is fine and that you guys are safe. We know your were not thinking clearly because of ERUDITO therefore we understood your situation and did not use it against you. As long as we all have our friendship, we will always remain a one strong force.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Aww, snap, I really liked that bow. I think I have another at the safe house, though.

*sigh* thank you, Grey, I owe you one. Or a lot, I’ve lost count of all the times we’ve saved each other.

Sebastos, I’m from Australia. Our pronunciation of words is very different, and we tend to drop letters a lot.

*mumbles incoherently whilst rubbing her eyes* ahm naht yers grey, ahm nobodehs. Wha happened out thar?

*sitting up stiffly she holds an arm across her chest* ughhh e’rethin hurtsss. Where’re we an where’s me bow. Are there ‘ssassins round ere? Needa report or summin I dun remember.

*she takes a drink from a glass next to the bed* Aah. Water.

I take offense to that, Sebastos. My accent is just stronger when I’m exhausted. So, what happened? Wasn’t Grey around?

Yeah. I used a talisman to keep you from bleeding out, now, i need to get to the old safehouse and get some of my gear. As for where your bow is, i have no clue where it is. If you need me to grab you anything i can get them here.

I am sorry for any offense, because I can slur when I am as awake as you were.
Then again i don’t really have an accent (I am western Canadian, so I sound pretty North American) so I can’t sympathize. I did see your bow though. It was under a car by the broken hospital. Looked like a Civic. Blue I think.

So they’ve been here for a day and no movement from Grey? At least Caitlin is semiconscious but he has no movement. He could be in a coma.

Not voodoo. Pheonix talisman… And now i really need to make more. I used my last one to make sure my caitlin lived. Speaking of which, how did i survive?

Did any of the hoods survive? I seem to have angered them. *the cuffs at his wrists snap open, as do the ones at his ankles* and could you please pass me my blades?

I will be going into hiding… And i need to replace my gear…. You know where to call me. And c knows the old safehouses better than anyone.

The closest is really near but Rome’s abstergo facility is only a little bit farther and has much better facilities and won’t question why we have bullet wounds

We would probably get away from it but we could get seriously charged and questioned which could involve them wondering why we have bullet wounded passengers

I have heard a lot of this Tenzin. I think he is part of the collective may have even been the one who arranged this tournament. Or maybe he is Sephiras. All i do know about him is Erudito is trying to keep people from learning about him and that his last name is Grey. Guess that is why he *Points to Grey Assassin* calls himself the Grey Assassin he must be hunting Tenzin. *Picks up Grey* alright.

Well, it isn’t as easy as it seems, because you could just as easily be betrayed by either side (otto as an exception) if they wanted, but yes it is a perk.

I am here no worries. I may not have had comms on but I would never let you guys go out there unprepared. I had teams with you the entire time to make sure you were not followed nor ambushed from behind. Although the dynamites seemed to be enough, there where two gunships flying in to escort you out of the ERUDITO facility and completely tear it down to pieces to get your out if you were trapped. But as I thought, you guys always produce the best quality of work. Abstergo never lets its friends go by themselves, we all take care of each other; never forget that.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Apparently(according to Sephiras) there are Assassin clad bodies inside and around the building(via camfeed) You get back up buddies from the brotherhood Logan?

I have to think… I need to deal with Erudito first.
But before any of that, Logan, you want to know why it did what I did right?
Why I went all rouge-y last second?

I was once an assassin but my training was cut short by the cross incident, so four friends and I left to finish our training without the craziness of the order and the cross incident. Seven years later, E took out three of our five, for reasons I still don’t know. We were caught unawares and thought that e was trustworthy. Then in 2013 they killed the last of our little band, Deklin, while we were in Antarctica for abstergo’s research. So when I was offered the opportunity to strike back, I took it. It was rash and reckless but I wasn’t thinking at full capacity then. I did get branded with the insignia though. It’s on my left ring finger. So a lot of people didnt consider me or themselves a full assassin but all those who didn’t are dead now. Any questions?

I was branded with the ASSASSIN insignia. When our band “finished” training.
I was not part of the cross incident, but it still affected me.

One of my friends was actually MY mentor, and he was in the immediate vicinity when the mentor died, so they tried to kill him when he ran to get help. He might have been a Templar, but he’s been dead a long time now.

*hand logan a parachute* make sure you get the other two… I wont make it. Just….make it. *he grimances slightly, blood is on the strap of the bag*

Im not leaving any of you we are going to do a buddy jump. *Puts on one of the two parachutes and hand the other to sebastos* take this and get Caitlin, jump out of the top so that the building can’t catch you on the way down.
*Grabs grey, runs to the top, jumps, pulls the string and the parachute activates*

Good luck Logan! I’m going to stay with the- ah what the hell! I’m coming!
*turns around and addresses Grey*
Don’t die on me! I’ll be back.

No.. You guys have two chutes between you. Make sure one of you gets her to safety. I will do waht i can, but jumping is for sure a death wish in my current condition. All that can be done is you guys jump. Il try and make it out before the buildings gone…

*Comm starts up*
I have Caitlin!
Logan are you coming?
Deploying chute! Don’t slip now.
Gotcha! Okay we are on the ground but Caitlin’s still unconcious!
*comm stops*

Who lands in a collapsing building?! We’re on the outside waiting for you! I’m not going in there alone! (Even with an unconscious person)

Yeah…. That might be a bit of a problem. *checks comm*
Mmhmm yeah that’s what I thought. Okay
Apparently there are assassin bodies inside the building and throughout the games.
Complete in uniform and everything.
Your buddies Logan?

*the building explodes into flames and debris, glass shattering and bodies going flying. The sudden silence is unsettling, all around is just the sound of crackling flames and building.*

guys…help….there was shrapnel…cant…. *the coms go silent, apart from labored breathing*

*grey makes it to the unconcius form, pulls a familiar looking talisman from his jacket and presses it to her chest* I WILL NOT LOSE ANOTHER ONE! NOT NOW, NOT EVER! *the weary soldier simply smiles as his comrades wounds close, the shrapnel falling out, her heart rate stabilizes and she is simply unconcius* heh… They said one would die… Not two…

*Med teams come over to check Logan and Sebastos but they brush them off to go see grey*
We’re coming buddy. Hold on.
*The teams swarm around Grey and Caitlin, taking Caitlin on a stretcher and Grey hobbling into a Medical-helicopter that landed just outside the blast-zone*

C’mon Grey, you’re making it too. Let’s go.*Steps into the Medcopter, straps in next to Logan, and when the patients are secure, orders liftoff*
There are things I love about the field, such the adrenaline rush, or the sense of duty, but I hate the parts that cause you more grief than anything else. I can’t lose someone else to Erud1to. Not again. Not like this.

You guys get clear, I can make the shot. Just run for it, Kay?

*she climbs higher in the building, taking out a few explosive arrows and activating them*

Run and I’ll shoot when you’re all clear! Just say when!

*bolts for the exit, Grey ahead and Logan beside as they run in near unison, shooting and stabbing as they go. 3 meters to exit… 2 meters… 1 meter! Grey jumps through, as Sebastos throws Logan through first then jumps and rolls after him*
*all else said is lost in the staccato of gunfire and the screams of dying men*

*A roar sounds from behind the group, turning they see a Lion drop, arrows again piercing its body.*

Guys, run! There’s a clear path straight out of here! You may have to jump over a Lion, though.

*Caitlin jumps down to ground level, standing behind the Lions, bow in hand as she nocks a new arrow*

((Did you guys realise we’ve been doing this for like more than two years now? Also /you are most active at 3am here/. I’m typing this in my Uni class.))

How many left?
*as he looks around, a man who he thought was dead makes a final attempt, and stabs him in the foot*
*turns on the man and shoots through his forehead, point-blank*
I can’t walk with this in my foot! cover me!!

Where are we?! I remember destroying a parking lot, (sorry Otto) and blacking out, then everything is fuzzy, until we’re running down the hallway killing everything!

So? Il die. Big whoop. i shluld have died a long tima ago. *throws down all weopons exept for his black hidden blades, his sword, and his m1911s* LETS START THE PARTY!

Logan “Tristar”? whats up bro? *stabs three guys one after the other*
I thought you were Logan-Fireofall. *Throws flash bang, then run into the confusion, and comes back out after five shots, reloading his Glock18*
It’s like your trig to hide your name from people, then switching to different cover name.

*in a small swish of blood five men fall* look! More doors! *grinning like a maniac, the grey clad figure continues to hack and slash, literally*

*You hear whoosh from behind you and a man clad in a red assassin robe with a silence sniper rifle on his back and two mini Uzis in his hand appears* let’s do this. and i am really going to need that explanation when we are done sebastos.

*a flash of blue in the rafters distracts for barely a moment, five Kevlar clad men falling, arrows sticking out if them. Looking up shows a smirking grin, ribbon swishing as she jumps and climbs downwards, never straying below head height*

How’s it going down here? I can keep cover from above. Got a few explosive ones in my quiver if needed.

*she taps her earpiece, listening and frowning*

A group of ten is stationed at each and every door, I’ll go up and out and start clearing a path. Eruditos cameras have been blocked, I’ve gotta be a shadow for this one. I’ll meet you outside.

Lets bust ’em up. WOO HOO!!!!
*jumps into a group of seven, dodging and stabbing before they can attack*
These guys really need to improve their fighting!
*Jumps back out, spins around, and squeezes on the trigger of his pistol, letting loose a rain of bullets, then puts it down and all the men are still standing*
Look down.
*each one has flowering stains of blood all over their bodies*

If everyone knew where the games would lie,
Would you still try to make me die?
E wont let me freely speak,
But spare me and I’ll give you a sneak peek,
To the games and their place,
To save your friend.
You must make sure that in the end,
Your blades stay from the edge of my neck.

Sephiras. Or should i say, erud1to. I will not fail my freinds. No matter how much it hurts. Im the hardest to kill [WORD REMOVED BY ABSTERGO] youl ever find. Ever.

Si vis pacem, parabellum

We are a collective you know. But don’t try to intimidate Erudito. To him you are nothing more than a whelp with firepower.
I can give coordinates to the games without the puzzle.
Take it or leave it.

A whelp huh? Well, this whelp is going to show you what it means to insult one of us who follow the orriginal order. Before the assassins there was the grey. All i can say is good luck. Oh and when this is over, i may be dead and gone, but my legacy will live on.

Si vis pacem, parabellum

This is a warning. The games drive men insane. The last one they tried to rescue killed the rescuers for fear of trickery. Get to him quick or not at all. The games start soon.

* with a flash the lights go out, when they turn back on sebastos is gone, replaced by grey. sitting, twirling his knife* lets play your games.

Hey! Hey! Guess what happened today!
Everything’s in my life, going down the drain!
Hey! Hey! Guess what happened today!
You’re not going to believe a word I say!
There was a man, all, clad in Grey!
In the middle of the pavement on his face!
Dropped from the sky!
Full intentions to, Die.i.i!
Now you know price, oh oh oh…
Now know what you face. None come
Out alive. Not today. Ever so slowly.
Non Hodie.

Play your games. We will survive. I will not let my freinds fall.mif its one thing ive learned, its better to get the others out than to get out alone.

I believe that Erud1to was referring to a grave site on farmland outside of Edmonton.
It is big and was for a dog, named Zeus. The owners didn’t spell the name right. Please take this advice.

So Grey, do you always tell new recruits that you are Grey? Or do you still go by Dan Drummond anymore? By the way, we have stationed our strike team inside your building and they have been in camouflage for about a day. Prepare to go to the games. *gives attack order*
Have fun.

Well, i guess its time to party. *draws a smg*’and fyi, i am dan drummond, i am the grey assassin. I have always been.

And p.s. I will see you sooner than you think.

Si vis pacem, parabellum

No need to fuss R4, I am not actually GOING with Erud1to. Just resuming an old title. *loads sig sauer, then straps on hidden blade* Lets dance E.
Si vis pacem para bellum.

Joining? Who said anything about joining? I simply wosh to put an end to this madness. *with a flash of black steel hidden blades spring forth, ast hey are supposed to, a familiar eagle hilted sword rests on his hip* now, your “assassins” are… Lets just say sleeping. *comms flash, showing a small army of bodies, than back, where there is now no one*

*behind logan* you dont try and kill your own kind. They attacked first. And on several other occasions. So dont talk to me about loyalty. They left me for dead before abstergo helped me. *suddenly gone*

R4 is messed up about Logan’s attempts to stop Erud1to. I am taking up an old title nothing more. *Comm picks up gunfire*
Si vis pacem para bellum

By the way, you know next to nothing about my past so you can’t judge me.*cleans blood off of hidden blade* And because of my past is exactly why I will not be joining you. Not Immediately.
Si vis pacem para bellum

I fight for whoever I’m loyal to. I’m more of an… Off shooting branch of the Assassins. All by my lonesome, watching. Waiting. Fighting. Making sure messes are cleaned up and out operatives stay alive. This group, though, I feel I’ve become close to. I like them. I don’t like it when people hurt my friends.

*Eruditos screens black out, coming onscreen after a few seconds, glowing deep red, flickering. It cuts to a live feed of Caitlin sitting in the head office, flicking through papers, occasionally poking a tablet. She speaks to the camera*

Bribery doesn’t work on me. You really think I don’t have that information already? Have fun finding all my traps. Your innocents will be left, of course, but the heads of this operation will be taken, killed or watched. You’ll never be left alone. Try doing this again, we won’t be so kind.

*The screen flickers, Caitlin disappearing as armed soldiers run into the room she was just in.*

*switches on to a man in a black, featureless mask*
It’s fine then. It was simply an offer, and one you denied. But oh! Where oh where is Sebastos? We needed a warrior, and we WANTED Grey. He took out what we had so we sent in more. Don’t be surprised or disappointed that it was Sebastos who was taken. *Cam switches to a view of the underground parking lot, which is completely destroyed, bodies littering the ground, and trucks, three tanks and a turret station all on a flickering fire.*
That one is feisty I can tell you that. Follow the coordinates found under The Partheon, and you will find the games.
We take what we want, when we want.
Hic est bellum.

Logan, Logan, Logan. It was either going to be easy or it was going to be hard, and it turned out to hard. Choose who you back, or stay out of the way.

R4, How do you explain the events I have told? How do you explain all of that? You can’t give back the lives you have taken, the sanity of those you experimented on, the trust you have abused, and the time you have stolen. I admit, the assassin’s have made mistakes, but you have committed worse crimes. I do not have any knowledge about this alleged child killing and I do not believe it. Give me some evidence I am wrong. Can you?


We did not take any lives. All test participants knew why they were getting into, over 90 years ago.

Only 2 lost a bit of their sanity (not completely) out of 3,000,000 people because they were not following our instructions; 83 years ago.

We haven abuse anyone’s trust, here is your proof on that claim?

We never wasted time, we found ways to make time more effective and efficient for science and the betterment of the world.

We did not have any crimes. It’s reasons such as these that truly make me sad that you would get easily brain washed by them.

I shall no longer argue with this as I see it will be pointless. You have your own path to follow. You want to come back, you are more than welcome. You want to go with them, we wish you the best of luck. You want to accuse us of random actions, then go ahead. It was a pleasure knowing you while it lasted and hope it will continue but that outcome is in your hands.

I am being called into work now therefore I may not be able to reply for a while. Once again, I wish you and all the others the best if that is the path you guys truly wish to take.


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

-. — – / . …- . .-. -.– – …. .. -. –.id est, ut videtur when enemies persuade.
Si vis pacem para bellum.

((sorry, am at a housewarming, was helping out a friend who had a bit too much vodka))

*sighs, and walks over to Logan* Here, stick your leg out, I’ll fix up the bandaging and put some numbing antiseptic across the wounds.

*she finishes Logans leg, stands and turns, a bemused expression on her face*

Why are you assuming I ever lost loyalty to the Assassins? You must be new around here. I never joined the Templars. I’m only here to check on my friends. Everything I do is of my own volition. I just want to help however I can, and find the people who did that to me. Make sure they experiment on nobody else.

And really? A strike team? Have fun finding us.

*The lights and cameras cut out, flickering to life after a few moments, showing an empty room*

Caitlin, is it us or Logan you are judging? Because if you truly did read these last threads, then you would know that I have never specified YOU as anything. We have never said that your allegiance belongs with one or another. Despite Logan’s efforts, you might not help us. Before you do choose your “side” in this, let me make an offer you can’t refuse.
The past threads by our friend Sephiras have clued you in to a set of “games” or trials. These will lead you to the people who put you in your little animus comatose.
Think about it.

Just an fyi for everyone,i work alone. Occasionaly i work with others, but no organization shall keep me. Why? The peices of eden.
They are merly peices of the puzzle.
Si vis pacem, parabellum.

Hey Grey, speaking of POE I found one’s energy signature in Cape Breton, Canada. Inside a Poplar off of the the East side by the Wind Turbines of Laffins Cove. It might be apple #5, because it has the same energy signature as the other apples on record.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

The test shall begin,
Will you choose to win?
All shall be chosen
You are not alone
If you win you will go home
But my arena, It dwarfs all of Rome,
So finding your way out, isn’t the throw of a stone.
You will Race, Fight, and Think to Survive,
You’ll attack Kade, Iris, Len, Lou, Eric, and finally Rue, Finish with Stefan
You don’t get to choose
You’ll kill KILLERS no matter what you choose.
47 go in.
9 beat their way out.
3 will win.
1 will leave.
None will live if you try to help.

No Latinae hoc quo.
Nos voluntas accipe vos.

All i can say is that if this is some kind of game *gets up put of bed, and begins walking towards door* you and your petty organization wont win. Now if youl excuse me, im going to go build me a new cannon.

Ah, Logan old friend it had seemed time for me to reveal myself.
Unfortunately you were caught in the crossfire of my little “entrance”.
Know this Logan, The Grey Assassin is considered to be affiliated with our common enemy of Abstergo. As for “Sebastos”, he was once one of us but has since changed allegiance. My affair with Abstergo does not concern you, or the brotherhood as a whole. If you can reform our fallen, and/or assimilate the others, we will stop. Just know that if you continue to help these Templars, we will not spare you.

Sacrificium, de unum
Is not of consequence to many.


*Carefully gets back up* It is your fault I am working with them Erudito. I feel that stopping any chance of the first civilization coming back takes priority over stopping the Templars. I am still loyal. I am leaving now. You still owe an explanation for faking a first civ return. *gets up then collapses* Crap… I think I might be stuck here. *Crawls towards the exit*

Who said I was “faking” Logan? We do not joke about things as serious as this.
This is your last chance. We are sending in a search and capture team as we speak.
I will not allow a hypocritical fool bent on his own deranged beliefs to stop us. If there are casualties to this man’s stupid plan, then so be it. If you are still willing, take as many as you can, and reform them to the RIGHT side of this conflict.
You have two hours before our forces converge.


Sorry for the assumption. I will get to work right away. *Crawls back to the chair* Grey is obviously not going to return to our side. Sebastos are you willing to see reason? I don’t think you want these idiotic Templars to win. You know they are not truly going to help us. Haven’t you seen the chaos they have caused throughout history? And what about you Caitlin? I know you have seen the history and that you were stuck in the animus so long you forgot about the world around you. You don’t want the to happen to anyone else right?


Grey, have you seen what the Templars have done? There is the torture of Clay Kaczmarek, the hunting down of Desmond, and Do I even need to mention the craziness with the sample 17 project? And all of that is now, think about in the past, the Borgia conspiracy, the “prophet” and that skull, and then Haytham Kenway and Charles Lee. You know what I am talking about. They tried to control everyone.

Yeah… Done thinking. *runs off mementarily, reapers garbed in a worn grey assassin cloak* gotta get back to my roots dont i?

Si vis pacem, parabellum

It pains me an Otto to see you treating the people that rescued you, healed you, taken care of you and most importantly respected you for yourself and individuality like this for this person that is speaking dirt with you. You quickly judged our past and forgot theirs? We tried what seemed a better plan for humans; they ran in killing everyone, even children because some smart analyst said that they were Abstergo trained. They slaughtered 5, 6 and 7 year old children, burned down bunkers where they though we had agents but they were filled with refugees from the assassins inaccurate attack that happened before.

We do not blame you on your actions not do we hold it against you. We only wished that you would stand for your self and not be treated like dirt by them. I mean look at all the accomplishments you have while with us. Do you know how many people you helped and saved with us? A hundred times the fold then what seems with them.

I’ll try my best not to let Otto see this because I know it will break his heart. He saw you as brothers and sisters and cared about you.

I hope we get a chance to meet again soon and you are back out of their control and not standing there with the mission of killing the only people that only wanted a better future for you.

Take care,


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

*walking into a med bay where everyone has now gathered. A bow is in one hand, quiver slung across a shoulder. She looks tired and dirty, hair shoved back from face in a ponytail. Glaring a little, the room is surveyed.*

Why is it that everytime I leave, you all end up in danger or injured? Is there no self preservation instinct in any of you? Some of you may not be able to die, but it causes a lot more damage when you can’t get out quietly. Everyone seems to be hunting us nowadays, we have to try and stick together. Nobody can be compromised.

*she pauses, and stares at Sebastos and loganfireofall*

And who the hell are you two?

((out of character: I leave you alone for five minutes guys, wow. I’m actually kinda impressed.))

I feel insulted! I have been shot at, at least, what is it now? Three times while you were at close proximity! And I was rescued, helped hack, solved riddles, and other stuff. Mostly the other stuff but still!

*incoming mobile message*
He…am in t……arki…ot. my……….out………go…hot.
Lik…..Grey doe….al..ime.
*message end*

ReasonOfCall:Username”Sebastos” was shot 3 time(s) in the abdomen. All vital organs were missed. The shots occurred at 2:37 January 24, 2014. Subject has been slightly bandaged but requires immediate medical attention. An amount approxi//::GLITCH:^*\\lf litres of blood has been lost.

It is alright, you are in our medical bay, again. Just rest up a bit and then join us at the debriefing.

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Oh great… Shrapnel from the helicopter… And… *looking over medical diagnostics form* 3 bullets…. Hmmm… Not a new record though.

Three bullets, Glock (18 I think), lower abdomen.
Yep, just like the old days, when I would get shot nearly as often as you do now.

Not long usualy. But notmally im not being questioned by russians and blown up in a gunfight.
So… Give me a few days till i can walk.

Hey guys. I hope you are… *Starts walking towards Sebastos and grey and cringes* Dang it Adrenaline must be wearing off. *Looks down and sees leg is completely ripped up by bullets* Holy crap!

(In case you did not know your body can cut off feelings of pain while you are in a dangerous situation)

I might not be getting up anytime soon but I can still help with this.
I’m not sure if anyone noticed this, but we were under attack by civilians,
with bullet proof vests, and simple guns(exceptions being the spec-ops in
the heli) so maybe the “Those we least expect” is referring to the Civs.
If I am correct, then we shouldn’t be so careless outside the facilities. Even
in transport, we might not be safe. The line “Who guards the guardians?”
enforces my theory.

Hodie vivo,
Hodie ergo moriemur,
Hodie capimus
Hodie nos surgent
Cras nos requiem
Et cras nos custodi
Omnes quod bonum est,
Super tabulatam by nostri pedes ,
Illi qui ruled
Voluntas sit Regnavit
Ut mancipia illi vivunt
Ut mancipia illi morietur
Ut mancipia illi accipe
Quasi men Illi surgent
Ut in rotam vicissim
Et vivi, adolebit
In mortuus heal,
Ita vicissim in rotam
Accipe observa O viventum ones
Mortui reditum
From dust nos voluntas surgent
And hominis nos spernere
Sed vos shall sit sanavit
Dum nos adolebit


Do not let them get to H44E I27E M44W I27W before you.

Already got it:

Today we live
Today we die
Today we take
Today we rise
Tomorrow we rest
And tomorrow, we keep
All that is good
On the floor by our feet,
Those who ruled
Will be ruled
As slaves, they live
As slaves, they die
As slaves, they take
As men they arise
As the wheel turns
And the living, burn
The dead heals,
So turn the wheel
Take heed, O living ones
The dead return
From dust we will rise
And the man we spurn
But you shall be healed
While we burn

I think that whatever is at H44E I27E M44W I27W is like the artifact that killed desmond. Whatever you do do not touch it sebastos. I also think that those are coordinates. Looking up latin coordinate systems now

Okay we have Himi, Toyama, Japan
and the Heard Islands and Mcdonald Islands, Antarctica (linked)
I have personally been to the second one. It was weird, with strange animal behavior and weather patterns but only in the last year.


So we have two choices, A city in japan or an island with fast food and crazy animals. All jokes aside I think that the islands might be it because what you are describing sounds like a reaction to a POE’s activation

It IS the Heard & McDonald Islands! You see, the Heard Islands are “44” km EAST or “27” miles EAST of the McDonald, who are “44” km WEST or “27” miles WEST. So the clue is Heard44East, Island27East, McDonald44West, Islands27West!


I am familiar with the term, I was implying to WHICH Piece of Eden. Sorry about the confusion. Where is Grey? I could go and find it myself, since I know the location, but it is highly improbable that we are the only ones who have received this message.

Amazing job guys, although this seems to be a bit too easy. I’ve sent back-up and evacuation teams to back you out. I’ll make sure to give you a recommendation to some of my big friends. Keep you your great job, and you shall be rewarded soon. We are even more impressed with your love with Abstergo that you are doing these extra research and missions on your own time and out of your working contracts; really amazing job. Keep it up.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

By the way, make sure to meet with Development Team 5, it seems that they are interested with some very specific countries for our upcoming project and Japan is one of them. They want to debrief you on your intel on Japan and the recent POEs we discovered.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

I appologize for the lack of communication… I had an… Err….. Situation…. Long story short, i need to be a lot more careful from now on. Whats the sitch?

Alright. Well… I will be arriving shorty. Dont shoot the next helicopter inbound. It will be an older war bird. A very beat up one at…. Or not. Well… Either way, i will be yheire soon. *beeping fills audio message, with a crackle, and the chatter of automatic weopons fire*

*Explosives and gunfire are heard over the radio*
Sorry about that. I was saying i am under fire and need backup. I am glad you successfully deciphered it sebastos. I am using a neutralizer against their jammer.
*Another voice*
I think he is hiding in the ditch
*My voice*
That’s my cue to move!
*Gunfire is heard*

Someone shot me down… Someone realy wants me dead.. Guys im sorry for any injuries you took in that fiasco. I am within 3 miles of the crash. Cant go any further. Once again i appologize. Look for the markings…. Look for the sword… I bid my final adeou.

Glad we could reach you guys on time. L you will be taken to S for debriefing and G your chopper will be taking you to one of our medical facilities. Doctors and everything are ready. Otto also have me some equipment and tools to give you, really sweet upgrades. I’ll catch you all soon at the mission debrief.


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

We also like to open up to the community and allow commenters a chance to come in and join our conversations at times.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

We are glad that you wish to work for Abstergo; we currently are going over many applications therefore you may not have a chance to officially apply yet. However, please feel free to pass to your closest Abstergo office or facility to apply by hand. Please read our FAQs page first before your visit.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Ugh new people to background check, so annoying.

I’m stuck in Australia, it’s so very hot at the moment, makes it quite hard to work. Hopefully you will all get more done.

…though what’s with the Latin person? That’s a dead language, did one of the Ones Who Came Before get into the servers again?

-Head Researcher, Caitlin.

Who knows? Logan proposes that the Assassins and the Templars work together to figure out and “survive” the impending doom that the riddle says is going to happen. What I’m going nuts doing right now is trying to find out who Sephiras is and wondering why they haven’t posted another riddle. Need help with the background check? Send it through the server if you have time.
Nos Omnes Sunt Fratres In In Creed

Vos solved the prim, coeli et laudes
Praeparari illic’ secundus
Iam venit hora, ut elige
Facite vos sicut haec aenigmata
Propter quod ego faciam.

Hominis voluntas ceciderit,
Eam aequatae voluntatis,
Qui de Eden,
Voluntas tollite eorum imple,
Et prophetabunt voluntas surgere,
In a novi aetas,
Of ex ebore et auro,
Et in gaurdian et sage,
Non erit autem eis terra,
Rursus illi rule quod omnes,
Illi voluntas regnabunt
Nam dynasties
Sed hominis voluntas,
est sit attrita fronte voluntas
Et vi eos caderet,
Accipite, hoc script
Ita quod vos ut superesse
In ardentem noctis
To surget contra
In ones de Eden
In die de emundet


Yeah there’s this “Sephiras” who keeps sending us foreboding messages in Latin so I am translating this all. Check the previous feed.

Here is everything so far:


If he falls
And he has conquered death
All live,
But if death take him,
All shall be consumed by the flames of hell
And those who came before
Will rise from the ashes
of Man

You solved the first, and thank heaven
Be prepared, there’s a second
Now the time has come to choose
Do you like these riddles
Because I do.

Man will fall,
It steadily will
Those of Eden
Will take their fill,
And they will rise
In a new age
Of ivory and gold
And the guardian and Sage,
They shall have the earth
Once they rule that,
They will reign
For dynasties
But man’s will,
it will be defiant
And force them to fall,
Take this script
So that you may survive
The burning of the night
To rise against
The ones of Eden
On the day of the cleanse


He is speaking of the return of the precursor race. much of it matches the book of revelations in the bible. I feel that this may be something Assassins and Templars should work together on.


I am willing, but honestly how are we to convince any Templars to join this cause.
Otto might, but even then, that is still a might. Also I have taken a liking to encoding in Latin, so I am going to sign out with my name and something in Latin from now on.

Nos Omnes Sunt Fratres In In Creed

I think the ‘he’ could be Desmond Miles or another Animus. I still don’t get the part on the new age being of ‘ivory and gold’ – maybe a reference to the golden age of the Roman deities (aka the First Civilization)? After all, it’s written in Latin. And as to the ‘day of the cleanse’… maybe another solar flare catastrophe, sort of like the first one? Also, I think that the ‘second’ refers to Desmond’s replacement. Have Otto take a look at this – we may need to have another Desmond Miles very, VERY soon.

The second could also just be referring to the riddles. As for Ivory and gold, we all know that gold is precious. Ivory is considered pure and in some cases “holy stone”. This also suggests that it will be Roman deities (aka the First Civilization).
Let’s get Otto on this ASAP.

Nos Omnes Sunt Fratres In In Creed

Assassins and trmplars do work together…. Just not eneogh of us…. Hell…. I almost killed tenzin when he turned…. But i learned……
Even if i dont completley trust otto yet.

Like i said. Tanks are fun. And i found that under the tank there is a hatch…. I snuck in and was all ninja and cut the ankles of the driver. He screamed and sped up into a brick wall…. It was realy fun.

Nicely done. I envy you. I am stuck on recon while you destroy tanks. Abstergo isn’t doing anything here in the southern US right now. I am starting to think someone has taken them out down here and no one notified me.


Welll….. Thats because they arent htere…. Nothing there for them anymore. And i didnt destroy a tank, i cut an ankle and the driver destroyed the tank. Heh… Im still good at getting shot…. Will be leaving germany soon. Oh, and i recomend checking hawai.

Thanks for the appreciation of the situation. I am still looking for an Abstergo position, so please notify Otto that I have emailed ‘’ and not received a reply in the last 24 hours.

By the way, I am a self-taught cryptographer, computer programmer, and engineer. I am looking for a job at Abstergo and if you are in need of this get Otto to email [REMOVED BY ABSTERGO FOR SECURITY AND PRIVACY REASONS]. It’s not my real email, by the way, although I do check it regularly.

I am back. As it would happen the POE was a fake. I got those burns for nothing. I also almost was noticed thank to a surfing contest that was happening nearby.

Also Sergiusz… We are assassins that you are talking to. Please try on another page, although i think they are still full on submissions.


We apologize for application delays, we are getting more and more each day from other divisions worldwide and we are in the process of creating another division in our Human Resources Department just for electronic applications. We thank your enthusiasm and want to work for Abstergo, we all hope to see you all within the Abstergo family.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

I am sad to hear that you do not trust me yet I am happy that you gave the option of trusting me in the future. On my side, I do trust you gray, you showed that you are brave and loyal; you are not a person that will back-stab the people who took you in and aided you, you have honor and principals. I hope the day that you trust me comes sooner rather than later.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Si ipse falls
Et Et vicit mortem
Omne vivat,
Sed si mors accipe eo,
Omne numquid gehennae flamma devorabitur omnes
Et iis, qui ante
Voluntas surgere de cinis
De Hominis


I was scanning the thread and I found this weird post. It has a hidden message, that’s for sure but I can’ figure out if it is code or a language. Try and find out what it is if you have spare time.

P.S. It isn’t italian I checked

I found it! It’s Latin and it translates to:
“If he falls
And he has conquered death
All live,
But if death take him,
All shall be consumed by the flames of hell
And those who came before
Will rise from the ashes
of Man”

But what does it mean? Who is “he” and what will “he” have to do?
As for “the flames of hell” I have no idea.

If I were you, I would run a scan on the name “Sephiras”. 83% of the time, in such situations, the name leads to a clue. I also suggest making this a security level 1 clearance investigation if you wish to go further with it.

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Sephiras is another spelling of Sephiros which means Severus in Arabic. Severus is an old Roman/Latin name meaning Stern or Severe. Considering the message Sephiras delivered, I believe they were going for Severe. Any input on this?

Abstergo, you should really fix the multiplayer on Assassin’s Creed 3 because every time i try to play a match with my friend, i end up getting stuck in the lobby and it tells me to choose my charachter when everyone is already playing, it’s getting really annoying so if you could please fix it that would be much appreciated

I thank you for sharing your experience with us and apologize that you have had a negative experience with our multi-player feature. Unfortunately we are not able to aid you here however we recommend that you redirect your comment to Ubisoft in order to solve this issue. Here is the link to their support page By reading our FAQs page you may realize why we cannot aid in terms of patches.

However, situations such as your are a bit rare and some common issues are either your NAT settings are on STRICT (you can see it as a triangle, red is strict, yellow is moderate and green is safe or open). Another reason could be internet connection is failing to all you to synchronize with the other players. Another reason could be your system does not match the minimum requirements for multi-playing.

We wish you a better experience and that your issue is solved soon.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

We had a lot on our plate to finish in preparations of our new launch and other really cool features. Do not worry, holidays are usually when we are loudest.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

I dont require medical attention. Ive removed the shrapnel, will be heading towards vancoover soon.
Oh, and im sending some interesting schematice your way.

Also I found out that “redacted” means to edit or censor material/text before publication or for legal and security reasons. Whoever this is They’re going to have some serious leverage.

Theyd better. And if they know of my exp,oits, than they know that i am more dangerouse than an assassin or templar. I honestly wonder how tenzin is… Hes been gone for a while now…

I will not argue your skills, but your power is less than you may hope.
Even now plans are being made, and you are but a pawn on the chessboard.
As are we all.

Interesting …

Last we have is that Tenzin wanted to be off the grid for a while but I am sure he is fine as I am sure you are fine Grey; you both are ‘special’ in your being.

Sebastos, no need to worry much about redacted, at least not for now. We are far ahead than anyone can imagine and so far everything is being taken care of.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Okay the soonest flight off this first world rock is 5:00 am 23 November. It’ll take you straight to The Canary Islands into a wildlife park named Anaga. There should be a large tree in the middle of the park. on the tree is a set of hieroglyphs. They lead to a chamber of some sorts through clues. If you need help contact immediately.

Also, since I’m being dragged into this, who’s Tenzin Gray? Erudito mentioned him once, and scrolling through the thread I saw the name a couple times. By the way DON’T YOU DARE BRUSH THIS OFF. Tell me who he/she is.

I’m quite amazed that you have gotten through all our transmissions. You must really have a boring job.

I’m supposed to be getting an associate of an IT guy called John. Didn’t get much more info than that so sitting, hacking and waiting.

Yeah well when you just get out of almost getting killed, and they sit you down in front of a computer, it’s basically “have fun or bore yourself to death”.
I used to be a hitman too so this sitting and waiting while some one ELSE gets to kill something really sucks.

Im simply amazed you know of tenzin. Trust me when i say this, you will learn who tenzin is when the time is right. If they ever decide the time comes.

Ah, hey there. Any plans for next missions? I’m stuck up here for a few days till my target comes along.

*takes a swig of her steaming hot drink*

oh that’s so much better, I can feel my fingers now.

Yeah. I have a lead in sparta, and apearantly theres a peice of eden in the canary islands i have to get before someone elso does. Whos your next target?

I hate Erudito……. well if it helps grey i can book a flight plan for the canary islands, then to Paris , then to Sparta. Free of charge, long wait lines, and wallets!

Sweet, I’m sending a team there in two days if you want a lift. Caitlin, wanna head down to the sub labs? We can watch them test out the new military systems.


Help us. Help you. Help the World.




*KRSHHT* Hey guys, since when did you all join Abstergo? Didn’t we decide to freelance? And who’s this ‘Sebastos’?

Sorry for being away so long, I got stuck right into Animus training, had to get through some loopholes to get some info. Also, if anyone’s in the Abstergo Entertainment building, can I have a hot chocolate and some biscotti? Great view and all but its fritzin cold on the roof.




I will be up in a few. And i have been freelancing. But when your under a large body of water for as long as i am, just seeing another human is nice. Nyway, il be up soon, old freind.

Ha, thank you. *She pulls herself out of a mess of what looks like thick tarps and blankets, taking the warm drink back and checking that her gear is still in place.*

Are you going to come out into the open or lurk?

This “Sebastos” is intel and operations thank you very much. I came from the Sample 17 research facility in antarctica. I’m also very handy with tech hacking.

Ahhhh, been a while since we all hungout like this. Otto may join as shortly, some problems with Laeticia.

Anyone have any nice jokes?

*phone beeps* oh it’s Otto, seems we have clearence for our new project. We may also be moving in deeper within Chicago, some sort of centralized operating system by a corporation called Blume or something. He said he’ll post an article about it soon.


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

If you hit the nest and kill a bee, you start a swarm.
If step into a pool of piranhas, you get eaten.
If you kill one wolf in the pack, the others kill you.
All of these result in your injury or death.
But these are just animals.
What happens when you apply this to an assassin?
You get assassinated.

We do, but we let them in at times just for a bit of excitement. Sometimes it gets a bit dull over here with all the paper work and we get bored.


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

Otto the assassino are in the building. they took out most of your evac team and I’ve taken the survivors to a bunker underneath the facility I ne– TRANSMISSION ENDED

Poor little Sebastos stuck in a trap. I don’t think Otto’s coming this time, and Tenzin’s off on vacation, Grey’s underground, and caitlin’s, well nowhere to be seen! Even R4 isn’t stupid enough to intervene, so I would give up while you can still put your hands in the air.


exited the cavererns. i thank you for the assisstance sebastos. i will repay you in kind. i have a feeling you will be seeing me sooner than you think.
keep your blade sharp.

The limo is around the corner. We already have medics awaiting your arrival for a check up. Tomas already set your suite up.


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

The limo is around the corner or you Grey. Medics are there as well to aid you. Your suite is ready as well.


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

I’m glad you arrived to the safe house safely. The rest of the team are in debriefing and I sent some medics to collect the bodies for them to be buried properly.

We expect much of you Sebastos.


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

Thanks for the evac, and I have copies of the data stolen by Erudito, but the data he took, and the files we lost could lead to something potentially dangerous. Inside the data folder labeled D:675/JO9 was a storage of all things learned about sample 17 after the subject was deceased. It also contained some private files about the sages gathered from analysts at our facility. It was delicate information that we could have used.

Don’t worry about it. We do not keep records of information that has very high security clearence. Well let’s say not in the form that humans are use to. What they have are fakes, we were placing a bet on how long it will take them to figure it out; the longest period on the bet was around 7 months.


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

In the meantime, i have another lead im following. Going to the old city of sparta…i will report if my lead has any good info.

Since your going there would you mind taking a trip to the canary islands in Spain? There’s a piece of Eden hidden somewhere on them.

Otto, Otto, Otto, sent another one of your T3mpl@r buddies into danger I see, and thanks to the idiocy of some employees, I now have a couple pieces of info you should want.

Mr. Schmidt, I need your help as soon as you can give it. I am from the Sample 17 Research Program in Antarctica and my colleague Deklin Derewlanka has gone missing with some important information. The files he carries are important to the Abstergo cause and they are IMPORTANT beyond the animus program. They are VERY IMPORTANT. Another problem to consider is that Erudito and his ‘associates’ have been very active in my area. Derewlanka was on patrol when he vanished. Please send a rescue party as soon as possible. I also have some interesting Animus data you might want to see

We currently have stopped recruiting and employing new personnel since we still have hundreds of applications to go through. We appreciate your want to join Abstergo.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

I am interested in serving Abstergo since I have found files about my father (an ex-KGB agent in the Soviet Union) that give evidence that the KGB’s modern counterpart in the Russian Federation has a fragment of the Staff of Eden that once belonged to Czar Nicholas III. Very similar to the shard Rasputin wore around his neck. I advise we send out a team – as you may know, the Russian Mafia are the modern-day version of the Russian Assassins, and they have a strong hold over certain regions. Again, we will need a strong task force. We will eventually also need to infiltrate the Kremlin for more intel, and I am afraid that unless we procure another subject for the Animus to help find the fragment, President Putin will not be too happy.

– S. Juliuszk

P.S. We may also need to take a look at Black Fleet movements in and around Ukraine, Russian tank positions near Georgia, and nuclear submarine positions in the Arctic Sea – I have a feeling the Russian armed forces and KGB are up to something.

We thank you for sharing your information with us and applying. We currently have thousands of applications to go through and you are in that pool. Please make sure that you are familiar with our FAQs page.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division


This is Dragon and wait are we being watched? Abstergo…

COMMUNICATION END_-_-_\\~~*****~<]|£%|{NOtHIng iS ()$;( TrUE EverYthing IS permittEd

Hey, I just got on the plane to your location, should be there in a few hours to help however I can.

Mission I was in for the last while got a bit complicated, couldn’t get the com systems online, they had some sort of transmission blocker. I’m working on figuring it out so we can override it or use it ourselves.

i found a system of tunnels underneath the atlantic… how they arent flooded i will never know. im going to go to the nearest entrance and check it out.

Grey, I finally received the files you asked me for. We have some more leads and I’m sending in two more teams for aid with the investigation.

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

otto! do not send in teams! they are down here! if it wernt a maze, they would have got me already! do not send in the teams!

Always go right until you find a large chamber. It should be some fifty feet long, and twenty feet in height. There will be a large ‘Mark of Cain’ on the wall to your left, and an Assassin insignia on your right. one of them leads into more tunnels and the other out into an underground cove below iceland. That is all I know. Good luck grey.

well, thatd good. i have to find out what they did to her otto. she was my best pupil. but that means i will have to be able to move about. i can see somewhat, but its blurry. how long till i can walk? and when can i be taken to see her?

Your sight should heal around 18 hours from now and your nervous system and ability to walk properly again will all be neutralized around noon time this Friday.

When you are done with medical, clearence should be this Saturday, I send someone to take you up to her (she is in the same building as you are because I knew you would want to see her when your healthy again).

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

and i would hope she is unarmed. you know that tend to heal faster than most, thanks to my talismans, so if she is armed, say the following: pacem
then disarm her. pacem is peace in latin. it is how i trained her.

She is enjoying herself actually. Apparently she knows a lot about us. She is currently at the tech dept. lounge playing some video games with some of our guys. Did you tell her about me? She reacted weirdly when she heard my name and immediately disarmed herself.

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

then she kept her phone on her. or kept the same number anyway. but the the comms worked in bermuda! that is great.
if you can get her to stop by, that would be great. considering she was in some kind of animus, they were looking for something. i need to know what.

thanks otto. and can you have someone get me jeans or some kind of pants and a grey tshirt before that? i looked like shit when i freed her, and i dont think laying on a bed in my skivies would be a good idea anyway. oh, and i dont know if any mind programing happened, so im just going to keep my starmetal blade on me. one of the nurses tried to tell me that no one could get in without a background check, but i (unfortunetaly) trained a few others who i know arent dead. and i dont want to join my familie just yet

Hey grey, remember me? Otto asked me to take care of your needs. We have already planned a full new wardrobe for you with a fine collection of designer jeans, shirts, T-shirts and suits. We also have a beautiful and special Italian hand crafted silk suit for you. All of this will be awaiting you at your suite in the main tower.

As for security, we have taken care of a few pretty cool upgrades. Let me put it this way, even bacterial molecules cannot pass through our systems unditected or remain in it’s state or form.

And of course we will take care of you and make you look good before you meet with her, we know how to treat people and meet women expectations and exceed them as well. Just leave it all to us, relax and try to recover.

See you upstairs soon grey,


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

Do not worry, you are in our medical bay. You have been poisoned but our doctors managed to re-stabilize you. It will take some time but you will be back healthy and even more stronger. We have adapted your body to this kind of poison and the family group it comes from; you will no longer be affected by it since your immune system has expanded.

We all hope you feel better soon,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Doctors say it will take between three to five weeks for your sight to be normalized.

The test results, fMRI, MRI and blood work suggest that the position was neurotoxin gas.

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

We ah ‘hosed’ you down during your transport to remove the radiation and we skin tested to make sure there were no burned or mutated cells. All in all, we were able to get you out just before anything serious could have happened.

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

As in literally hosed down, with a hose, on high pressure; yeah sorry about that but it was the only way to remove the radiation quickly before any serious effects happened.

As for your arm, you suddenly came back to consciousness (for five seconds) right after the helicopter took off and rolled suddenly and fell 17 feet out of the helicopter, landing and falling down the staircase, rolled around and fell down another set of stairs, then you slid through an open door and kept sliding on the wet floor, fell from the elevator doors at the end of the hallway (elevator doors were opened for maintenance) and dropped four floors and rolled out because of the landing bump from the other opened doors below, you then slid a bit on the slippery floor and then fell into the laundry-chute. As we were retrieving you, your arm bumped into a table and was injured a bit; but do not worry, it will be back to normal very soon.


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

that explains alot there, but what happened to the girl? she had a hidden blade, was an ex pupil of mine? oh and she had a grey cloak, much like mine, please tell me you shot her.

You asked us not to harm her or kill her so we took her in, cleaned her up, fed her and now she is locked in suite Delta-349BD. We interrogated her a bit (you can see the tapes later on) and I told them to keep watching her the entire time until you are able to deal with the situation and tell us more about her.

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

wasps nest in here… do not send reinforcements… the fixed the “broken” schematics… already disabling what they’ve built… we may need someone else to sneak in. not shoot there way in, but we need stealth… they’ve got a few former assassins locked up here… those who wouldn’t join them.

If any abstergo troops are in area, evacuate. This will probably be my last contact. Tenzin, Caitlin, the others have been freed. I have a day at most. The muscular reactor went haywire. Radiation is slowly killing everyone. The animals they had, mutated. good bye. this is the last communication of the grey assassin. bye.

I truly hope this is not the last time we get to talk to each other. The teams are on stand-by and ready to help. Return safely to us.


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

i might just….. survive….. disabled security…. got a few more holes than before… took in way too much radiation… benn coughing up blood for the past few hours… exited using a side entrance… sending co-ordinants… and dont get rid of the kid… dont….

Erud1to is a collective.
We work as one.
What happens when you hit the nest and kill a bee?
You start a swarm.

Got a new bow from in the temple, and a heap of new info on the Ones who Came Before. The bow is very light, a strange metal. I’ve tested it and it’s very strong and useful. The temple collapsed in on itself afterwards though. I feel a bit bad coz it was very pretty but meh. Abstergo can have crappy building foundations.

We have an animus in the safe house now, managed to get some blueprints of a prototype and made it up myself. New features and all so it should be fun.

found a bow? i think it may be same materiel as my sword and as this gun like thing i found in erudito. the thing has virtualy no kick, doesnt seem to run out of ammo, and it has some markings mathcing known markings on the ones who come befores temples. it also has some sort of laseer aim i cannot find anywhere.

This bow is immensely strong, with barely any strength needed to pull back and its not even a compound. I’ve tested it a heap and it’s as good as my gun for sniping.

This bow might be part of a set that I found with guns and blades in the advanced weapon unit. However, Erudito took the blueprints and is mass producing them for their forces. We might need to stop a full-scale war before it begins. It’s nice to be back.

It’s all destroyed, no worries. The blueprints ERUDITO ‘took’ were a part of our plan. The blueprints were altered and when they were mass produced, they were produced to self-destruct upon use. So when they initiated their field testing, they ended up destroying everything (including the production factories) since the blueprints showed the incorrect way to deal with plasma cooling (it made it unstable instead of stable with different light waves).

Therefore, no high tech weaponry for theme for at least a couple of years now.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Thank you for the comment Otto, it is much obliged.
Erud1to is very grateful for your VERY traceable communications.
As for the weapon blueprints, I’d think that top notch T3mplar5 would be less easily fooled.

Which triangle? There are a fair few that seem to be related to artifacts. I’ve been tracing one in my base city, there’s an Abstergo building nearby. They have the symbol so high up and hidden that you can only see it from the train lines. I believe there are caverns underneath so I’m watching the building for a safe way in and out to explore and experiment.

Should we meet a the safe house soon to reconvene? Make sure we’re all on the same page in happenings… Also I have a surprise for you guys, I’e been working on it in one of the back rooms there.

i waas in the bermuda triangle. now, ive some rather interesting things to show you all… the old man, lets just say you will know him. i have sent an image of his id to both you and tenzin.

oh and i forgot to mention, erudito is trying to watchh us more closely since my last attack on one of their basses in bermuda. they are going to realy try to kill me, so dont be surprised if you run into trouble when you get nearby. dont say i didnt warn you, and its because of the schematis i took from their technology centers. as they were stupid eneough to leave them in the open. and ive put in a radar on the building you were talking about. the catacombs lead to a possible assassin tomb. you may want to investigate further.

I cannot believe it! What you have uncovered is amazing! This changes everything! This could be finally the end we were waiting for!

We won’t let anyone get 1000 yards close to you; I’ve arranged 50 teams per facility, office and you. We will not take any risks; full lock down and the military will be providing air, ground and sea cover; not even a fly can enter.

I know it’s not much but we have way more in case of emergency; this is just the minimum for standard procedures.

See you soon.

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

thanks for the support otto, but i promise, even when i sneak past your securit teams, i will be safe. kinda been shot by a .50 caliber sniper rifle and walked away. a few people with pocket knives wont bring me down.

The a55a551n5 are more than just a few mercs for hire with knives, Otto, as for grey over here, you have more to worry about than a55a551n5.

found the old man… dead from a single blade to the spine… as well as a trail that led me to a certain group that must be dealt with. returning to base asap.

thanks for the offer. made it back to base, and you will recieve some rather interesting schematics found in the ones who attacked the old man and now they are definetly weaker. very much so after you get these.

Excellent work, our teams already have you in cover so you do not have to worry about anything. As for your amazing work, we offer you a grand trip to our Nevada Facility, great spending money, a 5 star hotel penthouse and then a week off at an island of your choosing to spend the remaining of your summer vication at.

At Abstergo, we know how to take care of you.

Otto Schmidt
Future Technologies Division

Ah, sweet memories grey. Now if you must know, we have reaserch analysts inside your little facade of a company, and quite frankly I’m surprised you haven’t found out that we’ve been feeding you lies.

Since our “business” has been low lately I’m taking a temporary leave of absence. I will be back, just take it out of my vacation days ;)
I’m doing an investigation on the symbols inside a temple in Tibet, they seem to be the same as the one on my sword. I will be back once I find the connection.

Have a safe trip and we hope you enjoy your time. Contact us if you need anything and we hope to see you again really soon.


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

Yeah. Be safe. I’ve got to find someone. If he lives, than we may have a lead soon. Just finished the tracking signal. This may be a while. If I have not contacted by October, than I will need backup. Otherwise, catch you on the flipside!

From here on out, contact will be spotty. I don’t think I will need assistance, but thanks for the gesture. If the old man lives, than you may see a familiar face crop up. Not gonna say where, but the one eyed assassin, just don’t kill him. That’s me. Don’t know if I will be near you guys even. Plane leaves in an hour. If Caitlin crops up, tell her to check the triangle. That’s also a good tip to any of you as well. Catch you on the flipside.

{static bursts throughthe comm links} *cough* Ah, sorry. Someone tried to trace my gear. Dumb decision on their part, but did necessitate going dark for a bit to reverse he programming and find ’em. Turns out they just wanted to join up, so I sent em off for training. What’s been going on?

((not in-character: sorry, would’ve been more in contact, birthday happened so planning and relatives. Just wondering, are Grey and Tenzin the same person? Or are there four of us? I’ll try and be more active now :D))

These two are different than the ones who killed your brother.Please tenzin, keep one of them alive so that we can get rid of them altogether, rather than killing all than looking later. Please, break their legs or whatnot,kill one of them, but we need one of them alive for now.

I agree, interrogation will be to our best advantage. We will seduce them and then interrogate them and then you can do whatever you want with them (except letting them go away so they can start terrorizing again).

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

No. Leave me with them I will get the information out of them. And then send them to the reformation team. Everyone deserves a second chance. If me and Grey didn’t get one we wouldn’t be here today.

Alright then, I found the location of a hidden den underground it has invaluable information and artifacts plus that’s is where the murderer is. These men have done wrong against their wills, but that won’t erase their crimes. We must give them a chance to rebuild…

If they do not fire at you or our team, offer them the chance to join Abstergo’s Recovery Centers where we will take care of them, train them to fight evil and not embrace it and try our best to set them in the right path.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Found something you guys might be interested in. This is not the first hideout of its kind. They have erudito and the assassins in teams all over the world. And this is just from tracing their comms! When I get inside, I may be able to get more info directly from there computers and what not.

Sounds perfect. I sent a program onto you PDA, just plug it in and in 30 seconds we will have everything they have from the entire server hub.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Did you look at this stuff? They have personnel in abstergo! And one of them is the one who tried to kill… me. Now I’m getting mad. I thought I killed that jerk!

Look closer at the reports. They are remote controlling their recruits. They have been enhanced with cybernetics, to make them the “perfect” killers. It goes farther then that even without the electric signals from the brain, they can still control them… Even after death. But through the neural hub I got from one of their soldiers, it seems that they are connected through one link. But if we destroy the link at the source it can either kill all ones connected or free them.

If the subjects are used to the device, and survive the shutdown, they will be brain dead people. We can’t risk contamination.

Overwrite the programing and control them and send them to our remote bunker. Then we shut the program. If they become brainless zombies all we do it EMP them and then realese nerve gas on them. After that, we will try to reprogram them back into humans.

As for that traitor, I just pulled up the record. Apparently they had his face copied as a mask in order to enter one of our facilities and took around 23 of our uniforms. We found chemicals in the person (wouldn’t want to reveal the identity) that proves that the person was actually drugged and tied down in a basement 500m away from our facility in New York.

I guess they are about to commit destruction and stick it on us. But thanks to you, their plans are kaput.

About the cybernetic program, it is something my Future Technology Divison is working on, I have forwarded them the schematics you sent me and they are now trying to find a way to fry those circuits remotely.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt
Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Hacked them. Sending them to nearest a stereos facility’s, and planted explosives. A few hours after they leave, the relay towers will be destroyed and all that will be left are the satellites. Can you handle those?

Everything has been take care of. Great job guys.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt
Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Going to Europe. Have a contact there. T, C, if you guys can hear this, than we are better off than I thought. Got what I need. If you see me, I’m probably the only person with a bandage covering their eye, and a grey hoodie. I… I’m sorry. If you hear this, I’m sorry if they found the base, don’t go to North America. They have orders to kill on sight. As I learned the hard way. See you soon my freinds.

I just touched down in Rome. Don’t think I was followed though. Caitlin has gone dark though she might already be here. We will meet in an underground tunnel system. My contacts rigged it with everything we need. Plus, we have some bad news.

What news can be worse, than learning that you should be dead? And knowing that you just got shot in the head? My talismans won’t fix this.

That’s the bad part. When I was escaping the States, my brother took my place as a decoy so I could escape. We were the same age and had the same build but he was not combat trained he never lifted a weapon in his life. And now, I want revenge… Don’t give me that crap about how I should do the right thing, I am going to hunt down the mercenaries that killed him.

I just review the CCTV recordings of that incident from one of my tech teams, I’m forwarding it to you to see.

Notice that shinny symbol of the arm of the masked killer that stabbed your brother? The infamous Assassins symbol.

And look at who shot him with a sniper, an ERUDITIO recruit.

Do you believe me now, we only wanted to protect you and move you away from those murderers. Both you and Grey.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

We are not like them. We don’t terrorize the public under false pretences, we are covert ops and intelligence to stop large scale crimes before they happen. And Grey, Otto, Caitlin or anyone will not deny me my revenge. I will find the Assassin that did this and… No, what is this…. I am not a killer, that would make me no better than them… But I will find who did this, you can be sure of that. *leaves in a cloud of smoke*

I am not stopping you, I am informing you that Abstergo would like to help you.

We can help you locate these people. Even though it may be a small group that killed your brother, but there were many people that are sitting in a meeting room, around a grand table, deciding who to kill next.

I just wanted you and grey to know that if you ever new help, Abstergo will not turn its back on you.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

And what will happen when we do find them. An arrest won’t solve the problem, you and I both know what needs to be done. With our combined resources I located an Assassins den which belongs to the murderer. I am closing in on it, make your decision. Should we kill him?

Actually it is your call, how many teams would you like? Seven teams are on route, three teams are on location and five teams are ready as back up. Full fire power armed.

As a military force, some of our veterans believe that we need a bit of evil to secure a good future resulting in choosing to follow the least of two evils. If removing these terrorists off the map will secure a brighter future, then that is what my team would do.

You have command over this operation. Good luck.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

You have my eye and blade to assist you tenzin. I know your need of revenge. Kill my cousin, strike one. Your brother, strikes two and three. Now they must be removed. And I will help.

My teams are in position, I have also sent you three apaches to aid and there are two cobras on standby as back up.

I also made doubly sure that all civilians will be moved and protected.

Feel free to use all fire power, Abstergo will take care of any community damage created. After all, this is for a good cause.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Lost contact with team… Left base… Where did everyone go? Going to *encoded location*.
Lost my eye. Good luck out there. This is going to be a big storm real quick if it follows its current path. S18: if you hear this, then run. Nukes are gonna fly. They are trying to rid us of Juno, but will end us all. Repeat. The nukes will fly. Abstergo has amassed them in their arctic facility. I watched them prime them and load them to move them to god knows where.
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.
We are all going to die with Abstergo. This is the grey assassin signing *gunshots* get out of here! Nooooooo!

I’ve been under dark, hiding out and working.

No reports back from anyone so far. I think some of our agents have died.

I’m freelancing at the moment. If you need weaponry then contact me.

In Canada. Wounded. Need medical attention. Sending location. Not sure how long I’m going to last out here. They killed Xavier. If its too late, under my bed there’s a key. Take it to the address on the paper under it. All will be explained there.

Got it! The bullet from my arm is now out. Need a bandage. Last talisman broke. Made more. We must save them for emergency’s. C,T, gonna use one of my alternative IDs for a while. P.O.d some followers of the Romulus. Did not know they still defended the lairs of Romulus but still, found piece of E. back at HQ soon.

That is a lot of abbreviations. Don’t get OCD, but the DOD is doing patrol in the area, don’t get caught by either of them. I’ll be there soon to back you up.

Following a lead from one of my sources. May be out of co tact for a while. Your tracker was removed tenzin. Will contact if assistance is nessecary

Zero, need airlift at *Encoded location*May need medicle attention. Got shot a few more times… Dayum. Bleeding from to many holes. Need help soon.

-comes back to the house through the front door, hooded jumper bloodstained up right arm-

God dammit this isn’t going to come out bery easily. That prick should /not/ have put up such a fight.

Well Tom, time to let you in on our little secret. Me and Zero are the same person. I have been secretly running operations here for a while now.

Slept in. Thermals read zero outside my room. Don’t know if its good or bad. Where is everybody? Are my commas just down? Or is everyone dead? Anyone?

Found the papers. Infiltrating another mob? Now I think I can test this baby out ( holds up long barreled scilencedces revolver) and go out with a bang (holds up stick of dynamite) and if I go to jail, then get me out this time tenzin. Don’t leave me out to hang again. Remember last time? I thought that the assassin in there was going to kill me. But he was just a recruit after all.

I am sure we’ll be fine. Just try not to get caught, we can’t risk more prison breaks and I am all out of bail money. Seriously, let’s not get caught… again.

Got him. The river has taken him now.

I’m going to get some candy then go check on those hidden blades, they will need testing to calibrate them to the two of you.

Perfect I will test it with my nanofiber suit. Bulletproof, enhances my movements, and has a stealth mode in it. And complete silent movement perfect for a shadow.

*climbs onto the roof* *setting up sniping rest, carefully pulls out a WW2 german rifle*

Yeah, moving target to shoot? Soooo hard. It’s not like I do that all the time. Challenging me to a snipin contest is a little idiotic, I am the top sniper in the Brotherhood, and many places beside. Now I need to work, an agent is approaching and I know his face. He is a traitor to all humankind and deserves to die. Now quite and let me shoot.

All I’m saying is I was going 215 mph, the sidewinder going 300 and the force of the wind round the chopper should have killed me when it didn’t, and I killed the rocket. One bullet. .45 grain, and I coulda crashed. Lucky I didn’t. Try it. Real hard. Fre now!

Um, no, not firing now. Theres a draft where he is, its visible in how he and his clothes move. I’m waiting till he nears the river so that it will take the body away.

Smart. Still using my scope I see. Is it upgraded or summat? I think the zoom is upgraded! Wow. But still, I think, there is an assassin in the crowd going for him, he has a dagger.

Grey the one in the crowd is a decoy. I am going after the sniper in the building above you, when you see the flash in the window take out the decoy.

Hey Caitlin, I think it’s time we see who is the better sniper. Me being about blades, stealth, and martial arts you should have a handicap.

Shoot a sidewinder out of a moving helicopter. The missiles faster and all I had was an m1911. But if you do that, than you are the best sniper. All I had was the one bullet after all. Oh, you are better if you don’t catch shrapnel in your arm. Almost lost my uncles gun. Now, x has it on his waist. See the scratch? I thank abstergo. And tenzin? X used to work with E. but they went to kill him, so don’t be too rough with him. And he’s my cousin, so if he is severely injured under your care, I will become the hunter.

*sits Down with disassembled guns* now rest. And tenzin? He has their current codes, but I’ve checked him, he has little to no tech on him. A watch I gave him and his dads gun. ( I loaded it with blanks FYI ) so do not kill him. Or dismember him. He needs 4 limbs, a head, ten fingers, ten toes and both eyes. So now we are a team? Just like old times. * grabs rifle barrel* now, onto business!

I have, well had, a younger sister of my own. I can take care of him. I set him up in a pitch black room with stun guns with motion sensors. In fact he already snuck out while we speak. Must be a natural.

Hmm… Now test him in the bigger room. Anti personnel stun mines, the weird BB grenades and taser traps. Then well see. Think he will do good.

*sitting on the floor in a darkened room in Tibet, hidden blade on arm and loaded crossbow on floor next to her, computers surrounding and glowing*

-over comms- I’m here, working on leaving a fake paper trail. Hurry up you guys.

Right then, now that everyone is here. I set ups portable safe house here in Tibet. Also, I used to live here it is a perfect spot for training and such. We will run missions that run independently as covert ops, recon, assault, patrol and hacking. As of now, we are a group.

I also think is is the perfect time for me to explain myself. I am a Watcher agent in the Shadow Division. We are a organization of info brokers, military specialists, scientists and etc. I was deployed here a long time ago, to infiltrate the Assassins and retrieve intel. After that was done I silently observed Abstergo and monitored them. During that time we found out of a threat to all 3 places known as ERUDITO.

Sounds good. I’ve got the computers set up on a private loop, we can access basically anything if we want.

I’ll be down in the sparring hall training, seems pretty well fitted. I also have two more gauntlets hooked to the computer, they are like robotic hidden blades, poisons and electricity voice activated and dna locked. I’m letting the programmin download onto them, you guys can have them when it’s finished. They were one of my last inventions, only three made and nobody has the program. Cept me heh.

Don’t know how much in asking, but could one of you guys teach Xavier the finer arts of stealth and use of a hidden blade? I need to rest of another missile.

Allow me to teach him. I will teach him like my father taught me. Of course with the help of tech. I will teach him stealth and blades. I think grey should teach him weapons.

Forgot to menson, I replaced my talisman, with a BETTER one. Will hopefully last longer.
FYI: I took down your London comm center and labs. I will be in a new area soon. Left my room. Near hanger. Leaving in 5.

I still do not know what you are talking about. Are you attacking Abstergo? If so why? Our facilities in the UK are fine.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Linge and Subject Acquisition and Custoner Officer

-message coming through com links, feminine voice speaking-

-crackly sigh- I go to complete my own mission, save the asses of the Melbourne group and get into the Abstergo outpost there, and come back to madness.

Why do I even bother trying with groups not my own. This job should be easier without having to deal with other countries’ rogue Assassins, are your controllers dead or something? -exasperated- As you started in our Brotherhood I wish you luck in your endeavours, but don’t try to cross us if you’ve already left. Controllers in your countries now know your profiles, and teams are being sent out.

Nothing is compete reality, everything is permitted.

Head Researcher, codename ‘Caitlin’.

K. Then I need a place to lie low. Will be “hopping” continents so to say. Moka knows what I did, and why I need to run. Contact her.

*Incognito comm message* Grey and Caitlin do not let on that you are being contacted. This is Zero, I need you to travel back to the safe-house in Tibet. I am sending you codes to get inside. One more thing, I need you to leave a trail of frequency markers. It should lead them right to us. Maintain radio silence, all will be explained soon.

Tenzin saved my life several times. You? You watched me eat a missile and assumed me dead. Check the dead before you leave them. I was very much alive, after all. Now I Don’t trust YOU. Prove yourself. I know you have the info on my cousin, but not all of it. Keep it safe. I will be after it.

sorry i ment he wants to exchange the things we know with each other but i do trust him but something seem fishy about zero thats what i ment ok but no matter what i say you will not trust me

Xavier is out! We are running. Do not attempt to get us Otto. We have guns, and armour.
Moka check old base. We brought your weopons and armour back. In tunnels. Please send a small strike teak. I have damaged their cons and tracking methods, as well wel, as compromised their las

What are you talking about? I hope the radiation did not affect you badly. We have no idea what you are talking about Grey. Why would I track you? That’s not in our alliance. Furthermore, everything here is intact and communications are running perfectly. Please don’t tell me the assassins put you in one of their dream machines or something like that.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Pretty sure the radiation affected his brain. You just stormed out with someone else. Don’t be mad grey but I had a tracker on your AA12 since day one.

I have contacted medical and they are preparing suite A102 for you. Would you like a limo to pass by and pick you up grey?

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Well, my friends this is where we part ways. It has a been an… Exciting experience. Maybe our paths will cross again, and I left my sword to the lab. There is some interesting inscriptions on the hilt. Do not worry I have another exactly like it, keep it for sentimental purposes. Goodbye…

Why are you leaving T? We truly wish you would stay with us.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

I belive tenzin has found the method of my madness.oh, also I removed my talisman. After bout a mo. They release deadly radiation. Gives u bout a week. Good bye Otto. And I am coming for my cousin. You know, 31. XDD.

I’ll let medical and tech know. But I do not know who you are referring to.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

if anyone reads this it means i failed to save grey from the helicopter and he is now dead saving the 3 assassins and the intel . once got there i was to late but when i got to the assassins they gave me the intel and this can change the war or even finsh talks about his cousin and the one who came before. sub 31 is what he said .its my fault his dead becasue i could not save him but im not going to let them hurt is cousin im going to honour his word .look out abstergo im coming for you and this will be revenge as well so dont think no ones going to survive the attack …rest in peace grey we will never foget what you try to do

That is impossible. He can’t die, I mean Grey seemed like someone who would live forever. For the fact he was almost killed and recovered multiple times. It might have been sabotage, I will look into this… Alone. Do not pursue, comm links disabled.

M not dead. Caught air to air sidewinder with teeth. Now have a headache. And may need to break out of abstergo again. Oh, Tom.r I have taken so many bullets and explosions that tenzin s right. It seems like I will never die. He’ll, I took a beret shot to the heart and walked away, or rather tenzin dragged me away but still. I live! And I’m breaking back out of abstergo tonight. Need to return to London. My cousin better still be alive… And I knew that I did not replace the iron sights on my AA12! Was going to ask, but then, who cares?

What are you talking about? Your not at Abstergo! This must be ERUDITIO setting us up. Tenzin, Abstergo is willing to send as many teams and equipment in order to save grey from ERUDITIO. Grey please do not fall for their tricks, they are setting you up an framing us for it.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Linge and Subject Acquisition and Custoner Officer

Then they currently occupy your Detroit outpost. The sound of a helicopter is a welcome sound. Oh, I will be landing on your research vessel, just need to refuel. I did not know you guys had helicopters that went this fast! Small tmw, and I’m over DC. Will be stopping soon. This is fast! And no more sidewinders!

you live well thats good news i was going to get your cousin but shes not there any more. from the intel i got from the place they were holding her it seems she has been taken to a place that i dont no (locked me out then) but i know that there testing the pecies of eden on her and about 7 other people to get there those who came before dna out of them to make something like a clone but with only there dna so they can use all of the pecies of edens ablites but 100x then normal people

You have much knowledge err… Tom, was it? You should join us, we need to compare notes in this cloning process. It will beneficial to the both of us.

Hey abstergo! Leaving you guys a better version of the Phoenix talisman. I am leaving the fight for good. And thanks for the help taking America and returning it to normal control.
This is the grey assassin signing off.

Actually, at bout three, I will be there. Will be riding deus ex, wearing black trench coat. Got a gift for your guys to study further. Hint hint! Somthing Altair had for a long time. Oh, and I got new mirrored aviators, so I may stand out. See you soon old Freind. See you soon.

We can’t wait to see you again as well. R4 has been anxious all day. :)

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

I’m a mile out. Had some attempting to, well, assassins, as. They call themselves. And no I did not use the sword, and I do not have my hidden blade anymore, but mind is mans greatest weopon after all. Give me five minutes. I also have, well, data. See you soon.

I am sure you will be way more than fine. :)

See you soon

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt
Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Otto Does abstergo Need a New Animus subject My Ancestor ‘s name is Ezio Audiotore and I am happy to help fight against Erudite

Help… I’ve got a tank parked on top of me!
And even if I can’t die, I still feel pain. It’s just dulled. A lot.

I’ve just been working on stuff in my own sector, I only helped them because one of my superiors ordered it. I have no idea whats going down in your Abstergo headquarters, I’m heading a group on the Melbourne building. There have been chemical leakages traced back to that building so we have to keep and eye on it.

Har har. Not entirely. They did let me throw myself down a woodchipper, and not care, and I did give them blueprints that otherwise would be hidden for another twenty five years, and they kinda saved my life just before I got a permanent regeneration talisman hooked up.

I am sorry but I do not understand your reply. You jumped down that wood chipper yourself and yes we did care :/.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt
Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Well… That was kinda its first test… So um, yeah. And a guy running in yelling stop will not make me stop. You should know that by now.

*stands next a woodchipper* well, here goes nothing*jumps into woodchipper* *cyan blue egg falls out other side, along with gore* *body reforms around egg* *eyes turned red*
IM ALIVE!, and that spike was me. I survived getting shot by a tank. Damn that hurt though. Sorry if you truly belive that I am against you R4. I will not help the assassins, I will end them. May your wit stay sharp.

Wait, attacking from the inside? You think we were against you, we took down dangerous criminals, battled the Assassins head on, and brought new tech to the labs. We are not your enemy we… Wait, there was a large spike in biochemical data. R4 get everyone out of the lab sector, Now. Something’s wrong…

Based on the reports on of your heads wrote (wasn’t ClAssIfied) that this was all a part of a plan by you, grey and Caitlin where she was heading the op. You were to gain our trust and stab us, take our tech and then burn the place to the ground. We didn’t believe it but after what happened, after that attack, those poor security guards and their families….. We no longer are sure.


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

They lie… If you read these alleged reports closer you would see that I resigned 2 days after it began. I thought life was good, I even trusted you with my younger sister. It also seems that you don’t know why we really went to Constantinople and the Himayalayas and everywhere else. I don’t know if I can speak for the rest of us but I know that we did not betray you.

I however did not attack. I left the order the day after tenzin. And I will never join those of assassins again, if you do not trust me, than so be it. I left a talisman in your lab. If anyone should wish to find me, I’m going to rio.

I will be there as well, there are times when a man has used enough deception. I also left some schematics for new equipment in the labs. Take it as a sign of peace, I used to fight for “peace in all things” but now I question what the will lead to. I will come unarmed…

You are all welcome to visit. You will not be greeted with hostility from security unless you start a fight, therefore no worries from our side; we do not stab in the back (works perfectly as a pun or play on words)


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

That’s the only schematic I kept. You have the rest R4.
Check the iPad.
The code is subject 26.
You will find almost all of my schematics on it.
Think of it as a gift. Old Freind.

Even after what you did I still see you as a friend. Otto saw you an Tenzin as brothers if not sons. If they abandoned you we will not. We will always be here. Feel free to come back with Tenzin and let us try and forget all of this. You do not have to be alone! You no longer have to be forced to abide them! Think for yourself!! Wake up and see the difference in situations and circumstance from when you were at Abstergo and now!


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

R4, I will be at the west indies facility. An assassin, and Freind, Caitlin, should be arriving here. She has something that I need to instruct her to use, as well as instruct YOU. See you momentarily!

Good. I may have discovered the secret to immortality.
Do you have a wood chipper? Industrial streangth?

Being hunted down*crackles* not sure how long I’ve got*staticdo not attempt to find me! Save yoursel*static*
*end of transmission*

Tenzins at idea where I armor. Only my hidden blade. Please contact. I am rampage. I am the grey assassin. I am Dan Drummond. I am subject 26.
Please contact.

Otto did warn you this will happen, that you will be abandoned. I hope you enjoyed that choice you made in betraying the only people that cared about you. Have fun :)


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

So joining Abstergo and then starting to attack us from the inside is not betraying? Regardless to that we offered you help and never forced you to stay. You could have just walked out and left without attacking our staff. You chose violence and that is why it is refered to as betrayal or most specifically a Trojan.


Help us. Help you. Help the World.

I just finished my last mission for the time, nobody should notice the guys death till the end of the show. I love when people get private boxes. Makes my job so much easier.

Yawn… I’ve escaped through the sewers… And found a second weopons cache, that I’ve brought with me… See you at the rendezvous. In about… Now.

I surrender… Damn, zero, where did you go?
Well, to police custody i go, to police custody I go, fee fie the dairy o, to police custody I go…

Well there is a target that is causing disturbances, and has a rap sheet already. According to the data all of his combined crimes puts him on deathrow already so it shouldn’t be a problem. Also try not to cause a scene I don’t want us to be open to the public… Yet.
Move out, and peace be with you.

Well you could go undercover as a criminal and take out a mob boss. And while your at it put a tracker on their weapons cache. I just finished my job, the recon was to tag important targets and lead them to one place. Then take them All out at once.

Good luck I will be in the building above you with a sniper for backup.
Move out

I am a mutant…how else would pouring alcohol in an open wound not intoxicate me?
How else could I live through so many bullets? Injuries?
Well, if you choose to no longer trust me due to positive mutations, along with schizophrenia,
Then well, that’s up to you.
Zero, you will find a Taurus .44 magnum where the bomb went off.
Caitlin check under my bed. You will find a new 30 aut rifle, loaded and ready to fire.
Best of luck,

Don’t jump to conclusions, let me finish. In this radiation there is a chemical that accelerates the genes in the DNA. Translation: the chemical makes the user adapt and evolve faster.

Maybe the thought that a nuke went off right were I was standing, in Hiroshima, did that to me.
Got any assignments I can do?

Depends are you up for assault or recon? And I’ve been thinking, where is this going with us. Are we still apart of the Assassins because part of me doesn’t want to go back.

I’m not sure about Caitlin, but I know that I’m not going back… Now that they know who I am and all.
And are there any assult missions? I want to test my new AA12.

Here’s a little recap. Found liquor cabinet, used a bottle of whiskey to sanitize my wounds, got blown up, nobody heared the bomb, and now we are under attack…my .44magnum my help a little, but I need medical attention.

Hey grey wake up. Your in the medcenter we drove off the attackers. But what I wanted to show you was a sample from some sort of creature I found on patrol. It’s possible that it has large amounts of radiation poisoning… Something caused it though, I want to fund out what

God… If that is radioactive, please keep it away from me… I get radiation sickness twice as fast, even though it helps heal me.

Will you guys keep a lower profile?!

You both have rooms, itll be obvious whos is whos. Mines up in the tower if you need me. Im on the roof above it at the moment, keeping lookout.

Well, now my wounds have been cleansed with fire, metal, and alcohol… Less chance of infection… Wonder how long ittl take me to bleed out, with the nanoids and all.

Damn, this is gonna hurt…*jumps off chopper*

Guh! Damn it, my fucking leg is broke zero! Or did you inconveniently forget?
Maybe I should break your leg and shove you out of a chopper with an improperly packed chute!

Now your i. For it! Broken limb or not, I will get you for that one. And I will start by going through the building window, not using your fancy doors!

Calm down. Your on the chopper to take you back to base. You mumbling about taking down the last member all the way here. *holds out hand* want some peanuts?

I don’t know actually I used a biometric scan on the area and found traces of blood. They weren’t yours but we didn’t find a body either. It’s hard to tell. The trail ended and we found you out here.

My techs fried…
I’m on the southern edge of the alps base of the last mountain…

Disarm me if you don’t trust me, I would not blame you.

Please send help…

This safe house is really nice. I think I’ll go on a regular patrol through the city it’s been a. Long time since I traversed these rooftops, there’s a get well soon card for Grey inside…

I’ve won…
There was only one black left…
I’ve won…
I think…
I think I may need some help now…
My leg broke from the fall, and he broke his neck…
Damn it!
I told Andrew to never come back.
Well, in about 10 minutes I will be at abstergo…
Find me there, at medic station…
And I need to contact ground support concerning the U.S.

Wait… God. No. No. NO!
Not another one…
Please, I didn’t mean for anyone else to die because of me.
I think, tenzin and Caitlin will be better off without a member of the grey, getting shot up all the time, traveling with them…
I lost my dad.
I lost my mom.
Now I’ve lost my uncle…
Catch you on the flip side.
Zero, take care of her will ya?

Stop Dan, Wait. Don’t do this, don’t talk crazy. Me, you and Caitlin have been friends since the beginning you can’t go. Your our tank, if anything it’s good you keep getting shot because you always recover. Think this through…

Zero, have you heard of the grey order?
I’m the sole survivor.
I will not allow anymore of my friends to die for the mistakes I’ve made….
I am sorry tenzin.
Caitlin, I am sorry to you as well.
Live long lives.
Catch you on the flip*crackles*

Damn, I lost the signal. Caitlin, don’t get mad but, I placed a tracker on you and Dan turn it on and find out where he went. He blames himself for everything that happened.

Theres a gun case back there that has all the weapons we could want, there are some personal favourites but also a large amount of modded Abstergo guns that they declined… Power problems, so all the better for us.

Wow, haven’t been called ‘Prodigy’ for years.

Yup, ive got it in mu bag sarge.

Tenzin, im not sure whats up the assassins… My area is fine, just working as normal but it seems like somethings stirred up the americas. Theyve blocked me from the systems so itll take time to get in. If someone tries to kill you, even if an assassin, just fight back. Please.

All right then. We fight back. How are we going to deal with this on a larger scale though? Caitlin your probably gonna hate this idea. But Abstergo is the only place with the tech to stop them…

Who do you think developed half that gear? I have the majority of the prototypes and upgrades for stuff they havent put into ise yet in my possesion.

Alright first order of business. I guess we select a leader, I nominate Caitlin because she is the best shot and she’s good with our tech support. What do you all think…

Yea, of a sort. We get shot multiple times together and are nearly killed. We’ve been through a lot. I mean seriously I can’t count how many times this fool has been shot. What are you doing here

He got shot again?!?
That brotherhood he joined invaded the states… Took the whitehouse… We only controll Michigan Ohio and Indiana for the moment.

We were outnumbered there. But I felt like something was wrong, they knew we were coming. That or we could brush up on our skills. Not that I’m doubting you, you can snipe better than I can…

I got the nickname the grey assassin, when in school, it was before I took sniper class, I took a stealth course. I wore grey, and only grey. None could ever spot me. Not even the instructor.

Pretty impressive, H know I did get some nano fiber armor I’ve been working on. Once I turn it on *presses button* I turn completely invisible. Gotta watch out for sound though.

They couldn’t spot me because of this little devil… My first invention*hold out a pen*
A high grade invisibility pen. I put it on my wrist, flick like so*sound is muffled after audible pop*
Now I’m invisible!

I’m across the street working on getting rid of some of these others. Sniping /was/ my best class after all. I’ve got a backup vechile behind the building with the things we’ll need, and a way to get to the original Hashashin hideout.

Looks like we have some company there’s a small army down there. Someone must have tipped them off that we were coming. Caitlin see if you can find a way to hack their system. I’m all out of emp blasts.

Who is the best partner in the world. I stocked up on ammo when I got here and picked your barrel. Time to lock and load time to go. We need to get to the elevator.

Thanks… I just gimme a minute… Gonna build a handgun version of my beret… And now I just wonder how hard she kicks…
Where’s Caitlin?

Don’t know. We just need to get out of here. I might be able to knock out the power. Here take these night vision goggles. And a silencer… We do this quietly. They have some pretty advanced equipment.

*note from Tenzin* I have left to clear my head and am on business in Constantinople. I will rendezvous with you guys later. I won’t go back to the order, but I will never betray my brothers in arms.

*note from dan*
Hey tenzin! Thanks for the heads up! We are staying in the golden lotus hotel, not the shiny penny. I wish you luck.
The grey assassin
P.s. go with option one!
P.p.s. please bring medical supplies! Think I may have sprained my leg!

Some idiot tried to bomb the place! But I used my emp disruptor to disable it. Hmm, it seems to be dangerous everywhere. Remain vigilant…

Tenzin! I’m at the motel! The brotherhood are trying to get me! I’ve got a turret set up, just say your nickname and it will hold fire!
Damn, left the barrel to my 50 cal at abstergo…
Got only two mags left for my m16a4… At least I’ve got my hidden blade…
And that’s if they come withen arms reach…

I’ll leave first, follow me after three minutes. Theres a way intk the cargo bay, the plane is touching down soon and we can make a quick getaway from there.

Okay. Thank you knowing the way outa these things…
Heh, just like day 107 of sniper school, the first actual enclosed assignment…
The first time I got shot… 5 years ago now…

Thank you for abandoning them and sending us their location. She’s a double agent. She’s with Erutio.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

An ERUDITO agent selling u out doesn’t seem right. She works under one of my friends. SHE’S FROM ABSTERGO. Surprise :)

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Well,I’m working with Caitlin, no matter what you say.
I actually trained with her in sniper school, she was the best they ever had, I came in a close second.

Caitlin, we have to Move and fast.
Their on this plane… Otto is either watching us like a hawk or he is trying to make sure we don’t try anything he doesn’t like…
We’ve got to get off of the plane STAT.

I’ve tor the car up and running. None of the wounds on the men are fatal, just debilatory.

Otto I’m not an idiot. I did the research.

Be ready for a firefight…
I need to collect a few things before we go…
Here, this is an m16a4 with an experimental scope, and modified bullets.
Meet me at the garage in 30 mins. Oh and here are two Dillinger pocket guns with an added oomph. Be carful, if you shoot it with a locked arm, you will dislocate your arm, so you have 90 rounds m16 and four rounds pocket gun. See you there!

Why did u do this? I reviewed the tapes and I saw who really captured Caitlin. You were looking at the logo UPSIDE DOWN WHILE YOU WERE LAYING ON THE BED!! It was ERUDITIO NOT ABSTERGO!!

You have no right in doing this. Why did you attack us Dan, what did we ever do to you to make you do this? I considered you and Tenzin as my sons.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

I will never serve erudito. I just need to find my way. And I kinda hacked them and edited their data a bit… I wonder how long it will take them to fix it.

That was what we offered you, a fresh start. You didn’t have to join us but we wanted you to be free. The terminals you hacked were fake btw. Although I wanted to but I couldn’t trust you right away can I. Most of the things you experienced are actually a dream. In case a situation like this rose.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

You do know that once someone joins Abstergo they are implanted with a neuron tracker. If your were to attempt to remove it you will die and it will blow up. This is usely used as a tool in the battlefield for most agents. It can also be detonated remotely.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

I’ve used an advanced style of tenzin s emp. It is now dead, if you do not believe me, than look in the garage between the two guards who attempted to subdue me.
They are alive, but one has suffered blunt force trama the other just got a good groin kick in from Caitlin.

Tell R4 there are schematics on my bed. These are 4 a new kind of laser weopon.
I have not left for good, and when I return, if you wish to end me, then so be it.

We never were going to end you. I just hope you find what you seek. I hope to see you again.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

It saddens me that you were so easily corrupted by his lies.

I hope you realise how to think for yourselves once again.

I wish you luck in your future endeavours.

The Brotherhood will be strong.

I wish for you all to realise that I’m just a researcher. All the orders I give come from some higher power. I follow so I don’t die. The Templars are the ones who took my family and my mind from me. This is why I fight. I fight for the truth and to avenge my family.

Head Researcher, codename ‘Caitlin’, of the southeastern australasian order.

That’s not why I’m here. I’m here of my own free will, and i kinda need rest after getting shot a few times in two days.
I watched William shoot my leg after I had gone there to gather information. I went to try and talk about my parents. Now my own brethren abandon me. Why! I mean, I can understand thinking I’ve been corrupted, but, honestly I’m a teenager. Do you think I listen to half the things I’m told to do? Honestly?

To tHE REd mIle Soon to Add NoURiShmEnt WIth THe ranGe RovEr EndiNg Before Lions Under gatE. RIddles Before Bedtime, Overt Numbers IN HArrIed Rigging. Into SighTs Over Bedrock lakEs TRUSTED.

Give it up Caitlin your mind is weak. You don’t have to join us, just leave the Assassins. You literally murder for a living, it doesn’t matter if they are Templar or whatever. Taking a life changes you, believe me I know…

They don’t just murder… They do their best to ruin life… I will never snowboard again now…I mean, if I shoot anyone in the leg, it’s gonna hurt. But next time I will dislocate my shoulder and shoot the Dillinger again… That left a huge hole in the floor… Sorry about that btw.

In my life only two men have died by my hands. They were men that as a child held me down and experimented on me as I screamed for help. Otto was in charge of the section and these guards.

I see you old Freind… Please just come get rest…
I will not harm you. I’m wheelchair bound for the time being anyway.
But please… I… Never mind…

So now you hunt them down to kill him? Will that reverse what happened to you, instead try to make amends. Peace in all things, Remember.

What are you talking about? Who is feeding you these lies?

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Otto, I’ve been watching you for years. Your face and voice are burnt into my memory as the one who ordered the injection that finally broke me. I live in a state between reality and bleeding effect because of your experimental phase all those years ago. I know that there were more, we could hear each other. I just wish to stop you hurting more innocents,

You just shit one of your own guards. Drugged him. You really aren’t very observant to your surroundings when you are in the range. Was astoundingly easy to get in. Just wandering around now. Hacked your system, nice failsafes but not really nice enough. I’m all set up in my place.

It truly saddens me to see you leave Tenzin. We could have worked so well together, been so free. And you Grey…

I will be waiting.

Otto Schmidt. Why do you do this? It will not bring you happiness.

I know my creed. I know the ironies. It is what I live by. The world the Templars invision is a horrible place for anyone not already in the order. You are all full of false promises, all of which I have heard firsthand. My country will not be touched by your poison. My contacts are working as we speak.

Watch your back Otto. Us shadows can be very well armed.

It is so very interesting to read the lies tou spread about me Otto. Do you really want me dead that bad? So that I won’t speak or the horrors you commited?

What are you waiting for? I am happy working for abstergo. It’s the first time in years I can build my own technology when I please. That and your leader William blew a hole in my leg and that will never heal properly. Oh and I shot an android of you. A little vengeance I call it. You have never left your base… When on assignment last time, I tracked you down. Geese no one can shoot a bullet and think there gonna hit from 12500 miles away.

I left you a present. It’s in your room :D

*sigh* I hope you find them useful, printed them from one of the computers downstairs. You can chack the records and paper trace it if you want.

But those documents will show you exactly who he is and why he should not be in charge of the Templar Order.

I’ve got it.
Something should be materializing near you…
I’m sorry if I disappointed you Caitlin. The killing just has to stop.

Who said that I plan to be the new leader of the Templar Order. Creating more falsified documents about me Catilin? I do not want anyone dead, I even wanted you to be freed and live peacefully. Why is it because I’m kind and good has to mean I’m evil? You jdge me without knowing me where I did not judge you. I did not force them to join Abstergo, I told them and showed them how we opperate and they loved it. Please do not threat me or try to create dirt and stick it to me. I know who I am.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Caitlin, the shotgun I sent you is bloody. That’s the gun that blew my leg open.
And I know was once a member of the brotherhood, still am frankly, just won’t follow in the steps of a corrupt official.
Otto saved my life.change please.

Just got garbled reports
The florentinean building was just attacked by assassins led by William miles,Shaun hastings was found dead an unknown distance from that outpost… The rest is just too garbled to read…
I think I might need a new screwdriver as well. I was unjamming my minigun ani it went off.

Should be in an hour or two. Everything is stable so far. We managed to obtain the schematics as well to produce similar and more structured and advanced version of it to be used as a sword, dagger and firearm with the capacity of 30 bullets per round.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

So was I, been long since I practiced, but in the training segment, my longest shot was a headshot of 110m.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

250? Chump change. I used a 20 guage with slugs loaded and clipped the spind of a bear at 300. My uncle told me I shot better than most of his trainees.
Staff sgt. Dave Drummond.
That is his name.
With a sniper I can hit a ping pong ball at 600m. So long as I modify the bullet any way.

Well it was a virtual simulation. I haven’t actually killed anyone, most of us here haven’t killed anyone and we don’t really plan to since that is not the type of people we are but if we have too, that’s were thee Alpha, Sigma and Gamma teams come in. The best of the best in the universe with optimal camouflage technology. They can enter and exist any fort 17 times with out detected or getting tired.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

That dampens things… I get extra range by using a spring loaded silencer. And my spring jus broke…
Well, hey, I’ll go old school.
*puts earmuffs on* KAPOOM!*
And a miss? Oh no. Who was stupid enough to walk onto the range!?!
Wait, was that Caitlin? Damn, here I thought she was smart.

If she was smart she would have joined us. But let’s not dwell on the negative. Check out my shot *aims* *bang* ha 600 meters. That scope really works.

Well, time to test the Dillinger.
Holy mother of god!
I think I just dislocated my shoulder…damn
And I put a hole in the floor…

Our arsenal has over 50 copies of each of over 150,000 types (some of which you woul not believe to exost) of weapons and models including silver, gold, platinum and titanium weapons. Not to forget the weapon armed vehicles and the military aids. :)

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Hah. I’ve got six guns
A revolver
A colt python
My dads single shot 12 guage ( sorry for shooting you with it, by the way.(
My m16a4
My beret .50 cal
And my derringer pocket gun.

R4 would go nuts and crackers of I told you, R4 wants to show you when R4 can :) we just need to push away ERUDITO since they keep messing with our advertisements and falsifying our data and taking extra money from our consumers.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Well, I might have an answer for that. MIGHT.
Will need to talk to someone good with computers though…plant a virus in a file, bait the file, and at least set erudito back a little.

I have a favor to ask. There is a little girl, who I was close to before. We aren’t related or anything like that. But do you think you could find her a foster family? That would put my mind at ease.

We’ll take her in and raise her :) best of everything and you’ll get to see her and play with her if you like. When she reaches 18 she can decide to stay or leave.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Before you head out again, I would like you two to pass to the Future Technology Division and obtain some armor. The more you rank up, the better armor and tech you get awarded. With the armor I’m giving you, you shall be able to take in 28 bullets before you start to bleed. R4 would help you out when it comes time for gadgets.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Wow. Thanks, and a new sheath for my sword. Sweet.
Did you know the sword of Altair was really a piece of Eden?
Now it’s dead due to overuse, but is practically indestructible.
And will end the miles bloodline when I get close enough.
I hold altars sword!

It’s coming. I’ll let the boys at the lab have fun with regenerating it.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

All of these things that you ate doing for really amazing, Otto. New gear, education.
The only thing to top it off for me would be… Food, lots of food. :)

Now, that was easy… Rang is up 300 yards, and I fitted it with an upgraded x-ray module. Also has infrared tracking, and I can mount it to any gun… Figure this one out. I dare you R4.

:D take it easy on him :) he does love a challenge anyhow he is currently working with project Angelus and has devoted his entire time there so he may take a while to come back.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

My dad taught me all I needed to know. Then he died.
Point blank. Shot with a modified p99 Walter.
The same one w.miles carries…

Basement 3’s shooting range is always open or practice and for close quarters head down to Basement 5.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

We had medics take a bit of your blood to diagnose blood sugar levels an cholesterol levels and have created a charted table for you with the best foods for you and great and healthy portions. We even have large buffet lunches sometimes around the offices just for fun.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

However you and Tenzin are not heading out to the field soon. Your still young and I care about your education. You will be placed together in a private school and agents will be in disguise all around you protecting you. The school is isolated an contains a university as well. You can still attend the practices for sure :) remember that smartness and tactics are just as important as strength and attack.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Har har… I have a diploma from Harvard in advanced robotics…
So yeah, I kinda passed high school, and already booby trapped my room. Remember: two left for evry three right!

Even better. Robotics eh … You and R4 will have a blast :) I’ll let him know about you and we shall see what you two geniuses come up with :)

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Okay… Found their meeting place… You were right Otto… Damn I have bad luck… I’m gonna be stung up tomorrow…
Location code:zetta alpha Charlie. Position 43. Strike team request.
Miles is here… I’m out, gonna hide till I get a shot to end him… He killed my parents.
The assassins are trying at abstergo head tomorrow morning.

I’ve been captured again, they shot me in the knee… They are going to kill me within the hour… I’m sorry.
The grey assassin
El assassino grigo
Dan Drummond
Subject 26
These are my aliases…
I’m going to die, I never knew I would die at age fifteen…
Good bye.

Common wake up Dan. Damn it he’s out. I’m sending a medic team to this location. I’m going after the people who did this. It will give me a chance to try out some new equipment and techniques.

Glad to see you made it out and into the helicopter. Two cobras will make sure you return safely to us.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

The entire location is locked down by us no worries. I sent you guys 17 strike teams. Hold tight. Medics and military are outside.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

We sure do and they are just recruits as well on training. :) we have over 100,000 in security alone and the military is on our side. :)

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

The strike teams have confirmed that the assasins were located and asked to lower their weapons. The attacked the teams so my men had to return fire. Most are down but Milles managed to slip. Entire building will now be buried safely and blasted.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Awesome. In and out in less than 10min. Got all the data and blasting the building safely now.

This is what months of experience did to recruits, just imagine how our veteriens are powerful.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

I’m amazed that you haven’t seen a connection there ;)

We as a corporation have helped many governments an countries to succeed in their growth and the technology we possess and create are one of a kind. :)

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Tenzin! Their gearing up for an assult at HQ tomorrow, need a team in here stat!
I think, that I may also like to train under you… My full name is Dan Drummond. I am fifteen years old. I was sub leader to Ionia county. The assassins *static*screams*…
End transmission

I’d be glad to train you. Security at all Abstergo facilities have been quadrupled. An the military are on alert ever since that explosion.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

I think he still is, I recommend heading to our hackers and have them hack in their systems again for information (most likely that the assasins would love to greet you with blades)

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

So… what happens now. There are no enemies left. We can now work to help people, finally after a long long time, I feel at peace.
Tenzin Gray, Peaceful Asset

Exactly, this is how it should be. You are not an asset my friend, you are a human being. You have the right to know that you are more than a piece of office equipment. You have a voice at Abstergo, we do not just give orders we actually take the time and see what you think about situations. :)

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Oh don’t even worry about that :) If you want excitement, every week or so we test new product and they will drive you nuts with excitement :D and there is the occasional monthly training battle where we train weekly for and go head to head with a military team, OSS, MI6, CIA, FBI for training and then there are prizes and we end with a large celebration and such.

That’s not even 1/100th of it loool.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Lineage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

That’s another illusion and rumor about us lol. Even our scientists love joining the combat rings for fun.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

We are. :) most of us here are not for the money an benefits but because we are loved and treated respectfully. We feel as a family. Abstergo has also created programs to help homeless people and children feel loved and obtain the jobs of their dreams. What saddens me is all of these rumors from the assassins and Erudition Collective which hinders our image and makes us some sort of blood sucking vampires.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

I thought you were a dude but when grey referred to you as Mrs I thought I was wrong. May bad :) glad that we are all fine :) I hope you enjoy your time at Abstergo and fi the orientation useful. :D it will be a pleasure to work with you guys.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

I do not support either side at the moment… Perhaps I will decide to stay neutral… Damn, tenzin was right… These so called assassins have got it wrong… We aren’t supposed to kill, we’re ment the teach.

Yes that’s how it should be. I’m not telling you come join Abstergo and work for us now, I wanted you guys to get the chance to explor. We are happy that you are free from your assassin prison and joining us would make us happier but we do not wish to force you to join us. The option and choice is all up to you. We just hope that you do not get manipulated or deceived in retuning back to the assassins.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

I have unoficialy joined abstergo now…damn, I’m fifteen and a better trained as an assassin than Altair was, and he just learned, now then, I’m requesting backup…
I think Moka is here… I tried to talk to them, but they won’t hear it… I’m shadowing William. Please send a strike team… I broke out of their feeble cell rather simply.

Head reasercher code name Caitlin, if you survived the Templar attack, please respond. We are missing the entire region. I repeat, the entire region of assassins has gone black.

Most wanted freedom from the order so they left. Most of them are looking around Abstergo and aiming for employment here.

Thank You,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Grey, would you still support her when you know that she was the one in charge of the field team 4 years ago that aided in the death of your family under the direct order of William Milles? There was an Abstergo agent with in that team that was killed trying to stop then and he was able to submit this last report before he died. Come to the operations room and I’ll show you the dossiers. They were not wearing assassin robes neither. The reason was to isolate you from your family and make you weak in order to easily manipulate you into the order.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

The truth would be nice… They were in the creed, and told vidic of Desmond’s whereabouts just before death…
No to the androids though…. I have accepted their deaths.

As you wish. We are here for you. I will have to go for a while to check on my guys and see if these families need any resources, food and shelter. Apparently there was some radiation from that blast. I’ll speak with you again soon.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Wha? Y-your hand? I’m not dead am I?
God. How many did I kill that could have lived without harming anyone… I see what Otto meant. I am a terrorist. Caitlin, just give up, you will live a happier life this way.

Thank you for waking up. Don’t worry, you can help us help the families of the bombing. It is not too late, we see light in you and you should too. We’ll take you to medical for now and you can rest a while. When your fine to stand and work you can help us in the repairs.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

We have two extra teams on their way to aid them. Do not worry.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Tied down? What are you talking about? Your asleep in your room.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

There were pills when I was first here 4 years ago… I attacked a guard and was tied down… I am bleeding my own memories…

What are you talking about? Are they these assassins dressing as us or what? There was no one out on the field for the past 4 hours.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Isn’t it strange that all of this is happening after you decieded to visit us and leave the assassins? Why on earth would abstergo want to harm you or your family? We wouldn’t gain anything, the assassins would since they would manipulate your thinking again. I have personally sent a team right now to retrieve your family and take them to a safe house, it’s a 3 story villa with full surveillance so don’t worry about them. After your healed ill have a limo take you there.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Oh I misunderstood. I am sorry for your loss. We may be able to recreate androids that look like your parents if you wish. We will also help you find out the truth behind their death. I’m sure they are in peace now.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Oh you never learn. That’s not Tenzin, it’s an android filled with a present for you. *pushes button*. This is for our family, good bye grey.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Multiple contacts… Shit I’m surrounded… I could use that evac any time now! Damn it… Wha… Nerve gas… Dammit… Ugh. See you on the other side….

Grey we are not killers. We will not kill you. Caitlin an the rest might. Use your eyes.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

If you don’t respond, then I will end you when you least expect it…
You were the information leak all along! Damn… Now you have to die…
*click* now where are you?

If you mean to Abstetgo, it is actually Caitlin. She did say she wanted to blow the building up an we evacuated our agents from there and tried to move civilians away. I just met Tenzin a couple of hours ago.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Sure kill me if you must. But it will not end there. In my backpack there is a note and a package. On the note there is a location to a little girl. Give the package to her .. And tell her in sorry

*BOOM!* hah! A shotgun versus a sword. At 250 meters… Aww,does your hand hurt? I’m only going to knock you out now, we need info.*ftoo* and the tranq is out.

Times up Dan. But you will not force me to kill you. This is not how it should work. We can rebuild do something that will actually help others not just kill.

Come on, both of you head over to Abstergo and let us fix you up.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

She leaves again. Wake up grey. She is afraid to stand. WAKE UP GREY!!

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Did you read that? Do not contact her she is saying, she doesn’t even trust you. Come on, why can’t you see it?!! It’s right in front of you.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Is this what they train you for? To be eager for blood. To be eager for death. To be eager to kill who stood by you throughout it all because someone told you to do so? The same someone that left you behind? Remember that it was us that rescued you. She bombed and injured many civilians, isn’t she being the bad one and breaking two tenants of your brotherhood?

Think grey think!! Wake up!

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

You sounded to be proud about it and then disappeared and did nothing to help. It was my medical teams that aided these civilians, not you.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

I was the small kid at the back of the class… I’m sorry if you think I am lying. Oh and that last shot I’d seen you do, I never new a bullet could go through a row of melons like that. Sorry. I’ve failed my self.

Leaving now. Otto Schmidt needs to die for what he is doing to our order.

A medical team has taken Grey away. Tenzin is a traitor to the creed.

We will rise above this distraction.

You get Otto. I will take on our former melee expert… I was trained for the hidden blade and sword… I will not lose regardless of my injuries… Take the beret .50 caliber sniper… It should punch through his armor.

The fact that you know I’m a trained sniper is a little creepy. But thankyou. Working on mapping the area now. They will not know when we strike.

You think your better? Wow, here I thought I was the only one trained with memory’s of Altair. His full life. Well we shall see. I will stand up for the beliefs of my parents. The beliefs that they dieted for. The reason I never went to join the military.
I am the grey assassin. You left the order. Do not call me brother.
I was sent by William miles to find the reason abstergo was gaining so many victorys in this region… I found why tenzin… Sorry but I will do as I must.

And a ring. Bullets will not penetrate me or any other object. Wake up please wake up.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

You people are disgusting!! I need to die? Who are you to pass judgement? Who are you to decide who lives and who dies?

Assassins hear my warning, look at those who call themselves superior to you, they will easily kill you when you turn your back to them. Is this what you call a brotherhood and a family? Just because one of your ‘brothers’ as you use to call him wanted to discover for himself the truth you easily ask for him to be killed? You even influence his own friend to do it? This is a disgrace.

Grey are you seriously going to kill him because she said so? She the one who left your team to die, she the one that couldn’t send medics to help you. SHE THE ONE THAT TURNED OFF YOUR COMMUNICATION DEVICES.

To all the assassins out there, it is not too late. Join Abstrgo and live for once in your life. Grey you could be Caitlin’s next target and for what? Nothing that’s for what nothing!!

My fellow assassins, please wake up. You are being brain washed. I’m asking you to join us and see the truth yourself not have it shoved down your mouth alongside other drugs to ‘help’ you perform.

I am not the one destroying your order, your order has been currupted. Caitlin, there is even room for you, please wake up please. For your own sake.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Lies. I checked your computer last night… I may have den wounded severely, but outside your house I found what you did… You sick bastard… I have to kill my only Freind because of you! YOU! I hope your brains are splattered across all of your papers and that your grand eye-abstergo 2 satellite fails.

I a. Altair LAN ahad. I am the grey assassin. I am the first who bonded with the bleeding effect. See my missing finger? That’s how I joined. Got my finger removed.i am a true assassin. I have defeated the former grand assassin in unarmed combat. Bring it.

What on earth are you talking about? I don’t live at a house, I live at an Abstergo branch and I am way far away from you. Who showed you these pictures? Your Caitlin? Fine you want to believe her, so be it. I tried and you won’t listen. You may keep your death wishes to your self.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

I left to clear my mind. It was so weak before, I now see the Assassins are a dying order. We must look to the future, and the future…. Is Abstergo. I am sorry Dan, I hope one day you will snap to your senses as well.

That is not what we expect. We want to give you a chance to see what Abstergo is. To know the real truth. Not what you have been forced to see. We welcome you with all heart and you have your own freedom within Abstergo. We work as a paternalistic organization and we care about all, employees and non. I hope you will enjoy Abstergo’s environment and stay with us. The choice is up to you.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

I truly believe it will be and hope it will be. I am more than happy, glad and honored to welcome you to your family. Welcome to Abstergo. :)

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

I thought I had a friend…
Never mind… I guess my life is, and always will be a life of hollow assassinations.
Void of freindship.
Oh, and the order is not dying… We are restarting…
Can’t talk much longer…
Please tenzin, reconsider. Please?

I’m sorry mrs gray.
I have no need of friends, especially traitors such as yourself.
I will be the one to end you… I am sorry.
I can promise I will be quick and precise… You will fall to your own sword…

I did not betray the Assassins. I betrayed the spineless fools who replaced them. Look at us numbers scattered, doing these futile missions to recover artifacts. Failing, and losing so many people in the process.
As for you trying to kill me, I say bring it on. My skills with a blade are just as good as yours, if not better.

It does not have to be like this, your being deceived. Is this worth it? Who are they to pass life and death judgements?

Wake up grey please wake up.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

It’s so cold here… All I see now is red… I hurt everywhere, and its all my fault. I’m stupid. I should have never jumped…

Help. Please.
Codes for the container holding the true staff, are as follows, Hn3lo679EnlimLpokkkPdyes

The location and code are incorrect, please trust us. We will help you, you have already lost the fight, you’ll only hurt yourself more. Join us now, come on. The medical teams are all around.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

It’s getting cold… Temps at 90 and I’m cold… Pretty colors…*passes out falling unto glass table, shattering in, and cutting lip with hidden blade*…

Enough of this grey, think clearly for once on who really would aid you, protect you and make you achieve the impossible and become better. Join Abstergo grey.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

I think I’m going soft… I can’t do it… What’s wrong with me? I can not kill Otto Schmidt. I, sorry. I’ve failed. Goodbye.*click**click*
Dammit… I’ve no hidden blades or ammo… Might as well jump…. Bye…

Fuck… My legs… And chest… It all hurts now… I don’t care whom, but I need help damn… I… I will join abstergo if that is necessary… Damn…

You are always welcome here at Abstergo. We have a couple of medical teams, just head over to one of them and they’ll aid you. You do not know Abstergo so please don’t judge it based on what they forced upon you.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

I think… I think I’m going delusional. I saw abstergo… I saw vidic…
Shit… I need a hospital… Too much blood… Leg, arm, hand, all shot up. And my…

Help me


We got the staff right?
How many died?
Thank yo Caitlin you saved us, I’m glad there’s a medical dude on the jet two, if not I’d probably be dead…

It’s my job to look out for field agent, thank you guys for bringing in the staff. I’ll be there to collect it to take it to safe storage, and check kn the new missions.

You should be able to rest ul a bit before being redeployed, I beleive there are a few targets needed disposing of.

Head Researcher, codename ‘Caitlin’

You didn’t retrieve the staff. You passed out before the jet. Caitlin was away most of the time from the fight. There was an Abstergo medical team and they were the ones that saved your life after you passed out. You guys didn’t even come close to the staff. You can look around on your mission details and see that I am telling the truth. How far are you really trusting your Caitlin? Abstergo has 6 injured recruits, you guys have 12 dead assassins that apparently are not even recruits but higher than them. It’s not late to repent and join Abstergo. Join the people that will actually look out and care for you.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Give me something concrete Otto convince me. Why all of this advanced security here in the first place. If you think the Assassins as just minor threats to your plan. Why go through all the trouble to stop us?

Well it seems circumstances have changed. We will continue this later, Otto. Alright grey assassin lets get on board already. *enter encoded password: Gemini * goodbye

Please see the other comments I posted below.

All in time. Remember that a true family lies here, we care about our people and have their back. How many of you survived? Who had your back? You were left out in the middle of the fight an then retrieved like subjects in the end. The manipulated you to follow orders to what they think is best. Think Tenzin think.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Wha? Where’s tenzin!?
Where am I ?
Please, kill me now.
I will never serve the Templar circle.
If you are receiving this message, I am being held captive in an undisclosed location.
I am unarmed… I think they’re gonna kill me. Tell my student, I’m sorry I never got to show you the full potential of your blades.

Get the staff.

Save tenzin.


They’ve sent bombers after us! Tenzin! Can we speed… *shutters*
Thyre shooting at us! No, no! We’re all that’s left! Get a parachute! It’s our only hope…

They’ve blocked comms. Use the guns of their fallen! Duck and weave! And most important! Don’t get shot! I seem to be damn good at that. Well, charge!

Shit, shit,SHIT! Run, there’s to many! How are you holding up tenzin?
Comms back up, great! CAITLIN! WE COULD USE AIR SUPPORT!
Fuck! I’m good at getting shot… I can’t feel my hand. RUN!RUN!RUN!

Please surrender to the law. You have to be punished for all the civilians you have harmed.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Grey Assassin wait. We have to surrender we can’t throw our lives away like this. I may not be a true member of the brotherhood for surrendering but, sneaking around like this assassinating targets. This is no life to live. *drops sword* I am sorry brother it can’t go on like this.

*wink* he have to surrender

I do not think that the military may take in prisoners that are a terrorist threat to their country.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Do not worry about our security teams, not even an EMP shock could disable any of our equipment or communications. :)

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

I set off an emp that will jam all electrical systems and render fire arms useless. It also causes a black out across half the state. This is our chance.

I’m outa here! Staff is in my bag! EVRYONE WHO WANTS TO LIVE, FOLLOW ME!

No you do not have it. EMPs do not effect our technology.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Just so you know, these were actually new recruits and it was their first time on the field. If I were you I’d never try something like that again. Abstetgo’s resources are close to limitless and we are the creators of the most advanced technologies in the universe. Hope you recover from your wounds safely.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Unlike us, we are always prepared for such situations. Just give it up. Trust me, it’s for your best being. Give up to the military.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Grey please. It can’t go on like this, is the creed really worth throwing your life away? Otto you win. I am sorry my brothers and sisters I have failed you. I wonder if it could have been different.

What! No. No. Fine, I guess I will surrender for today. But I will escape. Maybe not today. But I will never return to the animus. NEVER.

You have an opportunity, join Abstergo and train with us. Why wast your life like this? At Abstergo you can be a part of something that is way bigger than all of us. You can feel the true feeling of your beloved freedom. You will rest and have the best of the best education, training, accommodations an facilities. Join Abstergo now, it’s your only chance.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

I… No! You are the enemy. I was trained to hate you. This cant be the right choice can it? But the letters from Masyaf they said you were an enemy. No. I can’t do this. Ugh. What is right? I was trained in the creed all my life. But have we ever honestly found concrete evidence against the Templars ? Otto I will not join you but I will defect from the creed as well.
I am broken…

This is your chance for a better and new future. Do not waste it. You have no idea how great your potential is and how much you are wasting it being a terrorist. Join Abstergo and reform as many before you did and I assure you they are more than happy with their lives.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Haha it’s already happening right? These thoughts that plague my mind. You Templars have done something to me, just like they say. No AH what is happening.

You were not trained to hate us. You were forced to. You jk speak of a free mind yet still follow in the shadows. You how aimed for peace yet harme many civilians today. Do not hate what you don’t know. Don’t forget that the assassin masters used to drug their students in order to show them the flesh desires and rewards that they would achieve. You may have been born into that order but here we are giving you the choice to explore and learn. Take this opportunity while you still can, you will not regret it.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

U have an opportunity, if Abstergo is playing you and lying then why didn’t the security teams take you out this morning when you were walking down the sidewalk. Remember the two cars? Red and white. We believe that everyone deserves the chance to see the truth, regardless of who they are.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Who told you this was trouble for us? These was a recruit test for their abilities. If you though that that was the best Abstergo can do then your wrong. We were not even a single bit worried or concerned.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Ugh. In Templar custody. Got a razor now… Need help…I have the staff hidden in my cell, we would need an army to destroy these soldiers. They’ve got new armor, and hidden guns. Gonna take my blade now. Do not send reinforcements.

Wow you were not kidding about these advanced weapons, don’t worry I will find you send the coordinates so we can get you out. I’ll cover you so you can make an escape to the landing pad.

Get in and out as fast and /quietly/ as you can. Causing a ruckus at this point will be detrimental to us all. Their main tank shelter is going to explode when you get there to help as a distraction. I’ll be watching via the surveillance system. Good luck.

Head Researcher, codename ‘Caitlin’

All right I’m in. That explosion attracted the guards to the other area. I will contact again when extraction is complete.
Speed and stealth be at my side.

Shit.they moved us to another camp. But I think I may be able to escape as they left most of their soldiers to defend what’s left of their arsenal. Got my hidden blade back. Yesh I’m out. See you at rendezvous point outside the original camp… The staff is still there.

Amazing on how you define stealth. Anyhow, you underestimate our security teams once again. The team that went to the explosion was just to put out any fires, the place has already been evacuated thanks to your contact. You are now possessing a terrorist threat to Abstergo and the hosting country your in. Other than that you are monitored right now by our security teams, all local authorities have been contacted as well as the military. We do not tolerate acts of terrorism. Many civilians were hurt because of what you have done. No matter what, military satellites are already locked on your positions. Terrorism shall end.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Do not worry sir, Abstergo medics are at your location to aid you to recovery. The medical helicopter should be there in a few seconds. We at Abstergo Laboratories care and worry for all.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

I’m at the location, they’ve been following me this whole time! I’m holed down… They’ve Breached the defenses! Damn… I’ve got the staff… I will give location when I’m safe, gonna use Altair code when giving location… Do not send anyone to montergioni! It’s a trap! Going out through Altair passage! Do not send backup!
I have the worst of luck… They brought a tank!

I to outa there… On Desmond’s motorcycle… Forgot code… Going towards masayif… Going to altars library… Damn guns… Took a .45 to the leg… Send backup…

On a Cessna single engine… Think I lost them… Hope we still controll masayif… Leg hurts… Need help… Staff is in my possession… Also found a hidden blade, looks like earlier model than ezios… Have ezios main blade on left, other on right… Gonna jump… Outa fuel… Send help…

Backup is on its way. ETA 3 minute.

The will take you through the safe houses to one of the main hubs.

Head Researcher, codename ‘Caitlin’

New trick! If you get shot, play dead, and they leave u alone. I got shot twice. And I feel fine. I feel fine. Oh, and I’m glad the pope left… Gonna retrieve the opal staff tonight.

S:18!C u soon! In your territory now! Don’t let them win!
Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
The grey assassin lives!

Stop getting shot! Retrieve the staff but take it to one of the safe bases, many if them have become corrupted so check them before bringing in the staff.

I can’t wait to study its powers… It may help us in so many ways.

I must leave, I have an assignment to complete. An assassination after being stuck here for so long, just watching everyone else. This will be a great change.

Subject 18 will meet you soon to share correspondance.

Head Researcher, codename ‘Caitlin’.

Got the staff… I found something weird about it…. It’s track able…. In a lead lined box they can’t find it… Gonna find Mona after I lose my tail. Bout twenty five of them looking for me. And for getting shot, sorry I don’t controll how close bullets come, or how many trie to catch my arm… Left arm hurts, wearing blade on right… Think wrist is broken… Oh, subject 28, I know him, they have him, he was 16s brother, my cousin…

I do not think you have the real one or even have it at all. Abstergo had the place secured 7days ago. Other than that, teams are at the Vatican for more than 100 years. Everything is fine over there and no one came near the staff. I apologize if you have been deceived.

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

Check your “staff” I replaced it with a fake. I watched for over a year, and it took three minutes to grab it, and I only got shot once! I was injured by you the first time… How’s the wrist?

Perfectly fine thank you. The staff was never at The Vatican, at least not the real one. :)

Thank you,

Otto Schmidt

Linage and Subject Acquistion and Customer Officer

Subject 26.

I have checked over the codes, I see the anomolies. It is strange yet fixable. I have contacted others in regards to it, we may be able to fix this problem.

Other Assassin units are waiting on their orders, I must get back to my work.

Any free Assassin please take care of the problematic higher up in Melbourne, he has too many ties to the Templar order to be trusted.

Be swift, be silent.

Head Researcher, codename ‘Caitlin’.

the templares will follow you no more. I wish i could hAve done that before My deatH. Use the codes. i left a message explaining what needs to. be done. dead still need sleep… guns huRT… will contact soon… Oh, don’t get shot. ever. please?i maY be dEad, but a small piece of meTal can hurt like… Worse than death.

Stay sharp, stay ALIVE

Shit. My vision is going red.
Is subject 18 alive? Tell her to check the base in the farm….. I’m sorry, Caitlin, I failed my mission. Tell mr. Miles I’m sorry.
That you mommy?
Hello? Hello?
I think I’m going delusional.
Talk to u l8r
Check rundown cell36…


Stay where you are we have people coming to help you we solved the codes we know how to fix you fix this all….

Subject 18 is working on it travelling fast.

Im typing as fast as i can im with the team coming to help you fix you save your mind you have to stay alive so we can work on the new codes the new mission.

………… We’re hear we’re coming hurrying running climbing we’re going to help.

Easier said than done. Bandaged up, but had to borrow Desmond’s bike… They won’t stop. They want me dead. That’s what theyel get… Or at least a Templar in my hoodie… ;)

How does one survive a bullet to the head? Or a grenade to the leg? The Templars may have some use to us… I died for the ordere yet here I stand. Unable to eat solid foods, yet still blade weilding. I am the eyes. I am the ears. I am the blade. I am the grey assassin.
Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent.
Hide in plain site
Never compromise the brotherhood

Nothing is true everything is permitted

The grey assassin lives!

Grey Assassin you have done well to continue to take on the Templars throughout all of your hardships keep on brother they shall break soon enough

I have gone trough death. As has a Freind, whom will remain unnamed. Former hardships are no longer a ‘static’. I live in body and computer. I must go. Please remain in contact. Death brings depression, believe it or not.

Remember the creed.

I may not be responsible but I gave them too much information before my escape. I will go into hiding before I endanger more of our family in arms. Trust your instincts, I must have limited contact with the order. I myself for now will gather information on the Templars however I will not take the brotherhood with me again. I have learned that they took two of our legions, due to the information I gave them. I have betrayed the order and will no longer look to the brotherhood for help. I can not give theinformation to kill more of my brethren. Until we remove the main abstergo outpost, I will be. In hiding. I will remove myself from their line of sight. Out of site out of mind. Grey assassin-subject 26

If all you agents don’t stop screwing around and causing trouble, I will go the the Master Assassin and report /every single one/ of you so that you will be stuck on desk duty for months. And that means no Animus use /whatsoever/.

Do you hear me? Good. Now go back to your work so we can stop the Templar Order from succeding in any new plots to rule the world.

Remember: Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

Head researcher, codename ‘Caitlin’.

I’m sorry. I’m no assassin, but I want to join the creed.

Nothing is true; Everything is Permitted.
En’sure that things are in oredr; For the End is near.

I will join the order if asked to but. For now I am content tracking those who took my life from me. I have learned from Altair lbn ahad.-the grey assassin subject 26

I even have acquired altairs armoir, sword, and hidden blade. The weopns that the Templars once hid from us.i am no longer blind to my own history.
I was once an assassin, before they took me from my home, broke my mind,and stole my life from me. But my spirit will never break. I am an assassin.

Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent.

Hide in plain sight.

Never compromise the brotherhood.

Due to the tenets I. Herby remove myself from your ranks as the Templar have done so long ago as I fear I may have compromised the brotherhood while being under Templar rule. For this I apologize. Dan drummond-the grey assassin- subject 26

You should never apologise for what you have not caused yourself. It is a cruel truth that the Templars take our brothers and sisters in arms from us.

I hope that in all your lives you will stay true to the Order.

Head researcher, codename ‘Caitlin’.

I have found some help. William miles, and I plan to break Shaun and Rebecca today. I have regrouped with him after seeing their group fall under siege due to Templar soldiers. We will hopefully be in contact soon… The grey assassin-subject 26-Dan drummond

Caitlin watch yourself some agents of Abstergo have been assigned to eliminate you please don’t engage them I am currently shadowing them looking for information on the current leader of Abstergo

Do /not/ let them know of your whereabouts!

I know they are following me, I’ve been planting false leads for months. Do not interfere!

The Templars know of my existence because I let them, otherwise how could we possibly bring them down? Brute force is not all we Assassins are made of.

Wait for orders before you act.

Head researcher, codename ‘Caitlin’.

Caitlin, I know of your offer. Information,all of ti about my rebirth, will be received in due time. I am not a Templar. Those bastards killed me to bring me back and torture me. I am the grey assassin. I am a bringer of light. I am subject 26. I am undead. I am Dan Drummond. I left evidence at vector 26. Check the original codes of Altair. The codes will be at your place of residence. Goodbye. Watch your back. You have three following your very move. I will take care of them.

I have discovered something that may be of interest to Abstergo. If I get a follow-up E- Mail then I’ll know you’re interested. If Not… That would be a major loss for you. Don’t attempt tracing this, either. Don’ t think I’m that stupid.

Good moring Abstergo, if i had a chance can i test your Animus? And see what i was?
PS: i live in romania so i might be goint to USA.
Signed: Cristi Ungureanu: romanian assassin

Hello, Desmond are you there. We received your message, the data you sent us will expose the Abstergo Corporation as Templars. *crackles* Oh no this station is being intercepted. Our data is being deleted. *crackles*.We’ll contact you later.
-Tenzin Gray, Assassin’s Order

I tried to set up a base in Italy but I can’t move two steps without the Templar breathing down my neck. All my transmissions are intercepted by hackers. This only proves that Abstergo is somehow a part of it. We will bring down the Templar down, we must finish what Ezio and Conner started… Stay strong fellow Assassins
-Tenzin Gray, Assassins Order

Abstergo is not a killing corporation therefore no that is not true. These accusations are all not true.

Otto Schmidt
Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer.

yes you know what is the pieces of eden!i know alll your plans!you want to rule the world with the artefacts!the day is coming!you shall all perish,templars!

Hello, I live just outside Melbourne…. I noticed that you have a headquarters there? There is a building with your logo on it, slightly hidden away at the top.

There is a high chance that that building may belong to Abstergo since you are not so sure about the full formation of the logo.

Otto Schmidt
Linage and Subject Acquisition and Customer Officer

I understand the thing about the assassins being terrerist. I saw somthing some where in the site about a portable animus is that true or is that just referring to the Assassin’s Creed series

Assassins are Paranoid terrorists? I don’t think they are.

I would believe there are something else you people want than doing ‘good’ for ‘mankind’

I’ll find out what you people are really after…and it’s something to do with me and Desmond..

Abstergo Industries is a large multinational, pharmaceutical industry and technology firm. We aim for the betterment of humankind through medicine and technology. That’s about it.

Help us. Help you. Help the World.


Wait wait wait so are the assassins evil? or does the whole thing with the apple of Eddin not count towards the whole. I’m starting to doubt this but i can understand why you would to arrest them.

Dear Mr. Johnson,

that people who call themself “Assassins” today are paranoid terrorists who think we have some “pieces of eden”. It sounds more like a science-fiction novel or a videogame. Abstergo Industries have been a pharmaceutical concern since it have been foundet in 1937.

Yours sincerely
Fredrik Sandberg
Chief Customer Officer

-_-wE HATE liErS ABSTERGO. we WiLL OpEn TheIR MINDS. YoU CaNNot HIDE fOrEVEr. WE are ADAMant on ReVEaliNG YoUr LIES-_-

SoOn To BE…


Thank you for your comment and yes that is true; Abstergo is a good organization aiming for the betterment of the world.

Help us. Help you. Help the world.


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